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Spirit Of Sport Essay

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An athletes’ performance says a lot about their endurance level and how much the sport means to them. Sports activists note that extrinsic motivation may be a part of the increased performance levels. Some studies have suggested that, rather than always being positive motivators “Rewards can at times undermine rather than enhance self-motivation, curiosity, interest, and persistence at learning tasks (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 2001). Rewards can sometimes be the downfall of athletes because they expect them and it belittles the athletes’ worth. The decrease of an athletes’ performance may be credited to intrinsic motivation. The controlling aspect prompts an external perceived locus of causality (i.e., low perceived self-determination) and thus undermines intrinsic motivation (Deci, Koestner, &Ryan, 2001). …show more content…
Some will do anything to stand out and separate themselves from the team, even if it means becoming a troublemaker. Some obstacles that athletes face includes dealing with violence and illegal drugs. The present study addressed the importance of health relative to the other 10 attributes using the BWS method. . . . Support for prioritizing health as argued by advocates of harm minimization would be demonstrated if 'health' is ranked as the most important attribute in the Spirit of Sport statement (Mazanov, Huybers & Connor, 2012). Steroids is one the main drugs used to enhance performance. Although many athletes take care of themselves, organizations should not assume that they’re always well enough to perform to the fullest. Anabolic steroids are inherently dangerous, no matter what else the pills may contain. . . . The average adult male produces 35 to 50 milligrams of testosterone a week in his testes; athletes may inject 300 to 1,000 milligrams or more (Adler,

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