...The inquiry of the existence of God is a central question in the philosophy of religion. The notion of an omnipotent, all powerful creator is perhaps the most perplexing metaphysical notion. Philosophers have approached addressing God via a priori methods, or by modes independent of experience, or conversely, by a posteriori, or by appealing to experience. This essay will interpret and unpack the central arguments brought forth by Bertrand Russell and Frederick Copleston. “A Debate on the Argument from Contingency” is an a posteriori argument, Copleston’s bases his argument on the assumption that the universe is the sum of contingent objects, and as such, there must be a necessary being which explains its existence. The notion of contingency is essentially contested by Russell, this contention monopolizes the nature of the debate. Russell assumes the position that the notion of contingency is a useless metaphysical notion, and even if it were real, there are restrictions in the realm within which contingency operates. In “A Debate on the Argument from Religious Experience”...
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...Religio of Religious Freedom In class, we examined the crisis of Europe’s “religio”, which played a crucial role in the disintegration of the Church as an institution and eventually brought an end to the Middle Ages. In reaction to the Church’s corrupt cases, extensive political involvement, wealth and power overshadowing spirituality, and complicated doctrines incomprehensible by laypeople, many reform movements sprouted across Europe that escalated a new way of thinking about religion. The Mendicant movement, which stressed spirituality of simplicity in response to church wealth, power, and corruption, and Mysticism, which stressed individual spiritual experience instead of dogmatic doctrines, were monumental steps in the direction towards religious freedom. These movements, along with the Renaissance’s emphasis on human experience and capability and the recovery of classical and early Christian sources produced a serious challenge to the Roman Catholic concept of Christendom and introduced a spirit of fresh inquiry and independent thought. These movements created a snowball effect for intellectual emancipation, eventually leading to the 30 years war, religious splits, and territorial splits. What is most interesting is that institutionalized Christianity, the crux of society for more than three centuries, was no longer the same glue or “religio” in the Early Modern Era; ironically, the development of religious freedom was this “religio” for society. It is important...
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...Religious Knowledge system is defined as a specific system of belief or worship that focuses on knowledge claims about spirituality and the metaphysical nature of the world (Alchin & Henly, 2014). Memory of the past plays a pivotal role in these systems as beliefs about a religion are often communicated through cultural (shared) memory. These beliefs can be demonstrated through tales and anecdotes told to each generation. However, the usage of memory to depict how a religion functions can lead to a disagreement between faith and reason; yet through memory these diametrically opposite WOKs can to great extent play an important role in our understanding of a religion. Therefore, Ways of knowing (WOK) such as memory through cultural knowledge form the fundamental premise of religious knowledge systems. Cultural memory is a memory that is recalled by more than one person. This is also quite an effective way of knowing, as sharing a memory among people makes it more likely for the memory to be accurate. The problem with this type of memory is that it is not always true. Details of experiences are often distorted over time, often influenced by personal view and bias, showing that a memory is not always the truth. For example, in Christianity, the myth of a white Jesus is ingrained throughout Christian history. As early as the Middle Ages and predominantly during the Renaissance era, Western artists portrayed Jesus as white man- often with blue eyes and blondish hair. Perhaps these...
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...APRIL 29 in lecture Minimum of THREE (3) Key Themes: sexuality, dating and marriage experiences – family and kinship experiences - economic (subsistence) experiences – the roles of race and ethnicity in the life of your informant (including the impact of racism and/or racial tension) - the social expectations of men and women (gender roles) as experienced by your informant- problems related to living in an increasingly industrialized society - social pressures related to the body - education experience- religious beliefs and experiences Paper Structure Introduction Body Conclusion Introduction ● Introduce the topic of your paper: immigrant or senior citizen. ● Introduce who your informant is and what is your relationship to him or her. ● Why you chose to interview him or her. ● Introduce the three (3) key themes that you will be examining in your paper Body Body Paragraph 1: Key Theme #1 Body Paragraph 2: Key Theme #2 Body Paragraph 3: Key Theme #3 Body Paragraphs: Basic Paragraph Structure Topic Sentence(s) Supporting Sentences Concluding Sentence(s) Body Paragraphs: Topic Sentence(s) Introduces the topic of the paragraph. It is a statement that creates questions in the reader's mind. Example Topic Sentence: The first key theme that I will examine is religious beliefs and experiences of my uncle in his immigration experience. Body Paragraphs:Supporting Sentence(s) Support or explain the idea expressed in the...
Words: 538 - Pages: 3
...Assess sociological explanations for the increasing number of religious and spiritual organisations and movements in society today. (33 marks) In society some people hold religious beliefs without belonging to an organised group, whereas others express their beliefs through membership of a religious organisation. Troeltsch distinguished between two main types of religious organisations – the church and the sect. Churches are large organisations with millions of members, run by a bureaucratic hierarchy of priests, who claim a monopoly of the truth. Churches are universalistic aiming to include the whole of society as they place few demands on their members. However people of the higher class tend to be more attracted as they are ideologically conservative and are often close linked to the state. Sects are small exclusive groups opposed to wider society, expecting a high level of commitment from its members. Sects tend to draw their members from the poor and oppressed, many of the sects are led by charismatic leaders. The only similarity between churches and sects is that they both believe they have a monopoly of religious truth. Sects are often short lived organisations only lasting a single generation or less. As well as churches and sects. Sociologists have identified other types of religious organisations such as denominations and cults. Niebuhr describes denominations as lying midway between churches and sects. Membership for denominations is less exclusive compared to sects...
Words: 2703 - Pages: 11
...Elements of Religious Traditions Over the years individuals have been studying the different religions of the world only to find there are many obstacles in this area. Webster dictionary defined religion as “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Traditions or rituals play a critical role in individual and institutional religion and can strength the bond between the individual and the sacred. Why study religion? The study of religions of the world can bring enlightenment and understanding of other religions (Molloy, 2010). It is important to understand the complications associated with studying regions of the world. Religious traditions are passed on from generations through spoken stories and experience. A good example of an oral story is some of the ritual dances and ritual clothing Native American partake in during ceremonies. As scholars study these oral traditions many details could be over looked due to a language barrier. Many written religious documents are written in spiritual language called Hagiography (Molloy, 2010). This is a spiritual language with the purpose of creating devotion to a high entity. This language can be challenging to translate and put in a document with the purpose of educating. Religious traditions are used to created devotion, bring communities together, and give hope during trying times. Many traditions include myths, stories, doctrines, and texts (Molloy, 2010). Myths tell the story...
Words: 597 - Pages: 3
...aid to the impoverished, extremist murder thousands and everything else in between has been attributed to the observance of some set of religious influence. Many are born into a religious denomination, and remain faithful without question. However, others find their theological journey is not as certain and must seek out personal truths to define their understanding of the cosmos. Millions of Americans find this particularly true, who by law, fortunately have the freedom to choose any religion they see fit. Unfortunately, freedom of religion is a privilege many Americans often taken for granted. Nevertheless, an individual has the opportunity to discover their own interpretation of a higher power (or powers), in order to better explain their world and their supporting role. Art, literature and philosophy have been used for thousands of years to express and inspire religious conviction. An examination of ideology and the...
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...For the longest time, religion has played a big role in society. Religion’s main role today is to guide the followers through life influencing their world views, but there is some problems when it comes to religion and politics. The problem has carried on through the ages. Should they coexist or should they each stand individually in society today. When defining religion, people think of traditions and rituals that had impressed beyond them by their family and their older generations. Politics isn’t something that an individual is taught or learned, its experience that they have got through either having hands on issues or through experiences they have encountered. People tend to lean towards the form of government that best suites them or benefits their life style in which they are living or want to live. If an individual lived a life of poverty, that individual may lean more towards a society of equality and shared wealth where class lines are more consolidated to the people in need. A staggering 82 percent of the American population identifies with one religion or another. A religious sentiment is so ingrained in society that its effects cannot help but be seen in the political arena. A religious belief is either worn as a proud demarcation of their personal moral standing and virtuous character. Due to the American party system of election, certain polarities of religious and moral tendencies between democrats and republicans have risen out of the people’s...
Words: 896 - Pages: 4
...(Ohl, 2007). This paper will demonstrate Counseling Plan a woman who was referred by her gynecologist for counseling because she has never experienced an orgasm. It will include assessment of the dynamics of the couple’s relationship as well as issues regarding their sexual functioning, possible sexual dysfunction within the framework of the sexual response cycle, sexual normality as well as a evidence-based counseling interventions grounded through research and treatment plan with ethical considerations. . Table of Contents Abstract 2 Case Study: Michelle and Tom 5 Assessment of Sexual Issues 6 Biological Assessment of Sexuality 6 Cultural Assessment of Sexuality 6 Religious Assessment of Sexuality 7 Psychological Assessment of Sexuality 8 Assessment of Dynamics of the Relationship 8 Family and Couples 8 Diagnostic and Multi-Axial Impressions 9 Diagnostic 9 Multi-Axial 10 Integration of Disorder 11 Sexual Response Cycle Framework 11 Sexual Normality and Sexual Response Cycle 12 Sexual Disorder and Sexual Response Cycle 13 Psychosexual Development over the Lifespan 14 Psychosocial Contributions 15 Treatment Goals 15 Individual Goals 15 Couples’ Goals 16 Counseling Interventions 17 Initial Assessment 17 Counseling...
Words: 7006 - Pages: 29
...Elements of Religious Tradition Torri Greer REL/134 February 26, 2014 William Sunday Elements of Religion There are many common elements of religion, even if the characteristics of the religion vary widely. Some of these elements include a belief system, community, ritual, ethics, emotional experiences, material expression, and sacredness. This paper discusses how some of the elements encourage relationships with the divine, with sacred time, sacred space or the natural world, and the relationships with each other. The paper will also outline critical issues when studying religion (Molloy, 2010). A religion may have a clear interpretation of the universe and what humans’ place is in it. These belief systems may see human beings’ roles are to take care of nature, and hold it sacred, whereas other religions view humans’ role is to conquer nature. Human purpose is also a part of the worldview in religion. Even though the purpose of a human beings life varies among religion, it is a common characteristic of religion to help identify that purpose (Molloy, 2010). Rituals are beliefs enacted and made real through ceremony. Many religious traditions are rich in ritual reenactments. These reenactments may use sacred materials. Other rituals are used to give homage to their divine. A ritual may be a small act of lighting a candle and praying, to dancing and chanting, reenacting past sacred events. Going to church on Sunday could be considered a ritual, and is done...
Words: 704 - Pages: 3
...Social distribution of religious participation Many feminist sociologists argue that religious institutions and beliefs help legitimise gender inequality. Like Marxists, feminists argue that religion is a source of domination and oppression. However, unlike Marxism, they see religion as a product of patriarchy, rather than capitalism. They argue that religion is patriarchal in that women are exploited by men and seen as subordinate. Feminist sociologists are interested in how women have become subservient and how religion has promoted patriarchy. This view is not just shared by female and feminist sociologists. Anthony Giddens argues that; "The Christian religion is a resolutely male affair in its symbolism as well as its hierarchy. While Mary, the mother of Jesus may sometimes be treated as if she had divine qualities, God is the father, a male figure, and Jesus took the human shape of a man. Woman is portrayed Gender is a major part of religion, and it is believed that women are more religious than men. Religious participation is also a big part of religion along with religious organisations. A number of studies have proven different views on the relationship between gender, religious participation and religious organisations. There are a number of religious organisations including; churches, sects, denominations and cults. A number of studies have some that women are more religious then men. Whatever women's influence and status may have been in religious organizations, studies...
Words: 831 - Pages: 4
...Elements of Religious Traditions Over the years individuals have been studying the different religions of the world only to find there are many obstacles in this area. Webster dictionary defined religion as “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Traditions or rituals play a critical role in individual and institutional religion and can strength the bond between the individual and the sacred. Why study religion? The study of religions of the world can bring enlightenment and understanding of other religions (Molloy, 2010). It is important to understand the complications associated with studying regions of the world. Religious traditions are passed on from generations through spoken stories and experience. A good example of an oral story is some of the ritual dances and ritual clothing Native American partake in during ceremonies. As scholars study these oral traditions many details could be over looked due to a language barrier. Many written religious documents are written in spiritual language called Hagiography (Molloy, 2010). This is a spiritual language with the purpose of creating devotion to a high entity. This language can be challenging to translate and put in a document with the purpose of educating. Religious traditions are used to created devotion, bring communities together, and give hope during trying times. Many traditions include myths, stories, doctrines, and texts (Molloy, 2010). Myths tell the story...
Words: 616 - Pages: 3
...Final Examination Question How has religion shaped the experience of life and the perceptions of religious practitioners? Religion has shaped the experience of life and the perceptions of religious practitioners in many ways. Christianity and Islam are two religions that truly affect the daily life of their practitioners. In this section of the paper I will explain the daily, weekly, and monthly rituals of the Christians and the Muslims and how it shapes them as people. Starting off with Christianity, Christians focus on Christ. Christian use daily gospel reading and prayer to learn and to communicate with Christ. Christians do prayer alone and also in groups. Most Christians pray when they wake, before meals, and at bedtime. The prayer revolves around thanking God, asking for something, or praying for the ill. The Gospel of Matthew contains one prayer called “The Lord’s Prayer”. The prayer tells Christians how to pray and what to pray for. It is known as the most influential prayer in Christianity. The Christians most sacred book is the Holy Bible which is composed of an old and New Testament. Also, Christians used to follow a strict practice of going to mass every day, but this has phased out a bit in recent times due to modern society. Christians also go to mass on Sunday which is the Sabbath. On a yearly basis there are many sacred holidays or holy days that require Christians to do or refrain from certain acts. An example of one of the holidays is Christmas and Easter...
Words: 1508 - Pages: 7
...Death and Dying in Jewish Culture and Religious Despite the fact that death is the common heritage of all humankind, there are different views and ideas about it; and the response to the fear of death varies from culture to culture and is deeply influenced by religion. Some culture believes that life and death are both a gift from God especially Jewish people. Jewish believes on one God who creates human beings and universe. There religious is orthodox Christian. “In Orthodox Jewish perspectives on withholding and withdrawing life sustaining Treatment”, Baeke Goedele, Wils Jean-Pierre, & Broeckaert Bert(2011) stated “Jews believe in a God who created human beings according to His image” (p. 836). The authors emphasize that Jewish people strongly...
Words: 885 - Pages: 4
...Elements of Religious Traditions Brenda L. Miller REL 133 - Week One Assignment March 3, 2014 Calvin Habig Elements of Religious Traditions In an attempt to seek answers of the mysteries within our universe, people use the basic components of religion, critical issues, and various religious traditions to worship and honor a higher power, god, divine, spiritual being, or an eternal world to receive fulfillment and comfort in life. It is this sacredness which brings the mind, body, and spirit together as the foundation toward religion in daily life. Gaining an understanding of the basic components of religious traditions, some of the critical issues in religion, and various religious traditions will allow individuals further insight on the elements of religion. The basic components of religious traditions will explain how religions organize, what they do, and say. Basic Components of Religious Traditions The religions of the world give insight into traditions, what religions share, insight of people, tolerance/appreciation of differences, intellectual questioning, insight into daily life, appreciation of the arts, an enjoyment of travel, family traditions, and personal religious quests (Molloy, 2010). To believe in a higher power, a deity, spiritual being, creator, divine, God, group of gods, or have a faithful following of an eternal world is to be religious. A tradition is a repetitive behavior with a significant reasoning or meaning that continues over time. ...
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