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Robert Reich's Aftershock Essay

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Pages 4
In Robert Reich's book ,"Aftershock", he talks about many subjects that deal with the economy but on a deeper level, he asks the question of survival. Whether it be from bullies, wealthy "fat-cats," or depression, he mainly wants to give people helpful advice on how to survive. Although I haven't had much experience with economic depression, I do have many experiences with survival.
Question "How Do We Survive?"
Arresting Opening Scene
Hell has no pity and neither does the wilderness. It howls in delight at pain and chitters gleefully at suffering. The man who goes into the wilderness, and doesn't leave, does so to die. To be stripped of all he is in the most painful manner, like a surgeon who's forgotten to administer the anesthetic to the …show more content…
My mother, however, was home watching the little kids. Free of the restraints that are associated with being the oldest (watching the little ones), I went for a walk by myself in the woods. I had done this many times before to forget about the pains of my life and aches of my family. It was during these times I would lose myself in the forest and just exist. This place had listened to my problems many times before and had even sung its soft song to me, and calmed me. Here there were no rules, here I was wild. However I had lost that wildness, that burning ember had just about been snuffed out by the encroaching world of civilization. Growing up had changed me from the who I was before, burying that ember in water. My family was also getting ready to move away from this wilderness back to society it would be a big step for all of us. For once down there we would actually go to school, I would be given new responsibilities including finding a part-time job. I was frightened that I would lose myself, that I would lose the traits that made me, me. I didn't want that to happen, I didn't want to change into a soulless automaton. Walking along lost in my own thoughts, as well as the shifting seasonal colors of Autumn, I had forgotten where I

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