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O. J. Song Analysis

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I had a wonderful time working on your class project. With the many themes that we discussed in class, it was very hard for me to pick a topic that really represented the ideas I had due to many of the great topics. Two of the topics that I really enjoyed were growth and fixed mindsets as well as the theme of identity and race. Identity and race really connected closely to me due to the fact that this is a factor that, though I have no had an experience yet, struggle with. Because I am African American, I am looked upon differently in society. This is one of the reasons why for the project, I was excited about “the Story of O.J” song by Jay-Z. This song encompassed the negative stereotypes that were placed on Black people while also giving the modern …show more content…
To prepare for our presentation, we went though various steps. First, we listened and analyzed the meaning and lyrics of Jay-Z’a song. This was, in my opinion, the hardest part of the project. While doing this, it was important that I used deeper and previous knowledge about this topic in order to truly understand that meaning that the artist was trying to convey. For example, with the piece I choose to cover, hearing Jay-Z say “ni**a” over and over was what I was used to do to society. Most times, Black artist put that word into their songs and it is used to describe someone but not in a negative way. In “the Story of O.J”, I could not assume that this was used to describe someone in a positive way. The word was instead used to make a point about slavery and how America only views Black people as “ni**as”. After analyzing the lyrics, it was important that before we did our research that we all came to an agreement on the meanings of the lyrics. That was the easy part for we all have fixed mindsets and were open to everyone’s

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