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Rorschach Heroes

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the development of the character Rorschach depicts the intention of the author that the wishful superheroic fantasies of power arise from the deeper fears of the readers who feel powerless to live as per their expectations and ideals. Also, Thompson outlines that these fantasies arise from a deeper fear that their perceived expectations and ideals are mere projections that coves and conceal the real horror that at some point reality is simply an empty, meaningless emptiness (110). In this regard, we came to realize that for instance, Rorschach was compelled to become a superhero with a mask by the abuse, neglect, and abandonment he experienced as a foster child. Similarly, we can deduce that his self-proclaimed ideologies are constructed to …show more content…
Alternatively, should we seek to dispense with heroes? These questions linger in the mind of most critics of heroism and its relevance to the society. For instance, Isaiah Berlin argues that Romanticism towards heroes led to start of fascism (Thompson, 113). Thus, he suggests that due to the conflagration of the Holocaust it is dangerous for any individual to heroize another and a childish refusal to enlightenment and resistance of “essential destiny” of the human nature. Furthermore, Thompson inquires if have we reached a point in our pursuit of autonomy that we need to do away with childish things like heroes (113). Alternatively, should the intense cynicism of the current times protect an inextinguishable need for something better perhaps some hope of a future worth pursuing and heroes to lead us there? For instance, consider a society without a history, or take away the history of the United States, could there be a meaningful thing without histories and histories. According to Lindberg, if a person conducted a study to ascertain the importance of history, to study, clarify, and analyze the components of the past, present, and future in the historical characters, he/she can discover the debt a hero owes to the past, the influence such a hero either male or female may have in the future, and what he symbolizes of the present (309). Ideally, the abundance and overwhelming images created by the media today creating public figures make history a valuable component in achieving a balanced judgment. In our current, the images of individuals who are perceived as heroes are created and torn down a few weeks or months later. In this regard, history serves as an important reference point as a historian would attempt to analyze through the propaganda, myths of legend, and gossip to try to ascertain the authenticity of a public figure, find out what is false and what is

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