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Robot Therapist Research Paper

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Robot Therapists
A future where robots are interconnected with every aspect of our lives may come sooner than you think. Technology has come so far in the last couple of decades, that even though it is not as advanced as we dreamed it would be, it is reaching greater achievements faster and faster. As we use technology itself to build even more advanced technology we may be reaching the point where humans are no longer aided by machines, but replaced by them. Many think that artificial intelligence cannot replace human therapists because this job requires a human touch, but advances in technology suggest that artificial intelligence will have a huge impact in the field, in the future using online chatbots, aps, and virtual therapists may become …show more content…
By collecting a lot of data, which has been made possible by in advances in storage, machines could start to learn about things automatically. For example, when you input answers into a chat box or messaging app, machines can remember everything you answered without fail. This can be helpful because machines can then start to detect patterns in your answer and eventually detect something troublesome that us humans cant. Writer Thomas Friedman explains that the way we are making machines better is “by enabling everything to carry a sensor that broadcasts how it is feeling at any moment, thus allowing its performance to be immediately adjusted or predicted in response”(46) In one experiment done by the University of Southern California, researchers tried to predict fights between couples before they happened using sensors and big data. Jeremy Hsu exclaims, “machine learning algorithms that can automatically begin identifying patterns in data could help researchers sift through the language of couples and their different physiological indicators—such as heart rate or skin conductance response—to more accurately identify signs of brewing conflict”. That is to say that by inputting equations into machines, one could begin to predict troublesome events before they happen, which could be a big aide to therapists trying to prevent or identify what a problem is in a relationship. These algorithms could also help mental health patients who are at risk of self-harm. Kayla Matthews explains that, “Machine learning could be the missing link that leads to major advancements in reducing self-harm through prediction and prevention.” This means that this can be something essential in the world of therapy and could help take it a step further, although in the future it

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