Dear friend,
I completely understand why you would think that the United States is dominated with Conservative Christians but I do believe that here in the United States, there's a grown diversity of religions other than Conservative Christian practices. From my experiences of living in the United States, I've found and met many individuals with a different belief other than Christianity. Religion in the United States may be characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Various religious faiths have prospered, as well as perished, in the United States. A majority of Americans believe that religion plays a role and affects their daily lives.
Today the United States is considered the most diverse nation in the world compared to 50 years ago. During the past fifty years, immigrants from around the world have not only dramatically changed the landscape of America, but also created a diversity of religion. From Christianity to Judaism, from Buddhism to Hinduism and a variety of other faiths are found today around the different regions of the United States, such as in our own cities and neighborhoods. Religion in America has many branches, due to its large pool of different belief and multicultural traditions that have developed over time. The signing of the Immigration Act of 1965 by President Johnson was just the beginning of contributing to the end of discrimination toward immigrants, leading to a dramatic change in the way in which immigration functions here in the United States, and according to Stephen Prothero, “In 1965, new immigration legislation opened the borders to another wave of newcomers… that the United States was no longer merely a Judeo-Christian country, It had become, ‘a nation of Buddhists, Confucianists, and Taoists, as well as Christians” (Prothero). Before the Immigration Act of 1965 specific ethic groups mainly from Asia,