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Sexual Assault Article Summary

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In the article “Meet the College Women Who Are Starting a Revolution Against Campus Sexual Assault” by Vanessa Grigoriadis, the author talks about several sexual assault victims that took action against universities lack of action by protesting and discussing laws against decisions made by the universities. The article by Grigoriadis is targeted to college students to inform them about how sexual assault affected several victims lives and what they did to bring attention to the sensitive topic. The article succeeded in supporting its thesis of universities not taking enough action in sexual assault cases by using several tragedies of survivors to show the parallel of lack of action by the universities in their story, which kept the reader emotionally attached to the victims, thus creating an effective article. Grigoriadis compliments her thesis of universities lack of action by also displaying what these sexual assault survivors did in response to a lack of action done by universities just to show …show more content…
Grigoriadis goes in depth about the actual sexual assault by quoting “ He was buzzed and carrying a handle of vodka. While they were having consensual sex in her dorm room, she alleges that he suddenly pushed her legs against her chest, choked her, slapped her, and anally penetrated her as she struggled and clearly repeated “No.” “. Grigoriadis goes in depth to about the actual assault to keep the reader emotionally attached to Sulkowicz with a gruesome moment and then follow it by showing how the university favored the assailant instead. This helps to shock the reader and keep the them interested, making the article as a whole more

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