...significance of the names of the title character and his wife. How are the names symbolic? * "Young Goodman Brown" as a symbol in the story. "Young" infers the title character is naive and new at life. "Goodman" suggests his self-righteousness thinking he is a good man. Furthermore, "Brown" indicates he is a commoner * his wife's name is a symbol. Goodman Brown leaves on a journey without Faith, his new wife. In the same way, the Puritans left their faith "at home" and set out on a journey apart from their bride, Jesus Christ. Finally, Goodman Brown's desire to journey without Faith leads to her sacrifice. 2. List what you think each of these symbols stands for: the woods (setting), the time of day, Faith's pink ribbons, the Traveler’s staff. - The forest is the home of the strange and threatening (Indians) and is also viewed as the home of the devil (there was probably some relationship to the Indians in their minds). It was the perfect setting for the trip that Brown (may) have made that night. * The pink ribbons show that Faith is fickle because she simultaneously begs Goodman Brown not to go into the woods and doubts herself * We encounter daily. For example, we are commonly tempted by our friends, just as Goodman Brown was. By having Faith and the townspeople turn to evil, Hawthorne shows how society hides behind a false wall. 3. What does Goodman Brown’s decision to go into the forest suggest about his character? Considering this, what is ironic...
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...“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne There has been much speculation and analysis on Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown.” Each and every one has their own opinions about what Hawthorne really meant about this short story, but of course you can tell by their accreditation which source is more likely to be accurate. In “Young Goodman Brown”, the main character, Goodman Brown, experiences a life changing revelation at the beginning of this short story. The experience is a walk through the woods, something that he states his father and father’s father embarked on. This particular journey shapes his life and changes him forever. What is particularly peculiar about this journey is that it goes through the woods at night. And during this time period if you were caught in the woods at night you were considered a Satan worshiper, doing the Devil’s brood, or practicing witchcraft, which meant all the same things during this era. We know Young Goodman Brown is a Puritan based on his belief system, so this experience isn’t one he is looking forward to, but he knows he has to do it. Kind of like getting a shot, you know you have to do it, and it’s good for you, but you are hesitant about doing it. So along the journey he meets with a man that looks similar to him, but older. The man is kind of dark and shady, and he carries a staff that looks like a serpent. So the symbolism there represents that this man is the Devil. Throughout the duration of his journey, Goodman Brown...
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...Young Goodman Brown and The Lottery The comparison and contrasts between The Lottery by Shirley Jackson (1948) and Young Goodman Brown, by Hawthorne (1835) in this essay takes on the topic of “blindly following traditions”(Jackson, 1948) and “the weakness of the public morality” (Hawthorne, 1835). While the entire society members are under the authority of Old Man Warner are employed in The Lottery, The character of Goodman Brown is employed to depict the theme. Young Goodman Brown, by Hawthorne (1835), “The Weakness of Public Morality” In this story, the author emphasizes how corruption is the result of the insistence on the Puritan society and is the cause of moral decline and the diminishment of personal faith. Goodman makes the decision to go to the forest to meet the devil however, he takes cover when he realizes that the minister and the Deacon Gookin because he was concerned with appearance even though they are also out there. Brown’s religious beliefs are strongly connected with the belief that all of his peers believe the same as he does. When Goodman recognizes that his peers including his father and grandfather shaped his religious beliefs made a deal with the devil, he...
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...McKinsey 11/1/15 Young Goodman Brown Goodman Brown displays both innocence and sin as he battles between believing in the overall goodness of the people in his town and life, and believing that the devil is responsible for taking over the people around him and their minds. Throughout the story it is shown that the people Goodman Brown loved may not be as innocent as he originally thought, he is shown that people can easily be corrupted and that his sense of right and wrong might not always be correct. He faces many conflicts in this tale and often chooses between good and evil, not always picking the same side. Through the use of symbolism, Nathaniel Hawthorne develops...
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...Mentality Transformed The short stories “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe are stories that showcase similarities such as mental health and macabre. They also have two important differences such as murder and religion. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown” one will read about a man name Goodman Brown leaving home to go on a voyage. On this voyage he enters a dark and gloomy forest where it is told that the Devil lives. He hopes to return to his wife and not be swayed by the evils lurking in the forest. After the night his faith and mindset are shattered when he returns home. His journey shows that the events that occurred can either be real or an insight look into...
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...In the story Young Goodman Brown, the two major characters are Young Goodman Brown and Faith, who are married. They have been married for three months now and they seem to be in love. Faith is Goodman Brown’s soul –mate. She is getting used to being married and enjoying life. Her life seems to be going her way most of the time and she is just getting her life stated. Goodman Brown treats her like she is his world. He adores her and loves her innocence, purity, and young side of her. Young Goodman Brown is not exactly a hero. I believe he is trying to find himself in the story but I would not consider him to be a hero. Why you may ask? Well he sided with evil. He took the chance of disobeying the people he cared about and went against his religion. But, in some ways the way he found out who the people around him (his loved ones and his close friends) were. The truth was unveiled but only he could see it and by doing this he was a hero. He was a hero because he saw the truth and kept it as a burden in his life. He was forever changed. He was a hero for accepting the truth and moving on. One symbol in the story was the ‘traveler’s staff’. It was in some ways a serpent coming to tempt Young Goodman Brown. It showed that he was not strong enough to refuse the temptations of the devil. The serpent is used in many other stories to symbolize evil, such as Adam and Eve or even the Disney story of Aladdin. As you can see the serpent is used as a symbol of evil or the devil. Also...
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...The world today has faced many trials and tribulations. It is quite similar to the two short stories ‘Young Goodman Brown” and “The Lottery.” In these stories, characters are faced with situations beyond their own imagination and to makes things worse is how they are tested. They will encounter people and other things that are unjust. These stories bring a lot of comparisons such as the setting of the stories, but mostly there are contrasts such as the symbolism within the stories and the meaning each author put behind their stories. In comparing the two short stories “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Lottery,” it is easily noticed that both of these stories takes place well within the community setting. Each story has the involvement of the people who lives within the town. Details in the story showcase how the communities makes the characters feel accepted one way or another to a certain extinct. Within these communities, each has their own traditions, laws, and perimeters that justify the reasoning behind what they do. In turn it kind of makes these communities have a sense of uniqueness to them and that is why individuals are pulled in and want to be part of these communities. In addition, both of these stories showcase a sense of a happy ambience and exuberance. In “The Lottery,” the author, Shirley Jackson illustrates a perfect day by stating “The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with a fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely...
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...The Allegorical Young Goodman Brown The story about Young Goodman Brown centers around the allegory of a man pitted against his past and his desires to reach beyond that which his benighted heaven would put before him. The allegory is Christian due to the references in Young Goodman Brown to the devil and Satan; it only seems logical that the crux of the story is based upon the religious imagery of Hawthorne's New England in the times of Salem and active religious strife. The beginning of the story mentions the goodman's wife, Faith. The names of the characters alone serve as an indication of what Hawthorne puts as an obvious religious allegory with the goodman and faith soon to be pitted against an unspeakable evil. The goodman even swears that after this night he will "cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven." The devil awaits Young Goodman Brown as he states that the clock of the old south was striking but a few minutes past (Hawthorne is stating how quickly the devil can move--intensifying the airs of the preternatural). Young Goodman Brown replies to the devil that faith was keeping him away--Hawthorne's play on words should not be overlooked as this also leads to the realization that a man (a good one) can deal with the devil and possibly win. At this stage in the story the reader still has hope for the goodman who must now deal with what he feels is his duty honor-bound. A "good man" in Hawthorne's day was a person who came from a proper lineage. This very...
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...Kazuki Robertson Young Goodman Brown Paul Ohler Cohort #25 On a daily basis, we are launched into new experiences that test our certain point of view's. Some go as far as to twist all our previous knowledge and leave us with nothing but doubt in our minds; This was true for Young Goodman Brown the night he left his wife Faith to wander into the woods. Some would conclude Goodman became one with the devil when his initiation took place deep in the forest but his initiation.The strong symbolism scattered throughout the story brings out it's natural good vs evil plot and even shows similarities to Adam and eve. Young Goodman Brown was a Protestant man along with the whole population of his village. He has a wife named Faith that he has been married to for a short period of 3 months. Both his Father and Grandfather were religious and contributed to the society of the village. Overall, the introduction of his character portrays Goodman as one with good morals. Slowly over the course of the short story Young Goodman Brown does not change himself but begins to question if his morals and conscience are religiously purposeful. One strong characteristic Nathaniel Hawthorne shows in Young Goodman Brown is his innocence. His name "Young Goodman Brown" is a derivative of a justly innocent man and his wife Faith is shown to be his true belief. There are a lot of symbolic objects throughout the story and one includes his wife's pink ribbon. Pink is a color of youth and innocence and...
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...Young Goodman Brown and the Lottery Symbolism Use In: "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Lottery" The authors, Shirley Jackson and Nathaniel Hawthorne, both frequently use symbols within their stories "The Lottery" and "Young Goodman Brown." Symbols are utilized as an enhancement tool to stress the theme of each story. Hawthorne uses names and objects to enhance the theme, and Jackson mainly utilizes names to stress the theme, although she does have one object as a symbol of great importance to the theme. The stories both contain symbols describing evil. The majority of Hawthorne's symbols describe religion (both good and evil), but Jackson’s symbols reflect the evil nature within society as a whole. There exists a symbolic act in each story. The short stories both share the use of symbols, but the symbols are used to express different thoughts in ones mind while reading them. The stories "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Lottery" both use names as symbols. Hawthorne uses the names Young Goodman Brown and Faith to portray nice, descent people. The name Faith alone implies a faithful and Christian individual as stated "And Faith, as the wife was aptly named," (211). Jackson uses the name Mr Graves throughout her story; he is the coordinator of the lottery. She needs not give any explanation to the name, as it speaks for itself (a symbol of death). Various other names are used as symbols within each story; however, these mentioned are the most significant names to the theme. The stories...
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...compare and contrast essay Nathaniel Hawthornes "Young Good man Brown" and Thomas Wolfe's "The Child By Tiger" @@@@@ ENGL: Literature and Composition 2011 Robert James Tebow 15 December 2011 Introduction: I. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown” and Thomas Wolfe’s short story “The Child by Tiger” show glaring similarities in many parts of each stories structure. Even though these stories were set in different time periods and different cultures, there is unity in their conflicts, themes, and author’s purpose. a. In Hawthorne’s piece the basic conflict arises early in the story, this is Goodman Brown’s choice to either join in the satanic activities or maintain his puritan beliefs. b. Goodman Brown realizes the public’s weakness in morality and faith. Brown experiences a great deal of disappointment especially when he sees his old bible teacher Goody Cloyse and Deacon Goonkin with the devil. c. Although Brown saw the people in his community participating in these activities that are contrary to his beliefs, he still was not sure if it was true or only a dream. d. My deepest sympathy goes out to the main character Goodman Brown. He distanced himself from the community after their alleged sinful activity according to Brown, but it could have been a dream which shows what can happen to those who have unproven assumptions of others. II. “The child by Tiger” wrote by Thomas Wolfe shows the ever present uncertainty...
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...“Young Goodman Brown” Written by: Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, and raised by his widowed mother. Hawthorne’s ancestors were several of the earliest settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Hathorne (original spelling of the family name), was his great-grandfather, who served as a judge at the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Hawthorne felt fascination and shame for his family’s involvement in the witch trials and integrated those feelings into his fiction. Nathaniel Hawthorne believed in the existence of the devil and believed in predestination. “Young Goodman Brown” attests to Hawthorne's symbolic habit of mind and to his interest in the past, myth, and human psychology.” (Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism). This suggests how Hawthorne’s novels, led critics to consider him a pioneer of psychological fiction. Topic 2: “Young Goodman Brown” Goodman Brown is a young faithful Christian whose begins to question his faith after a meeting in the forest with the devil. Goodman has always believed that everyone around him is of one accord not only with them-selves but also with God. When he meets face to face with the devil, Goodman is astonished that the devil appears to him as a resemblance of himself. “…and bearing a considerable resemblance to him, though perhaps more in expression than features.” (Kennedy and Gioia 343). This suggests that Goodman may have...
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...1. How are the names Goodman Brown and Faith symbolic to the meaning of the story? List two other symbolic words used and give your interpretation of them? First, the story of “Young Goodman Brown” is a story that is a symbolic representation of religious faith in our world. Therefore, in the story, Goodman Brown is a symbol of the everyday man or even mankind as a whole. He portrays the struggle that humans have in seeking faith and belief in a God or higher power that we as people sometimes try to strive to serve or obey. He is just a simple human being with both the capability for either good and evil depending on his choices throughout the book. Faith, on the other hand, is a representation of serenity or peace we have when we are holding true to those beliefs and not allowing the evil or doubt in our life to sway our belief in God. Faith is not based on what our eyes see or that we can confirm it is simply a belief that we have chosen to believe as true regardless of any evidence to the contrary. There are other examples of symbols used in this story. One of the other symbols is the pink ribbons used through the entire story. They can be seen as the human struggles that we have with faith. Sometimes we have faith, sometimes we struggle to believe, and sometimes we can no longer believe in it anymore and these pink ribbons are used to show that struggle within the story. The last symbolic example I will use is that...
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...A Deeper Look into the Soul of Young Goodman Brown Young Goodman Brown is a very well developed character for appearing in a short story making him a round and dynamic character. He is a young, white man living in Puritan times in Salem, North Carolina during the Salem Witch Trials. Although he falls from grace at the end of the story, Brown is a very religious man. He is very trusting of others, and he is very much in love with his young wife, Faith. As author Arthur E. Robinson points out, “Young Goodman Brown” is clearly ironic in its continued stress upon the protagonist’s title. Similarly the name Faith, given to Brown’s wife, is played upon in such statements as “Faith kept me back a while” and “My Faith is gone.” Nor is it coincidence that Brown and his wife are subjects of a common irony.” She is what keeps him held to his beliefs for so long through the woods. Throughout the story he is led to believe that the innocent and peaceful world around him is full of lies and deceit. The stranger in the woods leads him astray from the Christian roots of his family. It is said that the devil comes to people is many forms. In this case, he comes to Brown in the familiar form of his father. This misleading disguise made the words he spoke much easier to believe although Brown knew that the man he walked with was not his father. In the beginning, Brown believed strongly in the goodness of those in his community such as Goody Cloyse and Deacon Gookin until the “devil” shows...
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...Research Paper on “Young Goodman Brown” Goodman Brown, the protagonist of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story entitling his name, seemingly is a firm believer in the doctrine and teachings of the Puritan religious faith. This belief system is unshakable in its certainty about the nature of humankind, and Brown himself appears to share an absolute sense of this belief system’s verities. He embarks on a mysterious mission one fateful evening, however, and from it becomes a recluse from his community of fellow believers, distant from involvement with all people, even his wife. Yet the ambiguous narrative that relates his forest experience promotes uncertainty, so much so that the unseen narrative voice calls into question whether Brown has actually lived the experience or has dreamed it, by which the narrator suggests a conjuring of the experience from his own imagination. What is clear, however, is that Brown is convinced that his experience has been real, with fateful consequences that change his life completely. In a researched response writing, address yourself to answering the following questions: 1. What does the Puritan faith teach its followers about the nature of humankind? 2. What importance does the supernatural have within the Puritan belief system? 3. What connection do you find between the Puritan religion, the Salem witch trials, and the story? 4. What is the story’s central theme? Research for this assignment may be done exclusively on the Internet...
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