Premium Essay

'Is Google Making USupider' By Nicholas Carr

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Pages 4
In the start of every idea comes a downfall or a tradeoff. In technology for example, we have access to thousands of ideas that no one would ever be able to remember them all. We have machines that will do our laundry, keep our food warm or cold, which are both almost necessities in daily life. But then we also have some of the most powerful machines being the ones that ca gives you the most information, entertainment, and have the ability to engulf us for hours until eye soreness finally becomes too much to handle. Not only do these things make us stupider, they also can change the way we perceive the world we live in. The internet can change us. This is what Author Nicholas Carr believes. Carr is the author of, “Is Google Making Us Stupider”, he worries that google is rotting our brain to change how we think and perceive information, much like a robot. He voices his concerns with Google and the internet, I attempted to remediate and few of his paragraphs in this article to see If I could give some more insight on his pre-publishing thoughts. I created a Facebook profile for Carr because he would’ve too, he thinks public information is the fastest way to gain a popular opinion. I used Facebook as a way to try and show his prewriting before editing through his paper, giving some new …show more content…
I said how being able to look something up and knowing the answer is going to make us as humans lazy to study and gain knowledge for ourselves to advance as a culture. I implied that technology is making us dumber even though we are finding more answers than ever before. I then ask and say that I think this paragraph could be more impactful with more meaningful diction and then foreshadow and use a peculiar word Carr uses which is, “Worrywart”, which could mean I feel everyone with the new age of technology should be

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