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Right To Die Movement: Death With Dignity Act

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Right to Die Movement The Right to Die movement began in 1993, and has continued to grow over the past twenty-three years. In 1997, Oregon passed the first right to die law called the Death with Dignity Act, which allowed those who were terminally ill to choose a death on their terms. It withstood multiple attempts to nullify it, and in 2006 the Supreme Court ruled that Oregon physicians can prescribe life ending medications under the act. At this time, there are five states who have passed a similar Right to Die law, and in the next election, 19 more states will attempt to pass their own version of the Death with Dignity Act. In this essay I will explain Death with Dignity, address any frequently asked questions, express how the opposition …show more content…
It also addresses the thought that someone with a terminal illness could take physician prescribed life ending medication before death occurs or should have the right to refuse to have life extended by heroic means, such as feeding tubes and other forms of life support ( Physician assisted dying refers to allowing terminally ill, mentally competent, adult to request and self-administer a prescription life ending medication from a physician to control their own death. Advocates for the the Right to Die movement teach that this should not be seen as assisted suicide but instead should be viewed as a thoughtful compassionate death. A patient must meet the following guidelines in order to receive a prescription:
• Patient must be at least 18 years of age
• Suffering from a terminal …show more content…
Oregon, population of about 4 million, averages around 110 requests a year for the past 5 years. Washington, population of about 7 million, has averaged the same in its first 5 years of data. This data shows that the aid in dying protocol is used less than ¼ of 1 % of the time.
Of equal importance, it should be known that in Oregon only about 65-70% of those who receive the prescription for the lethal medication actually use it showing that aid in dying is targeted for a very small group of terminal patients. The data from Oregon indicates that 80-90% of those who choose to request the medication state that loss of control and loss of dignity are the leading factors that contribute to their decision. Almost all who request the medication are well-educated, insured, and have economic means to continue receiving any available treatments. In most cases, they are not disabled or from a vulnerable population. (NM

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