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Rose For Emily

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Importance of the Setting in a Story
In every work of literature, there are the basic elements of fiction, which must be included in the themes in the story to be relevant. One of the main fictional elements is the setting of a story. The setting of a story is commonly taken as the environment where the event or the story takes place, i.e. Time, place and descriptions of the environment being inclusive. The setting of a story is of three types; the symbolic setting (book philosophy), the scenic setting (self-explanatory), and the essential setting (real environment of the story). As any other author, William Faulkner in his story “A Rose for Emily”, he borrows a lot from the setting as a fiction element. The paper highlights how important setting as a fiction element was important to William in the process of writing the story “A Rose for Emily.” …show more content…
The estate they lived in was Jefferson, thus the setting of the first chapter of the book is in the state of Mississippi in the Yoknapatawpha County. The relevance of this choice of setting is that it enlightens the readers to be able to understand the story. The setting background chosen by the author of reflecting Emily’s life enlightens the reader on viewing the real traits of Emily, and interpreting the main themes in the works of William Faulkner. The fact that William describes that Emily’s family lived in the Southern region of the state, the setting clearly shows the reader all the grief faced by the

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Gothic Elements of a Rose for Emily

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