External Aids to Construction * According to cross there are two categories of the external aids. (1) Informed interpretation (2) Legislative history Informed Interpretation 1 Historical settings of the statutes 2 Dictionaries and other literary sources. * Interpreting considering the all aids 3 Practice to construction 4 Contemporary exposition 5 Other statutes on the same subject ( Ex: consider the Bail Act with the criminal procedure Active ) | Legislative history * The history of the antecedents * Parliamentary materials * Pre –parliamentary materials * Treaties and International conventions Cross explained that plain meaning rule is the practice of the England. (clear meaning) | * It should be given the clear meaning of the statute unless the words are ambiguous and imprecise; that it is to say, as the normal user and understanding of the English language * Cross emphasized that if we can take the plain meaning of the statute; it is not essential to get the assistance of the legislative history. BUT * If there is a unclear and ambiguous meaning ; we have to get the assistance of the legislative history. | Parliamentary materials * The documents which can be get from the parliament. (1) Hanzard (2) BillsPre-Parliamentary materials * The Documents which submit to the parliament ;before ratify or make the BillEx: committee reports, Cabinet reportsTreaties and International conventions Ex: International Covenant on Civil and