...SECURE ROUTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS By [Name] The Name of the Class (Course) Professor (Tutor): The Name of the School (University): The City and State The Date: Abstract. Wireless sensor networks (WSANs) are a group of sensors and actors that are linked by a wireless medium for the purpose of performing distributed sensing and action on a given task. This involves the sensors collecting information about the surrounding physical environment and sending the information to the actors which take the decisions and perform some needed action basing on the information received from the sensors about the surrounding environment. These sensor networks are sometimes referred to as wireless sensor and actuator networks. They monitor physical or environmental conditions such as sound, pressure, temperature among others and send the collected data to the required location. Effective sensing and acting requires a distributed local coordination methods and mechanism among the sensors and the actors in addition to this, sensor data should be valid in order for right and timely actions to be performed. This paper describes secure routing in wireless sensor networks and outlines its threats on security. Keywords: Wireless sensor and actor networks; Actuators; Ad hoc networks; Sybil attack; Real-time communication; Sinkhole; Routing; MAC; adversary. Introduction With the recent rapid improvement on technology, many networking technologies have been created to make...
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...Survey of Attacks, Security Mechanisms and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. G. Padmavathi, Mrs. D. Shanmugapriya, Prof and Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, India, ganapathi.padmavathi@gmail.com Lecturer, Dept. of Information Technology, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, India, ds_priyaa@rediffmail.com Abstract—Wireless Sensor networks (WSN) is an emerging technology and have great potential to be employed in critical situations like battlefields and commercial applications such as building, traffic surveillance, habitat monitoring and smart homes and many more scenarios. One of the major challenges wireless sensor networks face today is security. While the deployment of sensor nodes in an unattended environment makes the networks vulnerable to a variety of potential attacks, the inherent power and memory limitations of sensor nodes makes conventional security solutions unfeasible. The sensing technology combined with processing power and wireless communication makes it profitable for being exploited in great quantity in future. The wireless communication technology also acquires various types of security threats. This paper discusses a wide variety of attacks in WSN and their classification mechanisms and different securities available to handle them including the challenges faced. Keywords-Wireless Sensor Network; Security Security Attacks; Defensive mechanisms; Challenges ...
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...2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering Simulation and Research on Data Fusion Algorithm of the Wireless Sensor Network Based on NS2 Junguo Zhang, Wenbin Li, Xueliang Zhao, Xiaodong Bai, Chen Chen Beijing Forestry University, 35 Qinghua East Road, Haidian District,Beijing, 100083 P.R.China information which processed by the embedded system to the user terminals by means of random selforganization wireless communication network through multi-hop relay. Thus it authentically achieves the purpose of ‘monitor anywhere and anytime’. The basic function of sensor network is gathering and sending back the information of the monitoring areas which the relevant sensor nodes are set in. But the sensor network node resources are very limited, which mainly embodies in battery capacity, processing ability, storage capacity, communication bandwidth and so on. Because of the limited monitoring range and reliability of each sensor, we have to make the monitoring areas of the sensor nodes overlapped when they are placed in order to enhance the robustness and accuracy of the information gathered by the entire network. In this case, certain redundancy in the gathered data will be inevitable. On the way of sending monitoring data by multi-hop relay to the sink nodes (or base stations) which are responsible to gather the data. It is necessary to reduce the redundant information by fusion processing. Data fusion is generally defined as a process...
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...1. Energy: The sensor nodes are generally inaccessible after deployment and normally they have a finite source of energy that must be optimally used for processing and communication to extend their lifetime. It is a well known fact that communication requires significant energy. In order to make optimal use of energy, therefore communication should be minimized as much as possible. 2. Redundancy: Due to the frequent node failures and inaccessibility of failed nodes, WSNs are required to have high redundancy of nodes so that the failure of few nodes can be negligible. 3. System Lifetime: The WSNs should function as long as possible. Their system lifetime can be measured by using generic parameters such as time until the nodes die or by using...
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...A Survey on Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Muhammad Asad Department of Computer Science COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, WAH CANT Abstract: To tackle the limited life-time issue of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a very key research domain in order to design, development and implementation of energy effective algorithms. So, the major concern of researcher is energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. WSNs acknowledged magnificent consideration from both industry and academic because of assure numerous latent applications in military and civilian areas. WSN consists of sensor nodes sensing the data, communication capabilities and data processing. Network can be deployed in the area of interest and collaborate to complete a task. WSN has multiple exclusive characteristics, such as memory constraints, computation, stern power, asymmetric data transmission, higher unreliability of sensor nodes and denser node deployment and presents several new challenges for the ultimate application and development of WSNs. In exacting, sensor nodes are operates without attendance and battery powered for a long period of time. In order to recharge or change these batteries of sensor nodes are quite difficult or impossible in most of the cases. In this regard, energy efficient routing protocols in wireless sensor networks are essential for exceeding the network lifetime of sensors. In this paper I present a comparatively survey of few prominent...
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...WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK COVERAGE: DEMONSTARTING POWER SAVINGS AND LIMITATIONS WITH MINIMIZED COVERAGE BY SIDNEY I. RUBEY A thesis submitted to the Graduate faculty of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Department of Computer Science 2011 This thesis for Master of Science degree by Sidney I. Rubey has been approved for the Department of Computer Science by ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. C. Edward Chow, Chair ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Terrance E. Boult ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Xiaobo Zhou ----------------------------------------- Date Abstract This paper explores the competing issues of coverage efficiency and power available in wireless sensor networks. Specifically, a shortest distance routing protocol is implemented, and total network system lifetimes are determined using a variety of small percentages of the available system nodes. Using a network simulator developed in Java, wireless sensor nodes are simulated, and power consumption algorithms are included in each node that take into consideration all aspects of power consumption in the operation of the node. Simulating different coverage schemes on the same network system, same initial power sources, and routing protocol, an increase of overall system lifetime of 900% is demonstrated...
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...WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE COMPUTING Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2004; 4:247–249 (DOI: 10.1002/wcm.220) Guest Editorial Special Issue: Scalability Issues in Wireless Networks— Architectures, Protocols and Services By Amitabh Mishra, Guest Editor Scalability of computer-communication networks has been an important topic for quite some time. Internet community examined the services and protocols for scalability, and switching and routing researchers looked at the scalability of the switches and routers. Service providers studied the application architectures of the services for the scalable performance that they need to provide to subscribers and, the maintenance folks paid attention to scalability of service provisioning algorithms, protocols and software. Similarly, the wireless networking community has also started to look at the scalability issues that are relevant to wireless cellular, wireless local, as well as wireless personal area networks besides the emerging area of infrastructure-less networks such as ad-hoc and sensor networks. Surprisingly there is significant scope for research in the wireless scalability area as it relates to the ad hoc and sensor networks and this is one of the reasons why this topic was chosen for a special issue. A wireless sensor network is likely to have a large number of nodes perhaps in thousands to millions and that may create, potentially, numerous scaling problems in the networking protocols, addressing schemes, hardware architectures...
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...GOMEZ MONTENEGRO LAYOUT 5/18/10 11:46 AM Page 92 CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Wireless Home Automation Networks: A Survey of Architectures and Technologies Carles Gomez and Josep Paradells, Technical University of Catalonia ABSTRACT Wireless home automation networks comprise wireless embedded sensors and actuators that enable monitoring and control applications for home user comfort and efficient home management. This article surveys the main current and emerging solutions that are suitable for WHANs, including ZigBee, Z-Wave, INSTEON, Wavenis, and IP-based technology. INTRODUCTION In recent years, wireless sensor and actuator networks have gained high momentum, receiving significant attention from academia, industry, and standards development organizations. One of the primary application domains of this technology is home automation. Wireless home automation networks (WHANs) enable monitoring and control applications for home user comfort and efficient home management. A WHAN typically comprises several types of severely constrained embedded devices, which may be battery powered and are equipped with low-power radio frequency (RF) transceivers. The use of RF communication allows flexible addition or removal of devices to or from the network and reduces installation costs since wired solutions require conduits or cable trays. However, the dynamics of radio propagation, resource limitations, and the mobility of some devices...
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................................................................................................................................. 10 LIMITATION ......................................................................................................................................... 10 POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTIONS (IMPLICATION OF RESEARCH) .................................................... 11 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 12 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Page | 1 ABSTRACT In the last ten years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have increasingly gained the attention of researchers. Depending on the...
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...in Wireless Sensor Network 1st Bhavya R Patel, 2nd Jignesh patel 1st PG Student, 2nd Asst.Prof. 1st Computer Engineering, 2nd Computer Engineering S.R.Patel Engineering College, Unjha, Mehsana,India 1bhavyapatel9@gmail.com, 2 jigneshpatel.er@gmail.com __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract-Sensor webs consisting of nodes with limited battery power and wireless communications are deployed to collect useful information from the field. Gathering sensed information in an energy efficient manner is critical to operate the sensor network for a long period of time. A data collection problem is defined where, in a round of communication, each sensor node has a packet to be sent to the distant base station. If each node transmits its sensed data directly to the base station then it will deplete its power quickly. Since wireless communications consume significant amounts of battery power, sensor nodes should spend as little energy as possible receiving and transmitting data. It is necessary for communication protocols to maximize nodes' lifetimes, reduce bandwidth consumption by using local collaboration among the nodes, and tolerate node failures. Most of the work in energy efficient data gathering application is motivated by LEACH by allowing rotation of cluster head for load distribution. In this paper, we have presented several existing methods for energy efficient cluster head selection in wireless sensor...
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...III. SECURITY IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS A. Protocol Stack: The protocol stack consists of physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, application layer, power management plane, mobility management plane and task management plane. The physical layer is responsible for modulation, transmission, and receiving techniques and data encryption. The data link layer manages the multiplexing of data streams, data frame detection, medium access and error control. The network layer takes care of routing the data supplied by the transport layer. The transport layer helps to maintain the flow of data and the application layer is used to build different types of application software. Fig. 3. WSN Protocol Stack The protocol stack combines power and routing awareness, integrates data with networking protocols, communicates power efficiently through the wireless medium, and promotes cooperative efforts of sensor nodes. The power, mobility, and task management planes monitor the power, movement, and task distribution among the sensor nodes....
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...Acoustic Sensor Networks Ian F. Akyildiz, Dario Pompili, Tommaso Melodia Broadband & Wireless Networking Laboratory School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 Tel: (404) 894-5141 Fax: (404) 894-7883 e-mail:{ian, dario, tommaso}@ece.gatech.edu Abstract— Ocean bottom sensor nodes can be used for oceanographic data collection, pollution monitoring, offshore exploration and tactical surveillance applications. Moreover, Unmanned or Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (UUVs, AUVs), equipped with sensors, will find application in exploration of natural undersea resources and gathering of scientific data in collaborative monitoring missions. Underwater acoustic networking is the enabling technology for these applications. Underwater Networks consist of a variable number of sensors and vehicles that are deployed to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. In this paper, several fundamental key aspects of underwater acoustic communications are investigated. Different architectures for two-dimensional and three-dimensional underwater sensor networks are discussed, and the underwater channel is characterized. The main challenges for the development of efficient networking solutions posed by the underwater environment are detailed at all layers of the protocol stack. Furthermore, open research issues are discussed and possible solution approaches are outlined. I. I NTRODUCTION Ocean bottom sensor nodes are...
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...Communication Network The wireless communication network is different type of computer network that is not connected by wires, and is normally associated with a telecommunications network where the connection among the nodes are made without the using any wires [1]. The wireless telecommunications networks normally use some type of electromagnetic waves for the transmission of data or communication. 3.1.1 Types of Wireless Networks: Wireless PAN Wireless Personal Area Networks interconnect devices within a small area. For example, by using Bluetooth in create wireless PAN for interconnecting a headset to a cell phone. Fig: 3.1 Block diagram of WPAN Wireless LAN Wireless local area network is represented as a Wi-Fi technique or a Fixed Wireless Data Communication technique. Fixed Wireless Data implements technique point to point links among computers at two various locations, by the using microwave signals or laser beams above the line of sight paths. The connect two networks existing in two or more adjacent locations. Fig: 3.2 Wireless LAN structure...
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...Introduction: With the advances of micro electro mechanical system technology, wireless communications and digital electronics, Wireless Sensor Networks have been used in everywhere such as battlefield surveillance, environment supervision and traffic control has become a reality. Wireless Sensor Networks consist of large number of sensor nodes which collect and route data to the external sink with a certain transmission regulation. Due to the limitations of bandwidth memory and computing capability of such nodes the applied routing topology should ensure the minimization of energy consumption and hence maximization the lifetime of the network. When the energy is limited, our main aim is to find a route which can minimize the energy consumption...
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...REVIEW #1 This article is about the advancement of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WNSs). Their usage in various fields making them the most fast evolving technology. The wireless sensor network consist of a large number of sensor nodes, Sink and the Actuator. These sensor networks use broadcast communication paradigm but most of the networks depends on point-to-point communication. The sensor networks does not have a global identification because of large in number. The communication architecture of sensor networks has three phases 1. Sensor node 2.Sink 3.User. The sensor node collects data sends it to the sink, where the sink compute the data and finally sends it to the user. The design topology of sensor networks depends on the user requirement. The basic system consists of the power unit, processing unit, sensing unit and the transceiver. Depending on the requirement some other components can be added to the network which are like location finding system, mobilizer, power generator, etc. The design factors depend on 1.Fault Tolerance 2.Scalability 3.Production cost 4.Hardware Constraints 5.Sensor network Topology 6.Environment 7.Transmission Media 8.Poweer consumption. Depending on the network size and the requirements the cost of the network changes. The Transmission of data follows a different protocol stack which consist of different layers. Each of the layer is very dedicated in their duty of transferring data. The physical layer and the Data link layer are the...
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