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Safety Rules Research Paper

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Smack!! Somebody on the field just got laid out and the fans went crazy, so why are we trying to make the game more safe if the fans like seeing big hits and people getting injured? There are so many reasons why there is no way to play this game safely, but I will tell you three #1 you can get hurt with safety rules or without them, #2 it’s not a patty cake game it’s serious business, and #3 the intention of the players are to hurt one another.

The first reason there is no way to make this game safer is you can get hurt with or without the rules. I say that because even if you do make official safety rules for the game that’s not going to change anything one wrong hit to the knee could end your career and the safety rules can’t change that. Also making safety rules are pointless the safety rules are not gonna matter if you get knocked out of mid air and land on your neck nothing is gonna get called because it was a clean hit and the safety rules can’t do nothing about it. …show more content…
I say that because there isn’t gonna be no love taps in football players are looking to kill you not play patty cake with you. Another reason i say this is because nobody is gonna show you any mercy players are doing this to get out of the hood or get their family out the trenches and they are not gonna let ANYONE stop them so they are looking to destroy everybody in their way. However I don’t agree with roughing the passer or block in the back I still feel as if you can’t take the heat then get out the kitchen and don’t eat because in all reality you gone either eat or starve so players out here taking plates because gone eat and if you can’t take the pressure they bringing then get off the

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