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Atlantic Ocean Research Paper

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The Atlantic Ocean is both beautiful and scary. There are lots of different, and cool things things to learn about this ocean.

When you look at the ocean from above, you will see that generally speaking it's S-shaped, and narrow in relation to its length. The Atlantic Ocean is actually the second largest ocean out there. The area of the ocean itself is 31,830,000 square miles with out its dependent seas. With them it's about 41,100,000 square miles. Thats pretty big.

What's the Atlantic Ocean exactly? The Atlantic Ocean is a body of saltwater that covers approximately one-fifth of the earth's surface. Cool huh? It even separates the continents of Europe, and Africa, to the east from those of north and South Africa, to the West. The far northern and southern parts of the far northern and southern parts of the Atlantic Ocean have long, cold and short,cool summers. …show more content…
These waters come from the surface, and are the only source of oxygen from the life in the deep basin. Just other cool things about this ocean.

You can find lots of fish, sharks,tunas, and seashells at the Atlantic Ocean. If you ever go to the ocean you can expect to fund the following fish, sharks, and seashells. Fish:black sea bass, bluefish, atlantic mackerel or even a atlantic salmon. Sharks:blacktip shark, atlantic shortfin mako shark, and the atlantic common thresher shark. Tunas: atlantic bigeye tuna, atlantic bluefin tuna, also the atlantic aba core. Seashells: angel wings, worm shell, rock snail, nutmegs, and lace murex.

Those are just a few of the amazing things you can find at the

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