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Child Abuse In Korean Immigrant Families

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There are limited empirical studies about child maltreatment among Asian Americans. Chang et al. (2006) examined the characteristics and patterns of child abuse in immigrant Korean families and correlates of placement decisions. They collected data from the Los Angeles County, California. The study found that immigrant Korean families are more likely to be changed with physical abuse (49.4%) and less likely to be charged with neglect (20.6%). The emotional abuse is kind of witnessing domestic violence. Also they found that Korean parents tend to discipline their children by corporal punishment. In addition, they also found that report status, referral source, living arrangement, victim’s relationship to perpetrator, and chronicity of abuse …show more content…
Park (2001) found that the following factors: (1) at the micro level: amount of time spent with children; experience of corporal punishment as a child; children’s gender and age; family acculturation conflicts; mother’s age; and length of time in the U.S.; (2) at the meso level: involvement in children’s school and involvement in social organizations; (3) at the exo level: level of education and reported stress of immigrant life; and (4) at the macro level: value of children in Korean culture, familiarity with CPS, perceived discrimination, and value of corporal punishment. Rhee et al. (2008) examined the child maltreatment pattern among Chinese American families based on Los Angeles sample. They found the most prevalent type of maltreatment was physical abuse (35.3%), and the rate of physical abuse was higher than in the general child welfare population. Chinese children are less likely to be removed from their homes than are non-Chinese children. Rhee, et …show more content…
They examined how cultural factors influence prevalence, identification, and treatment. Maker, Shah, and Agha (2005) examined the prevalence, characteristics, predictors, and beliefs about parent-child violence between South Asian, Middle Eastern, East Asian, and Latina Women in the U.S. They found experiencing physical abuse was the only predictor for acceptance of physical discipline. In addition, data back to 1990s, Ima & Hohm (1991) found five possible variables to explain the patterns of reported child maltreatment among Asian and Pacific Islander population. The variables are (1) home country traumas; (b) differences in child-rearing practices; (c) the relative visibility to welfare professionals and other publicly employed professionals; (d) the relative continuity of social support systems; and (e) the relative ability to cope with cultural conflicts. Hong and Hong (1991) examined the Chinese, Hispanic, and White American university students’ perceptions of child abuse and neglect. The study found that Chinese American students seemed to be less critical of the use of physical punishment, and have greater latitude to parents in making decisions on how to raise their

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