...Natasha Maxime Professor Frank Fuller GEOG 110 10 February 2015 The Russian Revolution of 1917: Guts over Fear The Russian Revolution was not only one revolution; it is a collective term for the tier of revolutions in Russia in 1917. The revolutions not only dismantled the Tsarist autocracy but also led to the creation of the Russian SFSR. The two revolutions swept through Russia and ended centuries of imperial rule and set in motion political and social changes that later led to the formation of the Soviet Union. The Emperor was forced to abdicate and the old regime was replaced by an emergency government (provisional government) during the first revolution of February 1917. In the second revolution, during October, the provisional...
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...streets of Russia. Many people were starving --everyone was badly off, except the Tsar(like a king) and his family. The tension between the upper and lower class grew , causing the russian revolution of 1917. Russian has had many Tsars , in the pass citizens have loved or hated them. The people decided to fight back and kill the last of the tsars - the killing left to the myth of Anastasia. Soon after the defeat of the Romanov’s, the people formed a new government , the Soviet Union. The revolution brought a new age for Russia. The Russian revolution was crucial to Russia, because of the history , the fights to get there, and the new government formed. Every country needs a leader to govern the people. Russia had tsars( or czars, spelling differs). Tsars are like a king. One of the tsars were , Peter the great. According to missinglink.edu Peter “introduced millitary conscritption” . There has be some not so great tsars,like Ivan the terrible. Ivan made life in russian a living hell. When his terror end it change the rights of the tsars. The last tsar to be alive was Nicholas ii . He was the one to kill iccent worker on bloody sunday. The people of Russia were furious at this event and decided to start a revolution. A...
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...Planning Your Historical Investigation Examples of Types of Investigations Examples of Research Questions Choice of Topic 20th Century History of the Americas Alternative The Written Account & Assessment Criteria A. Plan of the Investigation B. Summary of Evidence C. Evaluation of Sources D. Analysis E. Conclusion F. Sources and Word Limit Sample History IAs 1Trotsky and the Russian Civil War 2US in Chile 3Women in the French Revolution 4PreWWI Alliances 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 1 2 2 3 4 10 16 Information in this guide is gathered from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to: The IB History Course Guide, Oxford’s IB Skills and Practice, IBOCC, and anecdotal experience. What is the History IA? The History IA is your chance to explore a period, theme, or event in history that you are interested in. For full IB Candidates, it also serves as 20% of your final History Grade. The final paper will be assessed by your teacher, with a sampling sent off to IB for score moderation. The History IA asks you to use the full range of skills you have been taught in class. In particular: ● knowledge and understanding ● application and interpretation ● synthesis and evaluation ● document analysis The structure of the IA is unlike any history paper you have ever written (and will most likely ever write again)...
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...According to Pew Research Global Attitudes Project found that in Spring 2014 fully 72 per cent of Americans viewed Russia unfavorably, while 71 per cent of Russians held an unfavorable view of the United States. There had a certain amount of tension build up prior to this poll. In the 1990's there has been a set of actions that has trigger Russian elite as well as the public to believe that US was trying to weaken Russia, impose western values and exploit its resources. Some of those actions were increased activity of NATO and European Union in the Balkans(bombing campaign of Serbia in 1999). Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine plus American support of democracy in the Middle East left Russia a bit...
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...Your Paper Organizing Your Thoughts Making sense out of your observations about a text is a difficult task. Even once you've figured out what it is that you want to say, you are left with the problem of how to say it. With which idea should you begin? Should you address the opinions of other thinkers? As to that stubborn contradiction you've uncovered in your own thinking: what do you do with that? Writing papers in college requires that you come up with sophisticated, complex, and even creative ways of structuring your ideas. Accordingly, there are no simple formulae that we can offer you that will work for every paper, every time. We can, however, give you some things to think about that will help you as you consider how to structure your paper. Let Your Thesis Direct You Begin by listening to your thesis. If it is well-written, it will tell you which way to go with your paper. Suppose, for example, that in responding to Richard Pipes' book, The Russian Revolution, you have written a thesis that says: The purpose of the Russian Revolution was not only to revise Russia's class system, but to create a new world, and within that world, a new kind of human being. This thesis provides the writer (and the reader) with several clues about how best to structure the paper. First, the thesis promises the reader that it will argue that the Russian Revolution was not simply a matter of class. The paper will therefore begin by saying that although the destruction of the Russian class...
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...Within the context of the period 1801-1917, to what extent was the fall of Tsarism a consequence of significant social development in Russian society? Tsar Nicholas II’s abdication on 2nd March 1917 marked the end of Tsarism’s iron grip on Russia and the subsequent revolution was the clearest possible sign of political and social upheaval. Finally, its people had tired of their nation’s own backwardness and were looking for improvements to an archaic system which they had endured for hundreds of years. Seldom does a revolution succeed without violence being an integral part of its development, and the Russian revolution was no exception. However, there are economic and political factors that helped contribute to the outbreak of this civil disobedience, which must be considered. Underpinning these issues is the stark difference in the social dynamics of Russia between the early 19th century and the early 20th century. The social dichotomy that had presented itself was one that no other European power had experienced. Russia was the only European super-power to still employ serfdom by the time of its termination, for its roots had been deeply embedded in Russian culture. Historian Jonathon Bromley believes the longevity of serfdom was because it “served the economic interests of the nobility and the political interests of the Tsarist state.” This implies that the economic policy and political foundations of the country were predicated on its social structure; therefore social stability...
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...Arbitration International Law Claire Hunkin One of the first questions that you need to determine, after reaching the conclusion that your dispute is subject to arbitration, is what law will control the procedural elements of the arbitration. Which direction the determination takes is largely dependent on how carefully the contract was drafted. The world that we are living in is nothing compared to what it was 20 years ago. With all the new technologies and innovations mankind is discovering our world is never and will never stay the same. The same mind set applies to law, rather its statewide, nationwide or internationally. Arbitration can be used in just about anything, for example, a lawyer use it for their client agreement, employers use it in contracts with employees, land lords use arbitration for tenant-landlord agreements and companies obtain arbitration clause when they’re planning on expanding or merging with a different company. Unlike a judicial process, arbitration is conducted outside the court system by impartial arbitrators who are selected by the parties based on criteria that best fits the nature of the contract. There are advantages of having arbitration over litigation. Some of the few advantages are impartiality of decision makers, confidentiality, and expense. In arbitration, the disputing parties have the option to choose its panel members as opposed to litigation. Arbitration proceedings and awards are normally made private, where litigation proceedings...
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...Governance of the World Market: Institutions, Instruments and Experiences (MCC III) Prof. Christoph Scherrer Winter Semester 2015/2016 The Analytical difference in Conceptualising the Russia-Ukraine Conflict in Realist and Materialist Terms Kofi Adu Frimpong Kholmati Kholik Global Political Economy Global Political Economy 33423968 33420343 kadfrimpong@yahoo.com kkholik@gmail.com 15/03/2016 Abstract The so called Euromaidan revolution – Ukraine’s struggle to move one step further to closer ties with Europe by liberating itself from the Russian orbit, have created the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. It has re-established and heightened the tensions between Russia and West. Realism has been on the fore front of the academic discussion in explaining the crisis as the power competition between Russia and the West. Alternatively, Materialism has provided a different yet deeper analytical perspective on the conflict by attributing it to the broadening of the transnational class capitalism. This paper will seek to explain and scrutinize the analytical differences in conceptualizing this crisis in Realist and Materialist terms. Keywords: Ukraine crisis, Realism, Security, Materialism, Lockean heartland, Contender states Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Theoretical framework 5 2.1 Theoretical underpinnings of the Realist school of thought 5 2.2 Theoretical underpinnings of Materialism: Amsterdam School Approach 7 2.2.1 The Lockean Heartland...
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...of Nottingham, UK It is obviously necessary to begin with Karl Marx. According to Vorlander, ‘The ¨ moment anyone started to talk to Marx about morality, he would roar with laughter’ (Vorlander, 1904, p. 22; Lukes, 1985, p. 26). Yet the normative element is central to ¨ Marx’s thinking and the resolution of the paradox is to be found, according to Lukes, in the distinction between a bourgeois morality of law and a revolutionary morality of class emancipation. Marx is interested fundamentally in the moral education of the proletariat through the liberating process that accompanies revolution. It has been argued that in order to explain the motives of the socialist revolutionary, Marx needs such a theory of moral education that is, at the same time, his normative objective. In particular, it is said, ‘he needs an account of how vast numbers of working people acquire a commitment to make a revolution in their common interest’ (Miller, 1998, p. 377). Moreover, this must be powerful enough to break the economic, social and ideological grip of the capitalist system that he has analysed and exposed in such detail. The mode of production is the economic key, as it was for the emergence of capitalism. However, the development of capitalism itself creates a fresh social and psychological context, providing the proletariat with the opportunity to recognize their common circumstance as an incentive to further self-transforming struggles. In The Communist manifesto, Marx argues that historically...
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...Karachi school for business and leadership | Financial Institutions (Banks) & Industrial Development in Germany, Russia & India | Global and South Asian Business Development | Dr. Imran Ali | | 3/24/2014 | Salik Chaturbhai M2130024 Taimour Abdullah M2130017 Zeeshan Jessani M2130034 Salik Chaturbhai M2130024 Taimour Abdullah M2130017 Zeeshan Jessani M2130034 Contents Introduction 2 Review of Literature 3 Looking at the Past: Industrialization and Financial Institutions 8 Germany 8 Deutsche Bank, Germany 10 Russia 13 Sberbank, Russia 16 India 17 The State Bank of India 18 Major Themes: Comparison & Contrast 24 The debate between Capitalist and Communist Industrialization 25 Fiscal and Industrialization policy 27 Mission Statement and goals 30 The Banking Sector 31 Target Markets 32 Colonized Industrialization or De-industrialization 34 Conclusion 37 Appendix 1 39 Appendix 2 40 Work Cited 42 Introduction Mankind as a whole and the world as has been observed in the past has undergone much change in all aspects of human life. The concept of economic development in light of increasing industrial growth, free labour, the growth of private property as an institution and the development of the international trade as a concept have changed the way humans and hence nations interact and intervene in the world economic system. These gradual yet drastic changes in the structure of human interactions led to a wave...
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...Russian Intelligence: Our Nation’s Most Credible Threat Throughout the course thus far, we have researched, reviewed, and assessed the intelligence capabilities of the Chinese, Iranian, and the Russian intelligence organizations in great detail. After the study of each countries intelligence capabilities, I have found that the Russians have the greatest intelligence capabilities that could directly impact the United States of America. Throughout this short essay paper, I will cover the following topics that will support my findings that Russian intelligence agencies are indeed the gravest threat to our nation. 1. Chinese Intelligence Capabilities 2. Iranian Intelligence Capabilities 3. Russian Intelligence Capabilities 4. Conclusion The three countries listed above will be assessed as either marginally capable, capable, or highly capable. Chinese Intelligence Capabilities and Limitations The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) overall are capable in the field of intelligence gathering. There is no doubt that China has increased their ability to gather intelligence in its neighboring...
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...Historical Leader Paper Catherine the Great Catherine II was originally born Sophie Augusta Fredericka in 1729. She was born to a noble family in and raised in Germany then call Prussia. She was born a princes and was raised as such. Sophie was considered as an immensely beautiful princes. However her family was considered as minor and as poor by royal family standards. What they did have was an important connection to the Russian Empire. Sophie left for Russia in 1744 to meet Empress Elisabeth at the age of 15. As with most princesses of the time she was married off to increase political and family ties. In Sophie’s case this was to Peter III. Grand Duke Peter was the nephew to the Empress and heir to the throne of Russia. Other than meeting Empress Elisabeth and Peter III her childhood was relatively dull. The first time Sophie met Peter she was not fond of him. She described him as being “small and infantile and talked about nothing but soldiers and toys”. He was far too childish for her. In addition Peter would drink in excess at the mere age of 16. Although she disliked him, Sophie’s marriage to Peter was her first step in becoming Catherine the Great. She unlike Peter immediately immersed herself in the Russian culture. She also converted from German Lutheran to Eastern Orthodoxy and thus she was reborn and renamed Catherine. Catherine was an intellect who learned the Russian language swiftly. The newlyweds were nothing alike. Even on their wedding night Peter stayed...
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...HISTORY 4C: WESTERN CIVILIZATION: 1715-PRESENT Description of the Course: This course surveys the history of Europe from the beginning of the 18th century until the end of the 20th century. We will study major political, economic, social and intellectual developments that affected European societies during that time period and changed lives of people throughout the world. Major themes of the course will include the French and Industrial Revolutions, emergence of ideologies such as liberalism, nationalism and socialism as well as their practical impact on politics and culture, the rise and fall of European global dominance, wars and revolution of the 20th century. Goals of the Course: I. Understanding Historical Heritage of our Civilization: The major purpose of this course is to familiarize you with heritage of the western civilization and help you understand significance of its impact on contemporary world. This class will aim to illustrate how the past impacts people’s lives in the present and how our actions, ideas, and self-image are shaped by historical developments. II. Acquiring Critical Thinking: History consists of more than just memorization of names, dates and narratives of historical events. Although knowledge of factual information is imperative, it is important to realize that history is interpretation of facts, trends and ideas. Therefore, neither professor nor Teaching Assistants will give you “right” or “wrong” answers. Instead, another major...
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...workers for increased productivity, he has then already faced the problems and critics of his scientific management that it is still facing today. This includes the time study of work to define the optimal standards for workers while using stopwatches and other devices; critics are against this as they feel the method in measuring performance violates the fair treatment of workers. While it is safe to say that Taylor was a central figure in the development of management thought where his emphasis on efficiency using scientific management, it must be stressed that many others who have applied it, has also adapt and refine additional methods to suit their needs contribute to the success of scientific management (Wren & Bedeian 2009). This paper seeks to discuss how Taylorism is received outside USA as well as compare and contrast the receptivity of Taylorism in Russia and Japan. The global spread and development of Taylorism in the 1950s and 1960s greatly enhanced productivity levels, worldwide. During the 1950s and 1960s Taylorism finally spread widely outside the United States, and constituted the principal microeconomic force driving globalisation. In Europe, where craft traditions remained deeply rooted until after World War II, the development of scientific management and mass production constituted the microeconomic foundation for the development...
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...supplies of oil at 114 billion barrel and natural gas at 13, 9 billion cubic meter. Almost one third of European imported oil comes either from the Middle East or from North-West Africa. Europe pipeline interests in the south are focused exclusively on natural gas. In 2006 Algeria delivered 16, 7% of Europe gas, and it’s considered to be the biggest third land delivers natural gas, including LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), to Europe. Almost half of the supplies to Europe go to Spain and the rest to Italy and France. The other two important countries in the region producing Gas are Libya and Egypt, they hold together with Algeria a proven reserves of 4, 5% of the world reserves. These three lands can present a reliable long-term alternative to the Russian gas. Starting from 2020 Algeria for example can...
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