...small village of the past where the locals could be well acquainted with everyone, and all their daily affairs or unusual controversies. The shift from Lady Audley holding the traditional role of a house keeper who is completely innocent and harmless, to a violent and dangerous person going to lengths to conceal their identity evidences the extent of this shift. Similarly, in the circumstances of “Watchmen,” there is some underlying tension between the United States and Russia through what is known as the Cold War era. While there was suspicion between these two nations, and many accusations, this trend holds true as the characters place blame on one another, continuing this cycle. Specifically, there is an interchange between Rorscach and Veidt in a certain chapter, and in one occasion Veidt goes so far as to blame the “Soviets,” making the connection very clear to the reader. By focusing on the tensions between these characters specifically as it relates to the death of the Comedian, the underlying theme in “Watchmen” will be exposed by way of analysis....
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