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When At Home Wen-Ying Analysis

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Ying-ying can be characterized as cautious through her actions when she inspects her surroundings. While in a grocery store a worker yells at Ying-ying. She then asked Lena, ““What meaning?”- she asked me when a man st a grocery store yelled at her for opening up jars to smell the insides.”(106). This describes how Ying-ying is cautious by making sure what she wants to buy is good or fresh and not bad. The quote shows an example of an issue that may happen to people that are from different cultures. Doing something that is common in one culture may not be allowed in another. When at home Ying-ying starts to move the furniture all around. She then says “When something goes against your nature, you are not in balanced”(108). This means that when something doesn't feel right, you are most likely not going to feel to well and may act differently. She does not feel safe the way the house looks and wants to make change it. …show more content…
One day Lena saw he mother moving everything in the house around and just ignored it. The following day Lena comes home from school and, “saw she had again rearranged everything- “Why are you doing this?” I asked her.”(108). Lena finds that a bit strange and is confused as to why her mother is doing this. Even though she seem annoyed, she lets her mother continue with it and does not get mad. When Lena was much older she got married and now lives with her husband in a new home. Lena’s mother, Ying-ying says, ““Aii, so much money, so much,” as we show her different parts of the house and land”(151). To to get a better understanding, Lena and her husband, Harold are showing Ying-ying around their home and Ying-ying keeps on saying the phrase in the quote. This proves that Lena is patient because she doesn't react to what her mother says and just keep on showing her the rest of her home. It takes a great amount of patience when someone is doing something you dislike around

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