...This film narrates certain events in the year 1994, which is mentioned in the sad and cruel genocide in Rwanda that caused between two tribes (Hutu and Tutsi) consequently resulting in the death of about one million people. The site on which the story unfolds is in Kigali, in the year 1994, where there is the greatest genocide the continent and cruel, in which the Hutu tribe largely achieved exterminate the Tutsi population. This is starting to show from the moment in which the president of Rwanda signed a peace treaty with the Tutsi, making these same projecting and planning the most sensible way to end this president, then this fact Hutu decided to create fear and terror among the people making most exterminate the Tutsi population. In this one, it tells the story of a man (Paul Rusesabagina) of Hutu origin, which was in charge of the administration of the Hotel Des Mille Collines (the owners of this were of origin Belgium), where the same has to take charge of the hotel and take a decisive position against this genocide. Paul, manages anyway to defend his family (Tutsi), having them safe at the hotel and in turn many people from this same source. The United Nation does intervene for some time, but certain allied countries France, United States believe that it was a fairly important to give due importance to their fate, leaving the population causing the abandonment for these, Paul, looking for ways to get adequate support, contacting a certain social status of different...
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... D. Business Attire …………………………………………………………………….8 E. Women in Business ……………………………………………………………..8 F. Business Advisory …………………………………………………………………9 a. Politics and Graft ………………………………………………………9 b. Fraud ………………………………………………………………………..9 IV Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………10 V Endnotes ……………………………………………………………………………………………11 I Hisotry and Introduction The pygmy race known as the Twa were the original settlers in the Rwanda region, and they have lived there since prehistory. The Hutu tribes arrived in numbers during the 1st century A.D. During the 14th century, the Tutsi invaded from the north and successfully dominated the more numerous Hutus as well as the nomadic Twa. During the next centuries the Hutu became the agrarian providers for the warrior Tutsis, who in turn provided defense for the Hutus. This partnership lasted until the arrival in 1897 of an even more dominant tribe: the Germans. Along with Burundi, Rwanda became part of short-lived German East Africa. In 1923, the territory became a protectorate under Belgium’s rule and it was known as Ruanda-Urundi. In 1946, the United Nations gave Ruanda-Urundi the dubious title of Trust Territory, but Belgium remained in control. The Rwandan ruler Mwami Matara III (a Tutsi) died in 1959, and this set off a coup by Tutsi clans. They seized power and commenced in a wholesale slaughter of Hutu leaders. The Hutus retaliated with the massacre of 100...
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...Rwanda, assignment 2 Rwanda's history is marked by hunger, violence and war, and not least the lack of democracy. Most of us associate Rwanda with the genocide in 1994. It will long be remembered for the international community's inability to intervene. Around a million people were killed in the most brutal ways. Then and today people still live side by side with the families of the killers. How can a country stand up again and experience the peace and reconciliation? The genocide started 7.april.1994 after the presidential plane where shot down and killed Rwanda’s President Juvènal Habyarimana. The mass murder continued the next 100 days, and it weren’t an army or some gangs with weapons that killed the Tutsis, it was ordinary Hutus who choose to remove the Tutsis from the country. They slaughtered the Tutsis with machetes and other sharp items. The Front Patriotique Rwandais was the Tutsis army and the leader of the army General Paul Kagame stopped the massacre and shortly after he became the new president. Rwanda is a small state with a population of around 8 million. It is one of the most densely populated country in Africa. Most are Hutus who make up just over 80 percent of the population. A small tribe are Tutsis who account for approx. 15 percent. The Legal Settlement for the massacres is an important part of the reconstruction but peace and reconciliation cannot be pushed on Rwanda from outside. It must come from within. Rwandan authorities tries to conducting a so-called...
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...The Role of the 1990-1993 Civil War as a Precursor to the 1994 Rwandan Genocide Nora Aly Student #10025622 Poli470 Words: 3,451 Introduction: Background of Rwanda Ethnic distinctions and fragmentations, whether actual or perceived have proved to be the causes of several genocides throughout history; in the case of the Rwandan genocide, this was no exception. The Twa, the Hutu and the Tutsi were and continue to be the groups of people constituting Rwanda (Pearn J, 203). Tensions and conflicts with groups in Rwandan society, primarily with the Hutus and the Tutsis eventually led to the immensely destructive 1994 genocide of the Tutsi people as well as Hutu people perceived to be Tutsi sympathizers and supporters. The 1994 Rwandan Genocide, executed mainly by Hutu powers, resulted in approximately 10,000 deaths for 100 days which is the highest rate of killing seen throughout any known act in history (Cohen, J). Within the time period of the communal existence of the Hutus and the Tutsis, political struggle, rivalry, colonization, and civil war were all factors that assisted in leading to the tension that finally erupted into a brutal act of genocidal violence against all Tutsi people. Close examination and analysis of the civil war which occurred during 1990-1993 between the Hutus and the Tutsis, will be elaborated extensively to assist in accounting for the eruption of the genocide. Through a close, detailed analysis of the political, ethnic and socio-economic factors that...
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...Rwandan Genocide In the Beginning on April six nineteen ninety four Hutus began the process of murdering the Tutsis in the African country known as Rwanda. As the brutal slaughter went on , the people of the world watched on in horror as their fellow human beings were killed. The dark days of that year alone lasted a hundred days but the carnage they left behind would last a life time because more than eight hundred thousand of both Hutus and Tutsis were killed in those dark days. Before this all started ethnic tensions were high between the Tutsis and the Hutus because although the Hutus were the majority before the rebellion the Tutsis were in control of the government and from that time anger and fear was rising . An ideology of fear of the minority of taking control was in the air and not only was there fear of the Tutsis taking over but also that they would soon enslave the Hutus and that was one of the reasons they wanted to destroy there enemies. When the president of Rwanda’s plan was shot down that was the breaking point in what people say would be one of the saddest days in human history to be rivaled only by world war two when the Nazis murdered the minority Jewish population. When the world heard of the atrocities being committed in Rwanda the united nations quickly jumped to save the foreigners but of course a person had to be a white foreigner to be saved. Like many know if you are poor or non-white...
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...Rwanda For over a half of a century in Rwandas history, the Tutsi and Hutu tribes fought over power in a ethnic battle fueled by discrimination and harsh persecution. The Tutsi and Hutu tribes were pushed against eachother by foreign imperialistic powers until finally in 1994 a large scale incedent was finally sparked. The blame of this incedent cannot be put unto anyone without looking into the years of hatred that built up to it. Before the European occupation of Rwanda, The Tutsis and Hutus lived coexistent lifestyles. Tutsis and Hutus were separate ethnic groups that lived peacefully. Some Tutsis and Hutus were local chiefs within Rwanda, and at this time there was no organized discrimination or Clashes between the groups. After World War 1, Belgium overtook Rwanda as a colony and established the Tutsis as the natural born leaders of the Nation. The once peaceful lifestyle that existed in Rwanda was no more, As all Tutsis were given Identity cards to distinguish them from the Hutu Subclass. During this period racial tensions mounted as the Hutus were oppressed. During the 1950s, the Tutsi Elite began to strive towards independence and lash out against the centralized belgian rule in Rwanda. In an attempt to silence this movement, the Belgian Government shifted their support towards the Hutu Majority who lacked experience in domination. Soon after, with the Communist nations in the United Nations supporting Rwandan Independence, Clashes between the weaker Tutsis and...
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...The United Nations, defines genocide as “Acts committed with the intent to destroy… a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” In Rwanda, 1994 around one million Tutsi and Hutu opposition members were slaughtered by the extremist Hutu government the Hutu’s; the majority ethnic group in Rwanda. Their aim was to exterminate the minority of Tutsis, whom comprised about 25% of Rwanda’s population, and thus makes it one of the 3 genocides of the 20th century. In order to discuss the Rwandan genocide it is important to analyse the nature of the genocide and investigating the catalytic events that trigged the causing of it, in the first place. This includes the ethnic conflicts between Hutu’s and Tutsis, Western colonisation, propaganda, lack of international intervention and genocide denial. Belgium/Germany colonized Rwanda in 1916, due to the LON. The Belgians divided Rwanda’s unified population into a system of racial classification, mainly consisting of Tutsi’s and Hutu’s. With making the discriminatory system, the Europeans decides to make the Tutsi’s the more superior race, due to the Caucasian-ness of their physical features, when compared to the Hutus. As a result the Tutsi’s were given a more aristocratic appearance in Belgian eyes as they were provided with higher education and job standards while the militia relegated the Hutus to menial tasks. This created resentment towards the Tutsis among the Hutu which was further exacerbated when under Belgian imperial rule...
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...quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen, and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day. Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction I. Attention Getter: What some people do not know is that Rwanda was home to the most brutal genocide this world has ever seen. There is a book of testimonies where the survivors of the Rwandan genocide told their story of their struggle to survive called, Survival Against the Odds. There was one survivor named Dephrosa, and this is a quote from her testimony. "They brought us all in the sitting room and started forcing us to take our clothes off. The housekeeper rapped me. My husband wanted to intervene but they staved him off by hitting him with a masus [a club with nails] on his neck. He fell back in the chair." the husband was not killed right away they kept him alive to watch multiple men rape his wife and daughters for several days until they finally killed him. II. Connection: I am not here to tell you my opinion about how the Untied States, the Untied Nations, or the world should have handled this historical tragedy. I am here to share with you what had happened to three-quarters of the Tutsi race in Rwanda. III. Thesis Statement: The Rwandan Genocide is one of the lesser known, quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day. IV. Transition: When most people think about genocide the first thing that comes to...
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...Hotel Rwanda is the true story of genocide of Tutsi people at the hands of Hutu extremist. During the genocide Paul Rusesabagina the manager of the Sabena Hotel des Mille Collines is a Hutu who provides shelter for over a 1,000 Tutsi refugees. His wife Tatiana is also a Tutsi who helps Paul provide shelter and comfort for the refugee’s. As the political situation in the country worsens, Paul and his family observe neighbors being killed in ethnic violence. Paul curries favor with people of influence, bribing them with money and alcohol, seeking to maintain sufficient influence to keep his family safe. When civil war erupts and a Rwandan Army officer threatens Paul and his neighbors, Paul barely negotiates their safety, and brings everyone to the hotel. More refugees come to the hotel from the overburdened United Nations camp, the Red Cross, and orphanages. Paul must divert the Hutu soldiers, care for the refugees, be a source of strength to his family, and maintain the appearance of a functioning high-class hotel, as the situation becomes more violent. Even with the, United Nations presence at the time of the genocide, they were not authorized to use any force to protect the Tutsi people, as they were only there to play the role of peace keepers. Thus they only evacuated the foreigners, leaving Paul and his family behind, along with the rest of the refugee’s at the hotel. Paul using all his connections eventually is able to get a UN convoy for all the refugee’s as they...
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... | |Friday Night Lights (not the TV show) | |God Grew Tired of Us | |Hoop Dreams | |Hotel Rawanda | |House of Sand and Fog | |In America | |Lost in Translation | |Murderball | |Once Were Warriors | |Slumdog Millionaire | |The Kite Runner | |Thirteen | [pic] Name Date Name of Movie: hotel rwanda Hotel Rwanda is a true story about a one man’s courage in the midst of genocide of two gangs the Hutus and the Tutsi’s. This rival all began on april6, 1994 the president’s plane was shot down over the Kigali airport. Hutus politicians blamed the Tutsi’s for the president’s death; within hours loosely organized Hutu militia gangs began to kill the Tutsi’s. Over 100 days 800,000 Tutsi’s were killed for a war they didn’t even start....
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...Final Essay Question The nation of Rwanda has a long and troubled history. It can be considered an experiment of colonization, a slave state to European nations, and even an inferior population living under another nation’s law. Germany and Belgium left their roots in Rwanda and Burundi, another nation developed after the independence the Hutu’s and Tutsi’s won in 1962. The well-known genocide of Rwanda that began in 1994 erupted for many reasons. However, after closely examining this countries fascinating history, one can see that the mass Genocide of 1994 was a result of European influence towards the Hutu and Tutsi people. Looking back to the 14th century, when the Tutsi first arrived in Rwanda one can begin to see how the Hutu-Tutsi relationship began to form. The Tutsi people invaded Rwanda from the southern nation of Ethiopia. The Tutsi people were taller and thinner in appearance than the Hutu. During their entire history of their time in Rwanda, the Tutsi never exceeded a quarter of the population. When the Tutsi warriors first entered Rwanda, they were well outnumbered but still prevailed victorious. By the 15th century, the Tutsi’s had gained complete rule. The Hutu people were given protection and their lives were spared as long as they gave the Tutsi rulers crops and cattle. The political structure that had been established, with Mwami in charge, (Tutsi elitists) allowed this type of deal to be worked out. Mwami ruled over Rwanda for several hundred years and had...
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...HOTEL RWANDA RWANDA GENOCIDE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES IN CONGO By GRADI MUYEMBI KAYEMBE Fall 2014 Preface Our century has been portrayed by many issues that are not example for the next generation, but this is not the reason why we should cut off the history to the next generation. The reason why I decided to write about this topic is to share with you about what really happen and what is happening in Africa that people in the USA don't know. I signed for this class because I thought that it would be interesting to share the issues that other people are facing in world and particularly in the Congo where I am from. I don't have the full accuracy of everything written in this essay but I will share some researches that other people did through the issues and my own experience through the issues. Introduction Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. The term Genocide has been defined by many people through out the 20 th century, but the UN defined it in 1946 after the holocaust as: A denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind, and is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and aims of the United Nations. The General Assembly, therefore, affirms that genocide is a crime under international law whether the crime is committed on religious...
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...the Genocide of Rwanda, is why many come to believe that they are to blame for the extreme massacre. To answer the question of how Belgium is to blame for it, this investigation will focus on the acts of Belgium rising up to the Genocide of Rwanda, how Belgium impacted the emotions and actions of the Hutus and Tutsis, and how Belgium lead the Hutu’s into a full blown massacre of the Tutsi’s. The Belgians conducted a census in 1993-34 and introduced identity cards that divided the Hutu, Tutsi, or Twa “ethnicity” of each citizen.The Belgians also had a 10 cow rule that racialized the Hutu’s from the Tutsi’s. If anyone had more than 10 cows they were a Tutsi under Belgian census law, but anybody that had fewer than 10 cows was a Hutu. After these laws were put in place, there became a strong distinction between the ethnical groups. The Belgians always changed which side they supported based on who was stronger. For instance, the Belgians supported Hutu education in 1959 because the Hutu’s were becoming a...
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...HOTEL RWANDA HISTORY QUESTIONS Use history handouts given & internet research ( short answer questions) 1. What is a "culture of impunity" and how does it relate to the "rule of law"? 2. Could the Rwandan genocide have been stopped? 3. Who is to blame for the Rwandan genocide of 1994? 4. Both the citizen who killed his Tutsi neighbour with a machete and the government leader who convinced his people to do the killing but did not kill anyone himself are criminals. Who commits the greater wrong? 5. What is necessary for a genocide? 6. Can genocide happen by accident? 7. Should the U.S. have taken the lead in getting the international community to intervene to stop the Rwandan genocide? 8. What is the concept of national sovereignty and what is R2P? 9. Can a country with a repressive government or which has been engulfed by political and social chaos go directly to a multi-party democracy or must they go through transitional stages which fall short of full representative democracy? 10. The genocidaires have been treated well in the prison run by the International Criminal Tribunal. They receive adequate food. They are allowed to pray. If they are ill they receive medicine. This is much more than they gave their victims and, in fact, they are living better than many innocent people in Rwanda. Should they be treated this well? 11. Are the international tribunals in Arusha, which are prosecuting only a few high-profile genocidaires, just...
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...the business environment through the institutions that the government has put in place, as a way of encouraging investors. The country of choice for this case is Rwanda, due to the steps it has made to make investments in business to be friendlier. The country was not so long ago faced with a major challenge, where it was rocked with one of the biggest crisis reported in the recent times, in form of genocide. The country has made major steps in ensuring that the business community is given the best investment environment, which has seen the country being listed among the friendliest country to start a business in the region. This research paper will look at Rwanda in comparison to advanced economies in the region such as South Africa. This research paper is therefore going to look at some areas which have made Rwanda make the gains that it has made in terms of improving the business environment. These areas include • Motivations behind the move the country has made towards encouraging investors to invest in the country. • Areas of improvement, which the country has capitalized on to make business environment friendlier. • Government incentives towards improving the business environment. • Impact of the improved business environment Background Rwanda was faced with a genocide which took place in the year 1994,...
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