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American History: Our Hope For The Future

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American History: Our Hope for the Future: Draft Four

Our past defines our present and our present shapes our future. When I think of my country, I not only picture a land presently full of freedom and immense beauty but I also remember the often difficult history which brought us here. This history has set the stage for our lives. As I studied history this past year, I realized that it is not just a bunch of dates, places, and the names of dead people. It is the record of people who lived those times and events, shaping their futures to give us our present. Our children’s present begins with the future that you and I are building.

The history I studied changed me and it can change you. It can reshape the world. Because of history, I now …show more content…
First, that we, the people of the United States would turn to God as Savior from sin and receive the gift God is proffering to us. Second, that the unification of our country is restored. Although our country is beautiful and we have many freedoms, it is stained by animosity, anger, hate, prejudice, and violent acts. During the Civil War Era, fighting erupted because we were not united; instead, we were a broken nation. I believe that because of the things already listed–animosity, anger, etc.–our country is again in danger of being destroyed: not by the hand of an enemy, but by our own selfishness. Third, that we protect our freedom. The founders of this country came here seeking independence; their blood splattered the pages of history as they gave their lives to buy the freedoms we enjoy today. These freedoms are described in the first amendment of the Constitution, which says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” We benefit from their sacrifice. And still over the years, men and women have continued to not only protect our freedom, but also defend the freedom of other countries. If our founders thought it so valuable to have freedom, if it was so precious, if it was so costly, if countless men and women were and are willing to die for it, should we not cherish it? Should we not hold on to it with all our strength? Or should we instead break away at the foundation, so carefully laid, dearly bought, and earnestly protected by our founders, which our country is built on? If we break down our foundation of freedom, our country will fall, crumble, and collapse. Our freedom is our biggest hope for the future. History bears this out by showing us various countries that have removed freedom

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