...Persuasive Essay Paper Jessica Ogunlanoh University of Phoenix April 11, 2010 Paula Brobst Essentials of College Writing/COMM 215 Ending Illegal Immigration Persuasive Essay Paper 1 As Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Unfortunately, none of us can live forever and while eliminating taxes seems like a long shot, we can certainly lower it. To do that, we must have a strong economy. To have a strong economy, we cannot have one of the biggest economic drains in the nation: Illegal Immigrants. There are an estimated number of twenty million illegal immigrants in the United States. These criminals are leeches of our economic system as most of them do not pay taxes. The criminals also drain our economy by taking our jobs. Illegal Immigrants ruin the standard of living for hard-working American citizens and legal immigrants by using our social service programs from OUR taxes. It’s not simply economical issues that make it horrible and preposterous for these criminals to be accepted, it’s moral principle. Illegal Immigrants in general, do not pay taxes. Why is that? These kinds of criminals are virtually invisible to law enforcement. They are undocumented. They don’t have valid birth certificates, social security cards or passports. Since they are about as easy to find as finding Waldo in the bible, they pretty much have simply an option...
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...Unit 6 Project Veterans Having Trouble Finding Jobs After the Military Mark Everhart Kaplan University Professor Sandra Fontana Veterans who have served this country by going to war are quickly realizing that America is not appreciating the sacrifices made for our service members. Veterans are being passed over for employment for many different reasons. Some of these reasons include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), lack of job skills for performing civilian jobs, and the inability to cope with the transition from military to civilian life. The unemployment rate for veterans is 6.9 percent (Norman, 2012). The government and the employers need to work together to make the transition out of the military a smoother process. The Department of Veteran Affairs cannot process the applications for the G.I. Bill fast enough to accommodate the veterans. Veterans lack the job skills necessary to perform jobs in the civilian sector after the military. All military veterans should have special training, skill and mind set for the transition from military to civilian life, provided by the government and employers to ensure employability after serving their country regardless of how many years of service one has served. Veterans lack the special training and skills that are necessary to compete with the civilian population. Veterans often have jobs that cannot transfer to the civilian world (Hefling, 2011). For instance if they are an infantryman, they cannot get a job as a mechanic....
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...Friday in 2008 was not the only individual to be killed in such a gruesome manner. An eerily similar situation occurred to a pharmacist trying to shop at a Target in 2011. The items sought after by the shoppers were not what caused the two deaths. Likewise, the majority of stuff itself is not creating problems in the world, in fact, it’s finding new, innovative ways to fix them. The real issues at hand are the people with access to the growing amount of elaborate commercial products. That is the theme Quindlen is attempting to convey in her report: to be happy, people need to be smart and spend their money on things that they need or that actually matter. Generally, I agree with Quindlen’s overall message, however I do not agree with her essay as a whole. Many of her examples and arguments were...
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...Persuasive Essay Jamarcus Allen COMM215 August 25, 2014 Yolanda Harding Persuasive Essay Welfare was originally designed to help out poor families in need. Throughout the years, there have been issues with people taking advantage of the system. The government has made efforts to try to help welfare recipients to get a job instead of seeing welfare as a lifestyle. The next step government should take is to drug test welfare recipients. If a person has enough money to get his or her drugs; he or she should have enough money to support their family. It is unfair for us tax payers to support other people’s family and addiction. It is clear that drug testing welfare recipients would benefit not only the system, but also recipients themselves, and tax payers. One of the first benefits the system would get by drug testing welfare recipients is decrease the number of people who take advantage of it. I personally know people who get all the government help they can without having a real need. I had a coworker whose husband would sell their food stamps in order to get his marijuana and other drugs. My coworker had 5 kids and would get about $800 worth of food stamps, plus WIC, plus section 8, and plus cash aid. She made sure she only worked enough hours not to go over the low-income limit requirements. Of course hours where available for her, but why would she get tired and work more when she can get more money by not doing much? And just like her, there are many people who...
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...Political-Editorial Cartoon By Gary Bacskay Kaplan University HU345 Professor Sean Choi 3-14-2014 I chose a cartoon that is portraying President Obama on a fighter jet exclaiming that we are in need of Defense Cuts. Photo by Michael Ramirez - Townhall http://townhall.com/political-cartoons/michaelramirez/2014/02/26/116552 This cartoon to me is describing how the government (with Obama in charge) is so far in debt, that the government is deciding where they need to cut back the federal budget. What better place to do that than taking money away from the military. This cartoon is displaying a military U.S. fighter jet in the sky with a person (President Obama) straddling the plane behind the cockpit holding a chain saw. It shows that the President just got done cutting the end or the back of the fighter jet off as the back of the jet is falling. There is a phrase that the President is saying, it says; “You Won’t Even Notice The Defense Cuts.” Thesis The most logical area to cut the national debt is by reducing the amount of money that is put into our military branches, but is this the best way to shrink our debt? There are those who think that we do not need our military. But I truly believe this is not the way to fix our problem. We need our military whether we like it or not. I know, and I feel much safer knowing that I have my fellow brothers and...
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...ECON2102CD: April/26th. (Tue.) Prerequisites: ECON1001/1210 introductory microeconomics and ECON1002/1220 Introductory macroeconomics according to the Regulations, Syllabus & Structure and List of Courses for the BEcon and BEcon&Fin programmes. The course is primarily for students majoring in economics and as such can be technical at times, involving the use of mathematics including elementary calculus. Slides are available at http://www.sef.hku.hk/~ccfour/#Teaching Textbook: Macroeconomics by Andrew B. Abel, Ben S. Bernanke, and Dean Croushore, 8th edition, Pearson Addison Wesley. Assessment: Homework (problem sets plus one short essay) Test (mid-term) Examination (final) 20% (10%+10%) 20% 60% Short Essay: Economics is a persuasive science, and mathematics and statistics are tools economists use to make their arguments. Therefore, writing essays that convincingly make your argument is the key to both academic success and applications of economic thoughts in daily life. During the course, I will give your three topics (consumption and investment in China, the growth miracle of...
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...HOW TO MAKE CONCEPT PAPER A concept paper is about the in-depth analysis regarding an intangible thought, theory, or idea. Concept examples include fear, authorship, unemployment, education, etc. The goal of writing a concept paper is to explain a particular idea to the audience objectively. If your audience doesn’t have the knowledge about the issue, your job should be to inform them. If your audience has some knowledge, your job is to add new things into the discussion. Usually, a concept paper discusses a controversial topic which could be interpreted in various ways. Below are the steps for writing a concept paper. * Pick your concept. If your instructor did not assign a particular concept, you have the freedom of deciding the topic. You should choose a subject that is related to the course your concept paper is for. Your concept should illuminate the topics which have been discussed in your class. It also always helps if you choose a subject that you are familiar with or interested in researching on. * Research your concept. You should spend no less time to research about your topic than actually writing your paper. While doing the research, you should gather informative and objective information. The materials you research should be a mix of scholar journals, books, professional websites and interviews. * Refine the topic. When you pinpoint the concept, it helps for limiting the possibilities of your research, otherwise the research might feel overwhelming...
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...Red Bull Beau Stough ECO/372 28 September 2015 Kevin McKinley Red Bull With the world becoming ever so small with the advancements in technology, it has become much easier for companies both large and small to reach the consumer at home and abroad. Red Bull is one of the companies that has seen massive growth within the last 30 years and continues to show growth each year. Red Bull is an Austrian based business developed and founded by Dietrich Mateschitz in the mid-1980s (Ukessays.com, 2015). A major strength of the company is its international presence. With sales in 166 markets worldwide, Red Bull is dominate in the United States and North America (Ukessays.com, 2015). Within the last 5 years the company has seen major international growth. Each country that Red Bull takes on as a possible new market presents their own individual challenges with individual economies to enter into. President and Congress Stimulation and Contraction of the Economy On September 8, 2011 U.S. President Barack Obama proposed the American Jobs Act on a nationally televised address to a joint session of Congress. This act is a measured approach that will boost job creation (Boushey, 2011). Inside the act includes a number of key proposals that in 2011 had bipartisan support, including infrastructure investments, putting teachers back in school, tax cuts for small businesses, and help for the unemployed (Boushey, 2011). While this may not directly impact Red Bull as...
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...CHAP TER Separating Ideas and Shaping Content Writing Paragraphs 1. PURPOSE, AUDIENCE, TONE, AND CONTENT L E A R N I N G 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 O B J E C T I V E S Identify the differences between summary, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation paragraphs Identify the content in writing paragraphs Demonstrate how audience and tone influence content Apply purpose, audience, tone, and content to a specific assignment Imagine reading a poorly written review of a movie that you would like to see this weekend. You cannot follow the characters, action, or conflict because the author of the review rambles on and on. Without clear paragraphs, this review will likely lose your interest, and you may skip the movie altogether! When you are the writer, it is helpful to position yourself as a reader. Ask yourself whether you can focus easily on each point you make. Effective writers use a single paragraph for each new idea they introduce. Paragraphs separate ideas into logical, manageable, and distinct units. Each paragraph focuses on only one main idea and presents coherent sentences to support that single point. Because all the sentences in one paragraph support the same point, a paragraph may stand on its own. Each paragraph is shaped by Purpose: the reason why the writer composes the paragraph. < Tone: the attitude the writer conveys about the paragraph’s subject. < Audience: the individual or group whom the writer intends to address. < Content: the written material in the paragraph...
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...Essay #5 – Reagan Administration POL 313 August 12, 2015 Former Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan becomes the 40th president of the United States at the ripe old of 69 in a time when both, the popularity and the faith among the American people in the office of the president was greatly impaired. Reagan’s predecessor, Jimmy Carter`s tenure concluded with many unsolved domestic and international issues that in turn presented a great opportunity for Ronald Reagan to establish himself as a transformative president who shall restore the power to the presidency. In fact it would not be incorrect to state that, Reagan capitalized on America`s desperate desire to change the status quo during his presidency. 1970s was a chaotic decade for the United States of America; stagflation, unemployment, stubborn bureaucracy, ineffective congress, and most importantly, soviet expansion and loss of Vietnam war had demoralized the public. Nixon` Watergate scandal and the overall weakening of America`s image on the international platform only added more to America`s misfortune. By the beginning of the 1980s the government was almost entirely non functional before the eyes of the public; some go as far as to say that, Carter administration was a perfect example of how America could function without a president (Milkins, 2013). It is evident that in the beginning of 1980s America mainly needed three things; reclaim its title as a powerful nation in the world, a sense of...
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...Chapter 1: AWA Introduction | To download section click button or click on “File Save as..” in the upper left-corner of your browser | | The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) consists of two 30-minute sections, the Analysis of Issue essay and the Analysis of Argument essay. You will receive a grade from 1 to 6, which will be sent with your GRE scores.The good news is that the AWA can be beaten.The essay topics are available for you to review beforehand. The structures for the AWA answers are simple and may be learned. In addition, while much GRE preparation may appear "useless" and without any merit beyond test day, the skills, reasoning tools, and techniques you learn for the AWA may be applied to any essay or persuasive writing. These skills will help you throughout business school and beyond. 800score has graded thousands of essays from GRE candidates and we have an unparalleled knowledge of where students go wrong. Here are some tips before we get started: * Grammar and spelling is, by-and-large, less important than structure and content. Focus on structure and your argument formation. * Take plenty of timed practice tests on a computer. Our sample essays on the site are designed for you to take timed practice essays and be evaluated. * Do not procrastinate AWA preparation. Students tend to put off the AWA until it is too late and then they cannot adequately prepare. | Chapter 2 - Section 1: Analysis of Issue | The Analysis of Issue question...
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...The analysis will include how the High Court decision wasted an opportunity to support the Aboriginal People in accessing equality. This essay will examine the considerations for sentencing Indigenous offenders as a unique group, and identifies the “unique circumstances of all Aboriginal offenders” which has relevance to moral culpability of an individual Aboriginal offender. ‘The history of Aboriginal people since European settlement is that they have been the subject of unprovoked aggression, conquest, pillage, rape brutalization, attempted genocide and systematic and unsystematic destruction of their culture,’ and this has had a significant impact on the Indigenous communities wellbeing. The inherit problems relating to Indigenous peoples disadvantage, includes being part of the Stolen Generation, as these people are more likely to come into contact with police in their adolescence, unemployment and poverty, as often poverty translates to crime and drug and alcohol abuse, alcohol consumption is one of the most significant factors that underlies Indigenous persons arrest rates . The...
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...Group : E Dr. Nancy Nour Child Labor in Egypt Due to gaps between rich and poor in the recent years, Child labor arose. Employment of children under the legal age and keeping them from attending schools is remarkably increasing. Working children issue is a threat that has a negative economic effect on every country throughout the world, especially in the development of nations. Africa and Asia combined account for over 90 percent of total child Labor (ILO, n.d). Child labor remarkably develops from country sides and rural areas where there is high capacity that leads to ignorance and poverty. Talking about Africa, Egypt in specific, the estimated number of working children in Egypt is almost 1.6 million (Feteha, 2011). The following essay will tackle down the causes, the effects, the previous solutions and their limitations of this problem as well as a suggested solution will be provided to rectify this widespread problem. According to Ragab(n.d) , in order to exempt their families’ members from education, food and clothing cost, young girls are usually sent as domestic maids to homes of the county’s elites ;moreover, they maybe also daughters of doormen, servants, or porters, usually oriented from country sides. Girls at that part are bound by their employers’ commands as they send the girl’s family income, leaving her dependent which is a cause to child labor. One of the effects of this issue that can occur due to labor at early age is that children are exposed to...
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...This essay highlights the ethical issues of the case study titled World Class Bull, analyses them from the four perspectives namely Utilitarian, Deontology, Liberal and virtue ethics. It is then followed by a reasonable decision based on the analysis and concludes by examining what was done and how the process could have been improved by reflecting on it. The major ethical quandary in this particular case is the manipulative scheme of Chris, member of the SFS sales team in landing a contract with a resilient client namely Dale, CFO of Armadillo. The latters actions are seen as conspiratorial as at some point he lied to the customer about the extent he knew on him and his company as well as on his intentions. Sam, the Human Resources Vice President (VP) regarded his actions as a breach in the code of ethics particularly under deceptive business practices. The second issue concerns the unintentional and hasty act of Jeremy, the Sales VP which was sending a mail to the entire sales team flattering the scheming plan of Chris and ridiculing Dale and his wife. As seen above, there are two sides of this issue both being unethical however impacting on different stakeholders. Firstly, it breaches the code of ethics as Jeremy is seen as instigating the entire sales team in deceptive business practices. Secondly it breaches the American universal code of conduct whereby employees should respect all customers (Universal American Code of Conduct 2014). Utilitarianism means acting to maximize...
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...INTRODUCTION Restiveness among youths globally and those in Nigeria has become a behaviour pattern which has degenerated into a topical global issue. Youth restiveness portrays man’s negative side of social development. This negative development is rather unfortunate and has become one of the many security challenges facing man in the contemporary society. In many occasions, lives and properties worth millions of naira have been lost or vandalized and some razed down by restive youths. As observed by Chukwuemeka and Agbara (2010), human society and in fact the entire universe is simply and squarely a complex entity. In view of this, individuals and groups have their complexities, needs, aspirations, hopes, goals, opinions, views and values which could be social, economic, religious, psychological or political. Consequently, there is bound to be restiveness among different groups of people especially youths who are at their prime age. The term youth has been variously defined. Ndu (2000) and Yusuf (2001) saw youths as neither adolescents nor children characterized by excessive energy that needs to be exerted, which if not guarded, is channeled into negative tendencies. The United Nations General Assembly and World Bank cited in Adewuyi (2008) defined the youth as people between ages 15 to 24 years. In Nigeria, the people within the age limit of 30 years are considered as youths hence they are allowed to participate in the National Youth Service Scheme (NYSC). For this paper...
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