...The State of South Africa’s rap/hip-hop as it relates to our current times. I agree with astrophysicist, Mr. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s comments; “that rap goes through various artistic phases depending on the times” and with this piece of writing I will critically consider the state of South African rap/hip-hop. Personally I think there is a distinct difference between Rap music and Hip-hop music. Rap music is more like poetry; it is underground, deep and has meaning and substance. Mostly used to tell positive and inspirational stories and convey deep messages from artists to consumer. Whilst Hip-hop on the other hand is so called “turn up” music, used to make people dance, brag about woman, cars and money, sell the idea of sex , basically music without substance that nothing positive can be taken from it. Some websites even have different categories for Rap and Hip-hop music when wanting to download the music, to further prove my observation and opinion. “Hip-hop cleans out at SAMA’s”, Sunday Times headline. In South Africa Hip-hop/Rap music is currently dominating the music industry, it is the “it” genre at the moment in the country. Its artist get paid the most, are booked at almost every gig, all over the airwaves, it is basically all that you hear on radio these days. At our current time Hip-hop/rap is all about egos, money and who has more fans/awards hence there is what these cool hip-hop heads call “Beef” which according to the dictionary is meat from a cow or to make...
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...Cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssdsddddddddddddddddddd cxdvsvssssssdddddddddddddd...
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...pleading to buy, for instance, a new mobile phone; buying new things because throwing away old but good things. The problem of garbage is very complicated. As we can see, government is not interested of reducing consuming. Thus, the responsibility has to be taken by individuals and non-governmental organizations. Certain laws, regulating the percentage of packaging material per ton of product should be established. Moreover, interesting programs, involving people to participate can be developed. For example, a bonus for not asking for a plastic bag in supermarkets or for buying extra large packs of food. In addition, everyone should become concerned about the future of human beings and our planet. If we do not wish to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice before buying things we do not...
Words: 276 - Pages: 2
...Rubbish problem Nowadays the amount of rubbish produced on a daily basis is increasing dramatically. What are the reasons for this, and what can government do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? The amount of garbage we produce is rising at an alarming rate. This essay will examine the reasons for this increase, and make suggestions about possible government action to address this problem. There are a number of reasons why we are producing more and more rubbish nowadays. First of all, the products we buy in the shops tend to be pre-wrapped in plastic or polystyrene containers. This is particularly true for processed foods, which are becoming increasingly popular. As soon as we arrive home from the shops we tend to throw this packaging away. Another cause for this increasing mountain of garbage is the fact that there are more people living on the planet nowadays. As the population continues to grow, so will the piles of rubbish. There are some measures which governments could take, however, to help reduce the problem of rubbish. First of all, there is the concept of the three “R”s: reduce, re-use and recycle. In short, that means we should use less packaging of goods to reduce the amount of waste. Furthermore, we should use the plastic bags which we get from the shops again and again, rather than throw them away as soon as we get home. Finally, we should recycle materials such as glass, paper, aluminium and so on so that the materials can be used again to make...
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...After the Rubbish Boys case, I discovered that using a franchising model to grow business seems to be a good option for “King” type entrepreneurs. Brian is able to keep 100% of the company all the way because the franchising model helps minimize the capital he needs to scale the business, therefore eliminates the need to give away equity for money. In addition, the one-sided franchising contract gives the franchisor security to hand the operation to another entrepreneur without worrying losing equity and control. However, I think that Brain’s success was a bit of luck. Franchisees join a franchise business because they want to own a business of which the business model has been proven and tested, the revenue and required investment are more or less known, and ideally the existing brand equity can be leveraged to get the new franchise up to speed fairly quickly. In Rubbish Boy’s case, the company didn’t meet any of these criteria. Brian had just decided to switch from the student franchising model to a professional one, with the new pricing and operations untested; it was unclear how much the franchisee will earn and invest; and there was certainly no brand recognition at all. That was probably why Brian couldn’t find any franchisee to start with and had to turn to an internal management team member. That being said, every franchisor needs a “pilot franchisee” to start with in order to successfully set up his/her own franchise model, and Paul Guy was Brian’s pilot franchisee...
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...4. Use of generalities. In analyzing cases, specific recommendations are necessarily not generalities. For example, a suggestion to increase the price is a generality; a suggestion to increase the price by $1.07 is a specific. 5. A different situation. Considerable time and effort are sometimes exerted by analysts contending that "If the situation were different, I'd know what course of action to take" or "If the marketing manager hadn't already fouled things up so, badly, the firm wouldn't have a problem." Such reasoning ignores the fact that the events in the case have already happened and cannot be changed. Even though analysis or criticism of past events is necessary in diagnosing the problem, in the end, the present situation must be addressed and decisions must be made based on the given situations. 6. Narrow vision analysis. Although cases are often labeled as a specific type of case, such as "pricing," "product," and so forth, this does not mean that other marketing variables should be ignored. Too often analysts ignore the effects that a change in one marketing element will have on the others. HIGHLIGHT 4 An Operational Approach to Case and Problem Analysis 1. Read the case quickly to get an overview of the situation. 2. Read the case again thoroughly. Underline relevant information and take notes on potential areas of concern. 3. Review outside sources of information on the environment and the industry. Record relevant information and...
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...DFDHE SKJFA WDQH,QNdJ WQEUJhfnec ejHFNED ujhwqfr qw uyhw3e qwuj wqwdb jhkg y vg g uyigh huijkh ub hh yhgbnjkolghns tslgnm gtsklnm gtwk oiksn n wjstnhg tjnmw noik sthbktsn nskj x,twsnsls tklwt g ws,m g wklm wkltmghwsl gskmtik nm,x ojklrng ikogn wn woknrt g ngjns vokln rgaslnm ga n uwjnbg awqkn riqj rgn glq qokln qn qgqjng qjgn qwgn q w wqh fgja rgq gqh 9uqhn hurtwob hg hbqw hquibq qwhrgh rq uiwqhg qihbqaw rtqh hw9uhgqb uqirhgqb qrqgb qb gwq qybq g qhgja qg q qg qgqg qgg gr5gthtyh hb h h hwe hse we he h eh e h e he he tyh e h ehty he h h tyhy e yhetyh 65 5 h e h d gh edg he h eh e h eh e h he h eh ehm ja n aqhan hnb hrng hn rtgnwjsn g gsk gh awsghj rg rtag a rg a DFDHE SKJFA WDQH,QNdJ WQEUJhfnec ejHFNED ujhwqfr qw uyhw3e qwuj wqwdb jhkg y vg g uyigh huijkh ub hh yhgbnjkolghns tslgnm gtsklnm gtwk oiksn n wjstnhg tjnmw noik sthbktsn nskj x,twsnsls tklwt g ws,m g wklm wkltmghwsl gskmtik nm,x ojklrng ikogn wn woknrt g ngjns vokln rgaslnm ga n uwjnbg awqkn riqj rgn glq qokln qn qgqjng qjgn qwgn q w wqh fgja rgq gqh 9uqhn hurtwob hg hbqw hquibq qwhrgh rq uiwqhg qihbqaw rtqh hw9uhgqb uqirhgqb qrqgb qb gwq qybq g qhgja qg q qg qgqg qgg gr5gthtyh hb h h hwe hse we he h eh e h e he he tyh e h ehty he h h tyhy e yhetyh 65 5 h e h d gh edg he h eh e h eh e h he h eh ehm ja n aqhan hnb hrng hn rtgnwjsn g gsk gh awsghj rg rtag a rg a DFDHE SKJFA WDQH,QNdJ WQEUJhfnec ejHFNED ujhwqfr qw uyhw3e qwuj wqwdb jhkg y vg g uyigh...
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...Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj Alkfjwlkefjwlkefj...
Words: 431 - Pages: 2
...Selective collection of rubbish in Russia as a key to welfare (SLIDE 1) Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I want to present you my report. The topic is “Selective collection of rubbish in Russia as a key to welfare”. (SLIDE 2) I want to attract your attention to an undoubtedly global problem of today’s fast-moving world. I am absolutely sure, that you’ll recognize yourselves in this common day-to-day situation. Just recall it: every day you hurry to work or to studies and don’t have spare time at all. As usual, you just take your keys, grab your bag and run out into the street. Then you throw your rubbish into the dustbin or even leave it at your entrance. So, the problem is successfully solved and nothing else detracts you from your daily routine. (SLIDE 3) Meanwhile, every day one person produces 2 kilos of rubbish. This fact means that Russia has to utilize about 300 000 tons of rubbish daily. Obviously, all the attempts to hide these endless rotting rubbish mountains seem at least ridiculous as we just don’t dispose of infinite space nor needed amount of incinerators (machines for waste burning). (SLIDE 4) As a result, keeping a dump in Russia is extremely profitable as it doesn’t require any great efforts or big sums of money as a fixed capital. If you want to become a dump owner, you just need to buy a forged license (for the transportation, processing, storage, disposal of waste and waste destruction) and a godforsaken plot of land. Then you have to buy technical...
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4
...The thinkers guide to God caught my attention as I thought it could challenge me and the way I think about the world. This book also had very good reviews. Personally I didn’t believe in one religion, I believed each religion has very good views. And they aren’t all that much different. While reading the first chapter I enjoyed the detail they went into when analysing the paintings. I would never have look so deeply into the paints and opened my mind into the small feature with such a big point and meaning behind them. I enjoyed reading Aristotle’s views on god. I liked the fact that Aristotle and Plato both have different views and both of which have good points. After learning they both had different views it made me think of all the people in the world and how many people can have different views and beliefs from each other. Although they had different view they still got on… where as in the world to do we have wars for different views. In the second chapter they tell us of the first believing God(s) living in woods, trees, rivers and the earth, fire, water and air; this is something I partly believe in – mostly them living in the highest mountains and the sky… I believe in the gods (like in the film Hercules) I enjoy that the book calls out the view of biologist- the fact they believe god an old man with white bread being worshiped by millions of people across the globe. And the fact the y mocked people when “their understanding is limited, not the concept of God...
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...Assignment 02 Essay Plan: Introduction: * Outline what intend to explore in essay * Description of a consumer society. Part 1 * What is consumerism * Mass consumption origins – include quote from R Williams * Affluence * Supermarket contribution to consumerism Part 2 * Outline the impact of rubbish / wastage on environment – include statistics from reports shown in Making Social Lives text book. * Explain what unsustainability means and how does it refer to rubbish. * What is recycling and its role * Other ways to use rubbish i.e. charity shops, used as art Conclusion * Conclude whether society is a throwaway society. Explore the claim that a consumer society is always a ‘throw-away’ society. In this essay I will attempt to explore the claim stated above that a consumer society is always a ‘throw-away’ society and find examples to support this. Before beginning to explore the claim stated above, it is important to understand what is meant by a ‘consumer society’. Many social scientists state that we live in times of a consumer which means “a label use to refer to a society which is defined as much by how and what people purchase and use, as by what they make or do.” (Hetherington, 2009, p.13). Consumerism is a form of socialisation evolving from the Industrial Revolution and it has continued to evolve through the decades to the present day. With so many produces being so readily available it seems there are a number of...
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...How can a rubbish bin be a delight? A rubbish bin is the sort of product most people value for its functional features. However, a Danish producer of high-quality designer rubbish bins, the Vipp rubbish bin, has managed to change the rules. People gladly pay $250-500 for a Vipp bin, and at this price they must be getting more than just a well-functioning rubbish bin. How else could you pursue consumers to pay so much for a functional product that costs significantly less than the sales price to produce? Vipp is more than functionality, it is a story, it is quality, it is design, and sometimes even perceived as art. In other words, Vipp has managed to turn something as boring and functional as a rubbish bin into a delight. The story behind Vino is an important part of the product and helps differentiate it from other products of similar functionality. The first Vipp bin was made by Holger Nielsen in 1939 in a small town in western Denmark. The rubbish bin was designed for his wife's new hair-dressing salon. From here the bin found its way into the offices of the local physician and the local dentist and slowly but steadily into other clinics, salons, and hospitals. When Holger Nielsen's daughter Jette Egelund, took over in 1994 she saw new potential for the bin and took it from being a functional, quality rubbish bin to being a designer product. She started selling the rubbish bin on the private consumer market and also took it outside of Denmark, first to Germany and then to...
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...Environmental Pollution Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. It is an issue that troubles us economically, physically and everyday of our lives. The contamination of the environment is also being linked to some of the diseases that are around currently. Yet, most people do not know about this problem. This shows that environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly worse problem that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment but also for the people that live in it. Many factors are present for why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. However, if the people of the world were to address the issue it would definitely help both the environment and it’s people. There are many activities that can be done by both the common citizen to the governments of the world, which could severally improve the world’s environmental problem. On the other hand, if the current way the world’s environmental problem is being handled continues, catastrophic consequences can follow for the future population. http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/12389.html Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? An essential problem of the 21st century is world pollution. Currently the environment is so much contaminated that urgent measures...
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...Group A1 aims to significantly eradicate this waste and provide a long term solution to keeping the waste down on the mountain. Transportation is the main issue on the mountain as the only access remains by foot, and the combustion of the waste by use of steel drums in-situ causes a pollution issue, which raises a serious concern for the future of the mountain. Group A1 found the best way to resolve the issues on the mountain is to create a solution at the source of the waste. The group found that installing a gate at the base of the mountain and charging access would provide a cost-friendly and effective solution. The caretakers would then provide recyclable bags to the population entering the mountain, which then would pickup rubbish along the mountain until the bag reaches full capacity. Upon returning to the base of the mountain with a full bag, a rebate would be offered for their contribution in collecting waste. The idea is that the population would be paid for their efforts in assisting to the mountains health and waste collection. Coupled with extra signage, installing of a compost factory, recycling plant and collaboration with the local shops to ensure they are offering recyclable products would overall see an improvement in the health of the mountain and its stability for years to come, using the simple method of people power. Table of Contents * Introduction * Client Brief + factors * Design Concept and Criteria * Theory/Model ...
Words: 4865 - Pages: 20
...but as of recent times much has been done by the government alongside with local groups to try and bring Steele Creek to a healthier state. Why did we choose Steele Creek? We chose Steele Creek for our assignment because it is close to where we live and we go to school and see it everyday. We also noticed that it is filled with rubbish and is neglected in some areas with some overgrowth and poor water quality. Management and Recommendations Currently there are no plans to combat the issue of rubbish in Steele Creek. Although the council are continually plating trees and other shrubs to help revegetate the area with more native plants to help boost the ecosystem for the creek as well as the wildlife it supports. There are also plans to reduce the amount of non native animals species such as rabbits in the area to protect native animals living in the area. Some recommendations we thought of to help clean up the creek are to get people together to take the rubbish out of the creek by hand so it doesn't end up in the Maribyrnong river. Another way is to improve the storm water drains that supply the creek with some of its water so that more rubbish is filtered out before it comes in contact with the creek....
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