Rosemarie Zagarri Revolutionary Backlash transforms the field of women's history and the standard political narrative that still has an effect on United States history. Many define the Revolution as a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. Women in the 1700’s define American Revolution as the profound change in political status and rights of women. Overall, Zagarri being a female has a better understanding of the struggle in gaining women’s rights.
White males marginalized those who could not vote, mainly women however all was not lost. Women had already commenced to participate in charitable movements, non-profitable societies, and convivial reform organizations. Through these organizations, women found another way to practice politics. Many women took advantage of these opportunities and actively engaged in American political culture through the early Federal period, but a conservative…show more content… De la Barre challenged the view that men had greater intellectual capacities than women. The differences that existed between the intelligence of men and women were none other than the result of prejudice and discrimination that prevented women from sharing the full range of male privilege and experience. Men were considered the gatekeepers to the professions that involved intellect and so as for males de la Barre’s arguments are the aftermath on their own livelihood. This would allowing women into predominately male respectable occupations would intensify competition, and cost many men their jobs. Throughout the eighteenth century “ The mind has no sex”{pg.12} was a common phrase which became widely accepted among the educated classes throughout the transatlantic world. Overall, if both men and women reasoned then both sides will realize each were capable of intellectual