Premium Essay

Conrad Close's Arguments Against Abortion

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Pages 3
Abortion has always been a controversial topic that has its respected viewpoints on either side of the subject; however, Conrad Close’s individual argument against abortion rights is both irrational and illogical. Throughout the article, the author makes many invalid points as to why abortion rights should be illegalized. He does not offer though any further clarification or particular reason as to why, other than his direct feelings on the subject. Everyone is entitled to their own choices and emotion towards a subject. Even by taking that into consideration, it is still not plausible to create a change of such a personal right to anyone, with any issue, based only on the thoughts of one man. In his article, Close makes multiple remarks about why abortion should be declared illegal based on inaccurate facts and false statements about abortion. He uses incorrect biological information on fetuses and manipulates text from the constitution to back up information on why abortion is wrong and should be illegal. The article states that there is no set “time” for when exactly life begins. Some would say that is a potentially reasonable thought, but then Close goes further to say that life starts at the moment of conception. Many …show more content…
constitution states that “No State shall … deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” For this to hold any ground at all, the fetus would first have to be declared as an actual person. If there is no “set time” for when a fetus is born, then how could there ever be a set time for when it is a person of society that is able to think or feel for oneself to even obtain personal rights? Close offers no explanation or factual based information to answer these questions. Close is interpreting the constitution in his own way, but nonetheless does it precisely say when life begins to justify the deprivation of

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