...PHSE 206: Sociology of sport Essay 2B: Media representation of sport and its connection on societal power. Sean Masters 9066415 DUE: Friday 3rd October, 2014. WORD COUNT: 1508 Society comes in many different forms. Individuals of society attempt to be seen as being more successful, powerful and dominant over others. This is closely followed with how sport is perceived, played and based around. A competitive nature to out think your opponent to attain glory as an individual, as a team or as a country. The popularity of the sporting culture and the impact it has on our lives, gives responsibility for the new sporting era with experiencing and filtering sport through media. Giving another whole diverse range of how we perceive not only sport but athletes and teams competing. Modern era sporting and recreational activities are important in the New Zealand sporting society. As young adolescents grow up building the basic fundamentals associated with sport and continue to do this as they get older. In the active New Zealand survey, key findings released that in 2007/2008 79% of New Zealanders once per week were physically active (NZ, 2008). New Zealand have always had a high abundance in individuals participating in sport, that can contribute to the significant creation of the media- sports complex in New Zealand (Falcous, 2005). For example, back in the 1970’S technology in media sport was just beginning but already a crucial component in broadcasting...
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...Question 1 – The powers of various parties involved in the dispute Actors New Zealand (NZ) actors were virtually powerless during the Hobbit dispute. Many had worked under non-union contracts for years in local productions and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was inferior in comparison to many unionised actors overseas. This would be repeated in the Hobbit production whereby actors would work as independent contractors and not employees. Thus, the Hobbit producers would have absolute control over NZ workers who would not have the protection of minimum wage or working conditions that they could under a collective employment contract. To address these issues for the Hobbit project, some NZ actors sought to negotiate better conditions through their union. However, they were shut out as Hobbit producers refused to engage in bargaining and deemed it illegal for them to have a collective agreement with independent contractors (Bridgeman & McLaughlin 2011, p.3). Unions Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) is an Australian union which the NZ Actors Equity joined in 2006. MEAA was no match against a formidable opponent in Warner Brothers in both power and strategy. A global conglomerate such as Warner Brothers had little to fear against a union organisation with a few hundred NZ actors. McAndrew & Risak (2011, p.72) infer that it was a naive strategy for an Australian union to challenge such a powerful organisation with an aggressive yet ineffective boycott of Hobbit...
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...MANAGING ORGANISATION’S MID-TERM EXAM Case #1: Tucker Company (p.395) Q1. Sketch out a simple organisation chart showing Tucker Company’s three division, including the location of the laboratory. Why would the laboratory be located in the military jet engine division? Answer: President/CEO Tucker CompanyVP- Commercial Jet Engine Division VP – Military Jet Engine Division VP- Utility Turbine Division Laboratory Service Department *The laboratory is located in the military jet engine division because they can provide better service to them compared to other divisions. | Q2. Analyse the conflict between Hodge & Franklin. Do you think the conflict is based on personalities or on the way the organisation is structured? Answer: Hodge is a new manager of laboratory department that service and support all of the major divisions. He replaced Garfield who retired in 1988. During the time of Garfield there was little evidence of interdepartmental or interdivisional conflict. However in the case of Hodge 6 months after he took the post, he became involved in several interdepartmental conflicts over work that involves his department particularly in Utility turbine division engineering department where Franklin is the head. There seem to be a clash of authority and a question of chain of command...
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...certain physical activities and who are the decision makers in our school when it comes to issues related to physical activity opportunities. This critical discussion seeks to explore the varied roles of physical activity in young peoples lives and how these role are significant. It will examine the influences and assumptions surrounding the debate. The World Health Organisation defines physical activity as “Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that define movement”. It is important to be aware that physical activity is not just sport. In a lot of research I found about how young people participate in physical activity I was annoyed to see the surveys focused a lot on sport and therefore did not take into account that young people might be active through other physical activities. For example, the Stay and Play study suggests that 70% of kids drop out of sport between 13-17 years, 62%indicate they are highly likely to drop out of sport and 50% don’t do any sport. However, whose to say that some of the 50% reported who do not do any sport are not still active through participating in other physical activities like jogging or skateboarding? … …Why young people participate in physical activity and what sort of role it has in their lives was researched by SPARC in the NZ Physical Activity Studies (2001). It suggests that the two most important reasons young people...
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...study of various databases and the construction of parables on ethnic minority women in New Zealand, the experiences of recruitment and selection, diversity management and career progression emerge as themes in the perceived employment experiences of ethnic minority migrant women. The paper argues for the need to highlight narratives of ethnic minority women through creative pedagogy in order to sensitise business students and future managers to the consequences of migration and a need for the intelligent utilisation of human resources in a world that is increasingly multicultural. Introduction Historically New Zealand (NZ) is a country of immigrants though these immigrants in the 19th and early 20th century were primarily Caucasians from Anglo Saxon countries. However, in the 19th century, there were a few migrants from China who came to NZ to work in the gold mines of Otago, as well as Indians who found employment as scrub...
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...49006- Risk Management In Engineering Risk Management Plan * Proposed Darling Harbour Water Feature Prepared by Vipin Appu Parambil Vikraman 11789373 29th March 2015 Executive Summary This report presents the risk assessment and risk treatment plan for the three new water features of Darling Harbour precinct along with the installation of the public realm. This project is a part of the Convention Centre Redevelopment plan and the risk assessment and treatment, is carried out by abiding with the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, SA/SNZ HB 436:2013 and IEC/ISO 31010:2009. Firstly, an introduction of the iconic location, Darling Harbour is briefed. The project objectives, scope and boundaries of the new water features installation is explained along with the risk management process adopted for this project. Secondly the context for risk is established inclusive of internal and external context. The stakeholder analysis and communication and consultation stage, explains the various stakeholders of this project and their mode of communication. Thirdly, risk criteria, risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation is developed based on the possible risks that may occur with this project. During risk identification potential risks related to the project was generated. The application of risk severity matrix and FEMA analysis were conducted to identify the likelihood and consequence of risks. ALARP principle was used for risk evaluation and identifying possible...
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...employees to act in ways which controls and treat risks in order to minimise potential injures, damage to assets and setbacks which will adversely affect our organisations pursuit of excellence and leadership. SCOPE These guidelines apply to all departments within our organisation and its controlled entities. They apply to all Departments, Divisions, Centres, controlled entities and joint ventures. RESPONSIBILBITIES As per the Risk Management Policy, risk management is a whole-of-organisation activity. All members of our organisation have a role to play; in particular, staff should take an active role in the identification of potential business and operational risks facing their department or Division, programs, research, business or work unit and take steps to successfully treat these risks to minimise their frequency and consequences on our organisation. We promote a risk management culture. For senior management, this role may be more strategic in nature, however, line management are responsible for the identification of risks and the development of mitigation plans. This includes the implementation of risk reduction strategies within their areas...
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...will be making comparisons against Shell New Zealand and BP in the United Kingdom’s standards and regulations from an individual, team, company, industry and National viewpoint. Suggestions made from the high level information gathered in this report will be used to form a comparative overview of the HSW offshore petroleum regulatory framework. All people are entitled to the same level of protection regardless of where in the world they work. To ensure a consistent approach to Health, Safety and Wellbeing I will be looking at all levels to recognise any major gaps. Many advances have been made to the HSW since the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster with the total revamp of the Permit to Work System, this had a massive effect not only on the UK and NZ offshore HSW but also to offshore work in general all over the world. New Zealand has adopted many of its offshore HSW policies and regulations from many of the already developed petroleum countries, although many would say that these procedures have been adapted to suit our conditions and climate. Known the future...
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...Zespri Group Limited is a grower owned main exporter of New Zealand grown kiwi. New Zealand was the world’s third largest kiwifruit producer and held a 30% share of the global trade market. Zespri had experienced strong growth in Asia where consumers were willing to pay top prices. Zespri had strict growing standards, quality control systems and invested in consumer branding and innovation. Kiwi fruit came to New Zealand in 1904, it was discovered that the monotonous soil and temperate climate produced high yields of large fruit, which once harvested in the fall ripened over a long period of time in the winter. With increased production, growers needed to find new markets to sell their kiwifruit. In the late 1970’s commercial growing started in Italy, France, Japan, U.S., Chile and several other countries. Since 2000 the world production of kiwifruit had increased by 75%. The four largest producers of kiwifruit in 2010 were China, Italy, New Zealand, and Chile. Zespri’s Objectives: Zespri was the leading marketer of kiwifruit worldwide and there main objective was to maintain its leadership position and to meet Zespri commitment to increase New Zealand’s kiwifruit exports to $3 billion by 2025. In order to do this there global sourcing needs to triple in size. Another one of Zespris goals was to help growers adopt the best technology and growing practices. Zespri focused mainly on growing great tasting, healthy, growing the number of people around the world who regularly enjoy...
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...Asymmetric Information, Portfolio Managers, and Home Bias Wioletta Dziuda Jordi Mondria Kellogg School of Management UNC Chapel Hill February 2012 First version: February 2009 Abstract We propose a model of delegated asset management that can explain the following empirical regularities observed in international markets: (i) the presence of home bias, (ii) the lower proportion of mutual funds investing domestically, and (iii) the higher ability and market value of mutual funds investing domestically. In the model, heterogeneous fund managers choose whether to specialize in domestic or foreign assets. Individual investors are uncertain about managers’abilities to generate abnormal returns, and they are more informed about domestic markets than foreign markets. As a result, they are better able to evaluate the ability of managers who specialize in domestic assets. This makes domestic investments less risky and generates home bias. Home bias is magni…ed by the managers’specializations: since ability is rewarded more in the domestic market, higher ability managers invest domestically, making domestic assets more attractive to the investors. Wioletta Dziuda, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, email: wdziuda@kellogg.northwestern.edu; Jordi Mondria, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, email: mondria@email.unc.edu. We are grateful to Philippe Bacchetta, Markus Brunnermeier, Matthew Doyle, Juan Carlos...
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...PA R T B go online Go online to to find more case studies. CASE STUDY B Crisis management in international markets: ‘least said, soonest mended?’ John Knight, Department of Marketing, University of Otago and Bradley Mitchell, Inveratek Group Ltd 347 BACKGROUND An inevitable reality of doing business in the modern world is that crises recognise no boundaries (Fink 1986). A crisis management strategy needs to be part of the overall corporate strategy of any company operating internationally. Our chaotic times have led to some spectacular commercial crises. Sometimes these have been of companies’ own making through carelessness. A well-known example is the action of McDonald’s in promoting its sponsorship of the 1994 football World Cup by printing the flags of all competing nations on disposable packaging: the name of Allah is on the Saudi flag, and deep offence was caused by the fact that this was to be thrown away with the packaging (Starrett 1995). At other times crises have been caused by events completely outside of the control of the company. Examples of the latter include the deliberate product tampering of Tylenol products, leading to deaths by poisoning in the USA, and the massive product recall of Coca-Cola products in Belgium resulting from what appears to be a case of mass hysteria (Johnson and Peppas 2003). Furthermore, companies in the midst of a crisis may not be able to control the behaviour of others, but with proper planning and management the...
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...Cover Page Written Case Study – “Marketing the Eco-Shack” Table of Contents Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 1. Eco-Shack Concept/Executive Summary 3 i. Aims and Objectives 4 ii. Project Aim 4 iii. Objectives 4 iv. Background 5 v. Project Rationale 6 2. Issues Identification 6 i. Solution 7 3. Analysis 7 1. Market Segmentation 7 2. Business Segment 8 a. Income Segmentation 8 b. Brand Concentration 8 3. Pricing Strategies 9 4. Recommendations 9 i. Urban Eco-shack vs. Standard Eco-shack 10 ii. Other Pricing Approaches 10 5. Conclusion 11 6. References 12 1. Eco-Shack Concept/Executive Summary Today, the world is not much distanced as it was several years ago due to several innovative and technological advancements by the advance countries and its counterpart around New Zealand. Now, it is comparatively easier to reach and enter into any country through internet and extranet without any particular issue and problem for the sake of achieving typical business objectives. Due to inventions in the field of logistics, companies are getting advanced and national at a very fast speed. The distance from country to country has been decreased due to advance infrastructure facilities such heavy shipments and cargo. The concept of mass marketing or national marketing has been emerged very rapidly within past few years. Companies are not restricted to local market and turnover techniques but they are also focusing different...
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...the differences and diversity in the workforce * Differences in approaches: wider debate of convergent/divergent approaches to HRM WHAT IS DM? * Broadest sense: diversity in org terms means differences between working individuals such as gender, ethnicity, colour sexuality, religion, disability, age, social status, personality, amongst other categories (Ellis & Dick, 2002) * However, important to look at diversity at a national level, as the predominant diversity issues in each country are different (Shen et al., 2009). E.g while racial equality appears to be the predominant issue in the USA, multiculturalism has always been the most important dimension of diversity in Western countries, including the EU nations, Aus and NZ. * Similarly, while religion and ethnicity separate people in India, household status (hukou) differentiates off-farm migrants from urbanities in China. * In response to the growing diversity in the WF around the world, many companies have instituted specific policies/programs to enhance recruitment, inclusion, promotion and retention of disadvantaged groups * DM has historically been used to provide a legally defensible position against charges of discrimination (free-standing approach to managing diversity (Dass and Parker, 1999) – in line with EEO and AA that emerged from the civil rights movement in the USA in the 1960s * DM is a movement away from traditional EEO policies, rather than being driven by legislation, driven...
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...Annual Report June 2012 June 2012 Annual Report SKY NETWORK TELEVISION LIMITED Contents 1 3 4 10 16 20 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 77 78 79 83 85 89 90 91 92 Highlights Chairman’s Letter Chief Executive’s Review Business Overview Financial Overview Board of Directors 2012 Financials Financial Trends Statement Directors’ Responsibility Statement Income Statement Statement of Comprehensive Income Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements Independent Auditors’ Report Other Information Corporate Governance Statements Interests Register Company and Bondholder Information Waivers and Information Share Market and Other Information Directory SKY Channels Highlights Total revenue $843m EBITDA Total subscribers 846,931 ARPU up 2.1% $336m Capital expenditure $71.93 MY SKY subscribers $137m NPAT 382,495 Churn $123m Employees FTEs 14.2% SoHo subscribers (since Nov 2011) 1,091 69,567 Highlights | 1 “More households “ than ever before now subscribe to SKY 2 | SKY Annual Report 2012 Chairman’s Letter The 2012 financial year will be remembered in SKY New Zealand’s history as the year we produced the Rugby World Cup and the All Blacks won. This event showcased our renowned sport production expertise and was one of SKY’s greatest achievements. Despite an economic climate that continues to challenge us, SKY’s performance has remained strong. We’ve seen...
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...Assignment – Manage risk -Instructions Using the CA City Retail Group scenario provided or your own workplace, answer all questions that follow. There is a requirement to produce a Risk Management plan, as evidence. Scenario You are Esther Smithers, Managing Director for CA City Department Store part of the CA City Retail Group. Your job involves assessing the Store performance as a part of the Retail group. In particular you work with the risk management for the store and raise issues that could impact on the CA City Retail Group. After a recent internal audit you are aware of issues impacting on the Store and Retail Group. Important: There are currently no specific Policies and Procedures or Business Plan for the Department Store. The existing procedures and plans belong to the CA City Retail Group and used throughout the whole organisation. This has been recognised as a problem for the Department Store. These generic plans may not be effective enough. As a result, the Strategic Directions and a SWOT analysis documents have been recently complied for the Department Store. These are outlined in Appendix 1. CEO Report on Internal Review - Key Points of the Review The CEO of the CA City Retail Group – Edward Shands has received the results of an internal review across the entire organisation. He has provided an overview of key points relating to the Department Store from and minutes of a recent executive meeting in response to the review findings. Economic - New...
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