6/6/2018 (SFC Leroy Hunter): The complainant, Kelly Donham, O6/COL, AGR/Reservist, United States Army Europe (USAREUR), called USAREUR IG hotline and requested assistance in taking 68-75 days of transitional leave she accrued during her active duty tenure. The assistant Inspector General (AO) SFC Hunter received the complaint.
Preliminary Analysis:
Key Issue: Complainant requested assistance with her extension packet of retirement because of emergency surgery and convalescent leave. She also requests the Office of the Inspector General (IG) to assists with her taking all of her excess leave during her transition from the military. There are no allegations in this complaint. The AO provided the complainant with an acknowledgement of her complaint on 4 June 2018, which outlined we received her complaint, provided her a point of contact for her case, and a release of information memorandum.…show more content… On April 19, the complainant had emergency surgery and was hospitalized until 23 April 2018. She stated that, from then on, she was placed on convalescent leave until 29 June 2018 and that because of this, on 3 May 2018, she contacted her Senior Leadership Development Center liaison, Jaqueline Simmons, requesting an extension to her termination of service date. The complainant further explained that she submitted a DA Form 4187, Personnel Action – Request for Enlistment Extension, which was approved by BG Mary-Kate Leahy, United States Army Reserve Command, Army Reserve Engagement Cell (USARC AREC) Director. On 14 May, the complainant received notification from USAREUR Manpower & Reserve Affairs/Army Reserve Engagement Cell (M&RA/AREC) that her change in retirement was disapproved. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) disapproved her request based on the Officer Transfers and Discharges Regulation dated 12 April 2006, AR 600-8-24, paragraph 6-21a which