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Reviewing Accounting Standards


Submitted By tonic73
Words 972
Pages 4
Word Count: 958

The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance to accounting students on the application of accounting standards. In order to do this, a brief outline of the Accounting Standards together with the Framework will be given along with an example to illustrate how to use the Accounting standards and the appropriate accounting treatment.

The Accounting Standards provide a specific way in which accounting concepts are to be applied. Not only is it their aim to standardise general purpose financial reporting and to improve the quality of financial reporting across the whole range of reporting entities but to achieve relevant, reliable and comparable financial statements.

As the Accounting Standards are often complex and lengthy and with existing standards often changing, one needs to become familiar with how to interpret and access the information in the standards rather than memorising them. There are many sources that can be used in order to find and apply the correct Accounting Standard. The Financial Reporting Handbook, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and the National Institute of Accountants are just but a few available.

The Framework identifies key concepts for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements. The Framework provides assistance with the promotion of harmonisation of regulations and accounting standards and procedures relating to the presentation of financial statements to the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). It also assists with the review of existing Australian Accounting Standards and the development of future Accounting Standard. The Framework provides broad/general principles that provide guidance in preparation of general purpose financial reports, however these are not mandatory. For example, para. 7

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