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Ocean Trash Research Paper

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The Effects of Trash In our Oceans When someone sees trash in the water do they ever wonder just how much trash is out there? Or how it is affecting marine life? You should. In 2013 Kyra Schilling, lead author of this study, was able to look at the sea floor at a depth of 365 meters, and continued to the depth of 4,000 meters. What they found was a lot of trash, one-third of the trash was plastic, of these objects half were plastic bags. Metal was the second common form of debris found, aluminum cans, steel, and tin cans were found. Other things were found as well that include rope, fishing equipment, glass bottles, paper, and cloth. Kyra made a good point, “We don’t usually think of our daily activities affecting life two miles deep in the …show more content…
Floating beside this debris are pieces of plastic foam, glass, wire, rusty drums, old lobster traps, cigarette butts, and countless other trash, much of which wind up on the world’s beaches.” (Andes 1). Sea turtles are not the only animals the abundance of trash affects, Charles Moore states, “Scientists estimate that plastic debris kills roughly 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals like dolphins and sea turtles each year” (Norlander 1).
Marine plastic pollution has impacted over 267 species of marine wild life which includes 87% of the sea turtle population, 44% of sea birds, and 43% of all marine mammal species. Deceased whales that wash up on shore have been known to have several pounds of plastic trash in their stomach along with other debris. It is hard for scientists to understand the whole extent of the problem because of the number of animals involved and the size of the

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