...Introduction Some would argue that racism does not exist today, this is not an attempt to prove anything of the contrary, instead this is an attempt to understand racism and where it comes from. Although racism lives within the hearts and minds of some people it is much more cleverly disguised, some may not even notice it right in front of their face. For some, it may be a fact that they have not experienced racism, however for others, racism has a great impact on daily life. . Due to the complexity of the human mind, I believe that it would be impossible to find one single cause of racism. This is merely an attempt to discover some contributing factors to racism and why so many people tend to accept racism either consciously or sub consciously. Finally, from an objective perspective, this research will explain how racism develops through various ideas and why. Within these pages we will explore the possible causes of racism such as ethnocentrism, or the idea that one ethnic group is more superior to another. Xenophobia, fear and dislike of people from other countries or cultures is another contributing factor to racism. National pride can be a source of unity but also an excuse to discriminate against others, by holding the belief that your nation is better than other nations. We will explore some theories related to racism such as the idea that sexual repression is to blame for violence. Also exploring the theory of energetic fields as a possible explanation...
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...Muhammad Usman Qureshi Mr. Michael Steele 15 January 2016 Racism Speech Festival-16th Jan Honorable judges and respected guests, Imagine living our lives in constant paranoia, where we feel like we are being watched everywhere we go. Imagine living our lives, where we feel like we are judged on everything we do. Imagine living our lives, where we are judged for the color of our skin. This, ladies and gentlemen, is racism. Racism causes thousands of cases of deaths and destruction across the globe every, single, year. In our modern society, ‘racism’ is a combination of prejudice, prejudgment and bitterness directed against someone of a different skin color, different culture and even a different belief. There are different forms of racism; interpersonal racism, institutional racism and internalized racism. No one likes to be left out, so Why do we judge? Why do we pass the torch of stigma to this world? Why do we ignite the flame of hatred? 50 years ago, Martin Luther King dreamed of the day these children will no longer be “Judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” But today, we see that racism remains as a very real threat to our world. We’re not born with racism; we are born as blank pieces of paper and act upon what is written on it. We act upon what society tells us. Is this what our society is? A community of individuals that strive to discriminate Asians, Africans and Arabs? Statistics by the Oxford...
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...were fed up with the racism they had received. The race riots started on August 11th when Frye was arrested and went on through the 18th. People went around all day and night shooting, killing, looting stores until they are empty, and setting their own buildings on fire. The residents of Watts tore down and destroyed 40 million dollars worth of buildings, and goods for their neighborhood. They went in with these riots to show that they weren’t going to tolerate police brutality against their people to be bypassed so easily. In the article Race Riots, United States, the author stated, “A second defining characteristic of a riot is violence. Protest marches, confrontations between two racial groups, or even face-offs between citizens and police can not be called riots unless some kind of physical violence transpires.” The riots had gotten so extreme that the police force agreed that their presence in the riots was provoking the rioters even more. Coming to that conclusion the law enforcement of the area eventually left the scenes of the riots to try and calm it down. The race riots were the primary and immediate cause of the 40 million...
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...Stereotyping Perpetuates Racism Stereotype is defined by Merriam-Webster as “something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially: a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment” (Merriam-Webster, 2017). The sociological definition is “an oversimplified, generally over-exaggerated belief that all members of a certain group act and think in the same fashion“ (Publishing, 2017). I believe there is a commonly missed component in those definitions that can create unexpected and unforeseen issues. Often with these issues, one can find misunderstandings, as well as the perpetuation of issues like racism. These problems...
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...to try and paint a picture of the story they were trying to tell. Taking my focus away from the lyrics. When I first heard the song in my kitchen I was confused I didn’t understand what was the singer was trying to sing, all I remember was the sound in their voice. The singer had a very smooth, slow paced tone. The voice was vary relaxed and gave me a sense of calmness. After, hearing the song over and over again and taking a look at the lyrics my first thought was about all the police brutality happening all around the United States. How the main victims are blacks. The subject in this song was about the racism happening in America. To describe the subject was hard. I had a very hard time with this song trying to understand all the metaphors and have a good understanding of what she was talking about. I think about this subject all the time. We live in a world where racism still exists some people experience more often than others and some will never experience it all. I would consider myself one of the lucky ones to have never been in a situation where I have felt discriminated or felt looked down on. But we hear about it on the news everyday for example, presidential candidate Donald Trump always has something mean to say about Hispanics and his main target being the Mexicans. The most crucial part to understanding the subject was when she sang, “Black body swinging in the Southern breeze, strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.” She used the metaphor of strange fruit...
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...Racism is an issue that it is evident in our modern society, and its impact has influenced the way people cohabit in it. Racism has been destroyed the relationship that people should have as human being independent of their races, background, religious and social status. Some people have been victims of racism and discrimination, and other people have witnessed it in everyday lives’ situations such as at school, job, television, sport, etc. Moreover, places that agglomerate people with difference races and background are more likely to find higher degree of racism and discrimination, and the example examined here is sport. Racism in sport may be defined as a situation in which elements involved in a game such as players, coaches, referrers...
Words: 1660 - Pages: 7
...When people hear about ‘race issues’ they tend to automatically think of black and white racism. Of course this is one of the main segregations, but race issues can be seen in many different circumstances and cultures. For example, there was some type of discrimination shown in the play, Medea. The film, Master Harold and the Boys definitely brought to light another aspect of superiority issues; as well as the play, Death and the King’s Horsemen. Stereotyping is a very common way in which racism is perpetuated in theater. The Minstrel shows, which were performed in the 1830’s, were a major way that people stereotyped blacks. The whites would dress up with black masks and portray dumb characters. This was purely for entertainment but it affected our culture and how people view African Americans. Even cartoons in the earlier days would have characters with huge lips or black skin that were always the dumbed down silly characters. This just made racism worse by displaying it on television, making it a part of our culture. In the play Medea, Euripides portrays Medea as being a foreign woman, barbaric, and not as important as the Greeks. This shows how racism exists in all types of cultures. The play, Death and the King’s Horsemen shows a type of racism where the Europeans don’t respect or understand the traditions of the Yoruba people because they see themselves as superior. A key root to racism is colonization and this play showed that when the Europeans colonized Africa they changed...
Words: 339 - Pages: 2
...Zinn attempted to prove that the Indians were not inferior by writing a history textbook that gave different views on American history and the textbook shows the struggle of the Indians. 10. Zinn does not like Columbus day because he believs that Columbus did not do very much and took credit for finding land even though he wasn’t the first one to see it. HE argues that past historians have justified Columbus’ genocide of the Arawaks by sasying how Columbus made the arawaks slaves and murdered them. Zinn Chapter 2 1. According to Zinn, slavery is the root of racism in America. 2. Slavery developed because Europeans hated black and believed that it was evil and that white was pure and racism developed because that was the root of racism. 3. Africans were considered better slaves in Virginia because it was more difficult for them to run away because they weren’t as familiar with the land as the Indians were. 4. 5. The conditions on the middle passage were very bad. They were handcuffed anf the men and women were separated. They barely got anything to eat, there were no bathrooms, disease spread rapidly and many people died before they even finished the...
Words: 453 - Pages: 2
...We can see how racism is influential when it comes to parents to child, and we...
Words: 1860 - Pages: 8
...Asian Americans and racism in the USA Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Abstract Asian Americans are a minority group of both immigrants and person born and raised in the USA. It has been the fastest growing minority group and is considered to be the model minority of the USA due to various factors such as hard work in both academic and employment that successively leads to economic prowess among this minority population (Chou, 2008). The history of the Asian American dates back to the ancient times when they occupied the American land before the European invasion. The tribes that occupied the American land are commonly referred to as the Native Americans. A majority of the Asian American people that are living in the USA are immigrants. Both individuals and the community/communities are faced with various challenges such as adopting the American culture and retaining their root cultures at the same time. However, the major issue of concern is racial segregation they are faced with. Like any other subordinate group in the USA, the Asian American people are not spared off the vice. They experience discrimination emanating from the fact that they are different from other minority groups and as well the whites. They are subjected to discrimination in various fields in which they are engaged such as education, employment, immigration, land acquisition and others (Phan et al. 2009). This forms of discriminations have their impacts on the several life aspects of this minority...
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...whose category would be eliminated. But what Portnow could not have anticipated was that the decision to restructure the awards would lead to threats of legal action, allegations of racism, and calls to boycott the telecast. The Grammy awards have undergone many changes over the years, from the expansion of award categories to changes in the nomination and voting process, most of the changes that are in response to a changing music industry. What began with 28 award categories in 1959 had increased 289% to 109 in 2010, leading to criticism that the increased number of categories not only confused consumers, it reduced the perceived value of winning a Grammy. The 2011 review of the Grammy award structure was its first-ever comprehensive evaluation. Some of the most highly publicized changes included the elimination of gender-specific subcategories in the R&B, pop and country fields; the elimination of the Zydeco and Cajun category and its consolidation into a “regional roots music” category with Hawaiian and Native American music; and the reduction of awards in the R&B category, from eight to four. Critics of the changes insisted that the Academy’s restructuring of the awards unfairly targeted ethnic music. Latin jazz musician, Bobby Sanabria called the decision “the most blatant example of racism...
Words: 534 - Pages: 3
...In comparing the competing conceptions of racism that we find in Garcia and Shelby, I feel that J.L.A. Garcia offers a more compelling argument. Garcia explains that an account of racism is only adequate if it clearly proposes what is wrong with it at the same time. He describes is stance in the following excerpt: “My proposal is that we conceive racism as fundamentally a vicious kind of racially based disregard for the welfare of certain people. In it's central and most viscous from, it is a hatred, ill will, directed against a person or persons on account of their assigned race. In a derivative form, one is a racist when one either does not care at all or does not care enough (i.e., as much as morality requires) or does not care in the right ways about the people assigned to a certain racial group, where this disregard is based on racial classification. Racism, then, is something that essentially involves not our beliefs and their rationality or irrationality, but out wants, intentions, likes, and dislikes and their distance from the moral virtues” (Timmons). Garcia believes that racism is rooted from “…disregard for the welfare of certain people.” He goes on to describe that in its most viscous form, racism is a “hatred, ill will, directed against a person or persons on account of their race.” Garcia’s...
Words: 491 - Pages: 2
...Saul’s root causes are his trauma. “All that I knew of Indian died in the winter of 1961, when I was eight years old” (Wagamese 8). In the novel Indian Horse written by Richard Wagamese, a young lad named Saul has faced a lot of traumas throughout his life. In this essay I will be sharing with you what I believe are the root causes of Saul trauma. Sauls main cause of his trauma is the loss of his families/communities, the loss of them brought forth even more trauma like; his time spent at St. Jerome’s residential school, his time with the game of hockey and, the alcohol that destroyed his life. Those three events stand out the most when talking about the root causes of his trauma. The loss of Saul, the Indian Horse family, leaves him alone...
Words: 1428 - Pages: 6
...Racism is a major problem in the world. Racism is a very old issue. Racism has been part of American history since the land was first discovered. Many People have been affected by racism and have taken a stand against it. It would be good to be able to say that racism is just a thing of past and that it no longer exists; however, that is not true. Racism is an act where a person or group of people are discriminated against because of a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics; they have. We can see racism everywhere such as in college campuses, jobs and many other different places where human beings live. Racism is all about hating other culture, language, color of skin, religion, and nationality. No one wants to treat his/her self...
Words: 756 - Pages: 4
...African American community. This paper will look to describe their differing views and analyze their actions and their lives. In most cases a person’s childhood has a lasting affect on the rest of a person’s life. In comparing Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X this seems to be the case. Martin Luther King Jr., was born January 19, 1929 and was raised by a strong supportive family. He had a somewhat privileged life and “never experienced the feeling of not having the basic necessities of life.”[1] His father “was a community leader in Atlanta and pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church” and his mother “was a school teacher and an accomplished pianist.”[2] Although King was well off economically he was also exposed to the poverty and racism in Atlanta. “Despite the comfort and security of his own home and neighborhood, King developed an early awareness and sensitivity to the impact of poverty on large numbers of people in the...
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