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Richtel On Technology

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Over the years, the invention of new technology has impacted society as a whole. There are both benefits and disadvantages that technology has given people. For example, the ability to maintain long-distance relationships. Authors Keith Hampton and Matt Richtel both elaborate on the effect of technology in their respective articles, “Social Media as Community” and “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price.” In the first passage the author tells how technology does not detach people from each other and how technology compares to the “modern front porch.” On the other hand, article two by Richtel contributes the addiction technology causes a person, and how it could be potentially helpful. Although both passages effectively describe the thesis, …show more content…
To begin, Keith Hampton provides anecdotes. In paragraphs one and two, the author explains how a man by the name of Kord Campbell almost missed the opportunity of a lifetime because he was trying to manage using multiple devices at once. In addition, his attachment to his technology has caused Campbell to often miss spending time with his family members. The author hooks the reader to make him/her understand the impact of technology, whereas article one gives a few terse facts. Second, the author uses compelling words to give the text an emotional appeal. In the text words such as “struggle,” “addictive,” and “transformed” that paint a picture in the reader’s mind. On the other hand, the article, “Social Media as Community,” does not give a sense of imagery. The article, “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price,” is the better article because of the author’s vivid …show more content…
Although “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price” may be time-consuming, this fact can be overlooked by Matt Richtel’s excellent use of scientific research. First, the author exploits scientific research from several private researchers to explain the effects of technology. In the text a quote by Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse states, “The technology is rewiring our brains.” In a like manner, Richtel also includes studies from several universities including, the University of Utah and Stanford. A study by the University of California has proven, “At home, people consume 12 hours of media a day on average...That compares with five hours in 1960...users visit an average of 40 Web sites a day…” This shows specific information about the impact of technology and society. On the other hand, in the article, “Social Media as Community,” the author intertwined a few of his own experiences with vague references to other articles he has come across. Because of the use of scientific research, the article by Matt Richtel, “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price,” is superior to the passage of Keith

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