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Essay On America In The Future

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Where do you want America to be in the future, will we still have people willing to serve and fight for our country? Its puzzling to think where America will be in the future. One would question if we will still have an active military and if people will even want to join. With recent events in society people may change their idea on the future and how safe we are in America. America has faced many changes over the last year that make many wonder what the future holds. There are many groups in the world that are out to get the American population through use of guns, bombs and even the threats of nuclear welfare.
The future, well that starts a minute from now. The future in time is not promised to any of us, you have to live for today or …show more content…
Many put themselves in the line of fire to protect others. Military service holds high priority in many. They serve because their ancestors served or they have the calling for a military career.It is something that doesn’t change, many Americans want to serve and protect their fellow man. For these reasons I don’t believe that the military will go anywhere but only become stronger with further insight against our enemies. Technology is developed everyday and America has a history of providing adequate protection, but as a government we need to keep an open mind on who our enemies are as there are many attacks on our own soil in this day and age.
For these reasons, I believe in the future of America and our Military. We have a history of fighting the hard battle, for spending million and years to do what we as a country believe is right whether it be for ourselves or for another country. America has a long history of helping others and hopefully those same countries would come to our aid if needed. Americans have to voice their opinions, vote on issues. Right now the hot topic is gun control with the recent shooting. Everyone needs to know where they stand on the issues. Will tighter gun laws protect us or make us sitting ducks for the next

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