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Saggin Pants


Submitted By cheesesteak
Words 909
Pages 4
Troy Rose
Mrs. Janice Jakes
English 100 B01
10 December 2013
Sagging Pants Standing at a Buffet Bar many people noticed a young man who was switching his hands to hold up his pants from the front and often pulling his pants up from the rear; how disgusting! The main concern of this unattractive sight was his handling of food using the provided utensils for all customers. The sight and thought of the unsanitary act was enough for concerned customers to make complaints and walk out asking for their money back. The young man who was preparing food while at a restaurant fixing his families plate was asked to make a change in the way he was dressed after people had left. The gentleman was completely embarrassed and shameful but was applauded by other guest in the restaurant as he returned from the men’s room presentable. Many cities across the United States have already started barring individuals from entering their establishment through policy with their under garments on display or sagging pants below the buttocks. In Houston, Texas on KHOU11 local news podcast; aired the Posted sign on McDonalds front door which read, “Pull Your Pants Up or don’t come in!!!!!” As the interviews continued customers were asked to give a comment pertaining to the sign on the restaurants front door. The first customer commented on the sign by saying, “I commend them for that”, the second said, it’s private property and they have the right to enforce their rules; sagging your pants coming in is ridiculous. In fact, the sign goes on to say, “Try to have some decency and respect of others. No one wants to see your underwear”. The third customer said, “Sagging your pants means you’re a thug”. Sagging pants seem to have a negative thought or opinion to most people. The same three individuals who gave their honest opinion were approached with a different question: Do you think sagging pants should banned? Surprisingly, the same three argued that it would be un-American and discriminatory. A customer spoke out and said, “This is a free country and if they want to walk around with sagging pants, it’s up to them”. Corporate McDonalds had no comment only to say that, “Owner-operated franchises can customize the experience for their customers.” Importantly, a customer pointed out, it’s a health issue, and you do not want to touch a counter or sit on a bench where underwear has been. What is my argument exactly? While in Iraq in a city called Mamudiya, a bad case of a stomach virus broke out all over the camp. The medics and environmental specialist were trying to figure out what exactly was causing this sickness among the number of soldiers and civilian contractors. The number of sick people dropped and the Camp began to operate as normal. Suddenly, the sickness began to spread again, and this time the military flew in more environmental specialists to try and quickly resolve the reoccurring issue. A rumor of an E-coli breakout started to spread through this small camp. The kitchen was closed and sterilized as well as the gym and other recreational areas. Finally it dawned on everyone that the sickness broke out whenever the Iraqi soldiers would show up and share the facilities along with us. Bingo!, Iraqis don’t use soap to wash their hands most of the time after using the rest room and their hygiene practice is not the best in the world. In order not to insult anyone we were all watched by the environmental specialist when washing our hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds after using the rest room and entering the dining facility. The Iraqis were stopped washing their face, hair and blowing their nose in the sinks at the dining facility as well. The moral of the story is the spread of E-coli coming from poor hygiene and nasty underwear. Why would I or you want to eat in the same place with a person who is constantly pulling up his or her pants and displaying their underwear in the same places we eat at, sit down at and use the same utensils when putting food on our plate at a Buffet Bar.? I have witnessed how poor hygiene could make people sick. Exposed under could be a source of contamination to other customers. According to the New York Daily News under US written by Michael Walsh (April 13, 2013) While Sagging your pants is aimed to be stopped and fined; it is an argument that banning will violate the liberty of interest guaranteed under the 14th Amendment. In the state of Louisiana, it has been voted 8-1 to ban and fine individuals sagging but the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana sent a letter to the council saying that the ban is unconstitutional. According to the NY Daily News, President Barrack Obama Says that he does not approve of sagging pants but thinks that an effort to ban it would be a waste of time. President Obama stated, “There are some issues that we face that you don’t have to pass a law (against) So, I hope that you would agree that sagging your pants in a public is a disgrace and disrespectful to others who do not want to see your underwear. Sagging pants in a facility where there is prepared food is unsanitary, hazardous and unsafe.

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