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Submitted By jagupatel
Words 365
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nformation Systems vs Information Technology
Information technology and information systems are two closely related fields of study that people find very confusing to differentiate between. This is because of overlapping of topics in courses that are designed to teach these subjects. Despite all the similarities there are differences that need to be highlighted to enable students to choose one of the two as a career option depending upon suitability.
It seems that in this modern age of computers and internet, information technology has become more popular as there are more job openings for information technology. One reason why people confuse between information systems and information technology is that they presume systems to be computer systems. However, ‘information systems’ is rather large field of study that refers to systems that are designed to create, modify, store and distribute information. It is really surprising but information systems as a field of study has been around much before computers arrived on the scene.
Information technology can be considered as a subset of information systems. It deals with the technology part of any information system, and as such deals with hardware, servers, operating systems and software etc.
A system is always a combination of people, machines, processes and technology. And IT is just a part of the system. Since a part can never be identical to whole, information systems is never going to be identical to information technology. Designing of a system takes much more than technology as people and processes are also involved.
‘Information systems’ is in essence bridging the gap between business and the ever growing field of computers. On the other hand, information technology is all about managing technology and making use of it for the betterment of business.
In brief:
• Information systems and information technology are parts of a broader computer science.
• Whereas information systems focuses on the system making use of technology, information technology focuses on technology and how it can help in disseminating information.
• However, Information technology and information systems are not necessarily two fields of study, even though, there can be fields of studies on these terms.

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