...Salvation is being saved from the righteous judgment of God upon the sinner. A lot of people think that salvation means being saved from yourself or the devil. But that is not accurate. All who have sinned against God are under the judgment of God. This judgment is known as damnation where God condemns to eternal hell all those who have offended Him by breaking His Law. I knew God's law and what God wants us to do when we are here on earth. As i started to travel the world I started doing somethings in my life it makes me believed that life on earth is not only what many people think today, that is what i call the 2M the money and the materials, that makes the many people says that they are satisfied in what they do and what they believed but, some people don 't think about the salvation that is very important and essential to one's life soon. In my life experience, honestly I cant say that I'm save from my summit sins but i can say that God truly makes a way for us to be save. I was part of a youth ministry before and that organization really helps me to understand more about the importance of salvation. i had proved to my self that salvation may be in many ways like for example sacrifices, a person, a song, a documentary, or in t.v. Salvation in my life experienced is a sacrifice because before i made a lots of mistakes though i know that i can offend God through my doings but god really wants me to be save. Many people told me that the death of my father...
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...This is my gift to you. The gift of salvation was bought with the Blood of Christ, given to me, and presented to you. I pray these verses do not rest with you but are moved out into the world through you. Not as intellect, but as love. I pray your relationship with Jesus grows as well as your love for the people of this world. Do not lose hope. With Love in Christ John 6:44 New International Version (NIV) 44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. John 3:16 New International Version (NIV) 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Romans 3:10-12 New International Version (NIV) 10 As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. 12 All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”[a] John 14:6 New International Version (NIV) 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Revelation 3:20 New International Version (NIV) 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Romans 5:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ...
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...Abstract Introduction The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible and its ministry is motivated by the love of God. The mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. (The Salvation Army 2003) The Salvation Army is funded by donations and voluntary support. The national headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia, while London serves as the site of its international headquarters. It is organized using a military model, following a similar chain of command, including military titles for personnel, local bands, and banners. While these officers are necessary, committed volunteers are also essential to the success of this extensive ministry and its programs. Historical Roots In 1865, the Salvation Army was founded in London by William Booth, an English Methodist minister. First known as the "Christian Mission" to provide social welfare assistance to the residents of urban slums and save them from their sinful lifestyles of prostitution, gambling, and drunkenness, it was renamed in 1878. Military ranks and titles were assigned according to their responsibilities. His wife, Catherine, was co-founder. The "soldiers" preached openly in the streets. They promoted high ideals of service and commitment. Importance of the Salvation Army The Salvation Army is currently active in ninety-eight countries, using...
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...The Salvation Army The Salvation Army is a Christian Charity Organization with programs that include international aid, assistance to children and families and disaster relief. The mission statement reads, “The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs without discrimination.”(the salvation army history, n.d.) In 1852 William Booth started his ministry career in London, England, taking the message of Jesus Christ to the people face to face. He left the church and the pulpit and began traveling as an independent evangelist. Booth became a well known religious leader with a dedication to fight for the souls of men and women. Some of his first and foremost converts to Christianity were thieves, prostitutes, gamblers and drunks. The converts became soldiers for Christ, known then and now as “Salvationists”. The Salvation Army moved into the United States in 1878 and began an evangelist crusade there. By 1886 the Salvation Army was located in 13 states across the United States. “The Salvation Army movement quickly expanded into Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India, South Africa, Iceland, and local neighborhood units.” (the salvation army history, n.d.) The Salvation Army is active in every corner of the world. The Salvation...
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...Enlist in the Salvation Army Many people want to help their community, but are unsure of how to get involved. Choosing an organization that shares one’s beliefs and morals will optimize the volunteering experience. The Salvation Army is an extremely well-known organization; it is known for the charitable deeds and events it hosts to help people in need. It is also widely known to be a Christianity-based charity, and it highly esteemed for the standards that it holds to. There are Salvation Army locations across the nation, and each one is always looking for new volunteers. Whether it is feeding the homeless, clothing giveaways, or raising money and awareness for an illness, the Salvation Army is an amazing thing to be a part of. This organization...
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...The Salvation Army Giordan Delossantos GEN/200 2/22/2011 Gloria Moeller Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, being part of charities and helping people in need is an excellent way to set the example especially in today’s society. The Salvation Army does not discriminate on a person’s faith, religion or sexuality preference. Whether brief or long term I believe everyone should be a part of this army, as an officer, soldier or volunteer. Just one day of participating or volunteering can impact and make a difference. The Salvation Army is an organization created by an evangelist from England named William Booth in 1852. He preached to the poor, hungry, homeless and destitute. William had the capability to convert people such as prostitutes and gamblers from non believers to believers. In 1872 he had about 1000 volunteers, and by 1885 numbers grew to 250,000 followers under the same Christian mission. The Army’s mission statement is to help people from bad habits and achieve their goals in life. The Salvation Army is a wonderful organization that can help a struggling person physically, mentally and spiritually. I have donated clothes before to the Salvation Army and Goodwill, but unfortunately never took time to devote a full day as a volunteer. I’m looking forward to serving their religious army in the future. The Salvation Army can benefit me in a couple of ways, personally I love networking with positive and influential people...
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...Salvation", Langston Hughes Langston Hughes paints a picture of himself as a little boy whose decisions at a church revival directly reflect mans own instinctive behavioral tendencies for obedience. A young Langston whose congregation wants him to go up and get saved, gives into obedience and ventures to the altar as if he has seen the light of the Holy Spirit. Hughes goes on to say: " So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, I'd rather lie, too, and say that Jesus had come ,and get up and be saved ." In saying this, Langston has obviously overlooked his personal belief to meet the level of obedience laid out by the congregation. It leads us to fact that people may believe strongly in an idea or thought but will overlook that belief to be obedient. One can make a justified assumption that everyone in society has at one time or another overlooked his or her personal feelings to conform this occurrence whether it is instinctive or judgmental is one that each individual deals with a personal level. He was a young boy who wanted to see Jesus, who wanted to earn salvation, but when he couldn't see Jesus, when everyone else saw,he found himself in the terrible position of disappointing not only himself but everyone in his community.He finally "saved" himself by pretending to see Jesus . He was saved not by love of Jesus as a congregation or preacher intended but by pretending to be other that who he was. One wanders what would have happened if he didn't stepped forward...
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...Salvation Living in a country where we are entitled to freedom of religion, many of us have grown to have our own beliefs and ways of viewing religion on a whole. There are others who have been pressured by family or friends to believe in God and him alone. Sometimes with the pressure of others, we can begin to believe in something that we truly do not feel is right. In the essay “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, the main character faces a struggle of wanting to be saved by God. Does he want to be saved for his sake? Or has his salvation been influenced and forced upon by family members? Our main character and narrator in “Salvation” goes by the name of Langston. Langston attends church with his aunt and desires salvation from Jesus Christ. His aunt has told him that “when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life.” When it was time for Langston’s salvation he saw nothing and felt nothing, to him it seemed as if God wasn’t real. He proceeded to head to the altar even though he did not see that light or feel the spirit. He later feels regret for “lying” about seeing the light and being saved. This creates a question of, what is the true meaning of Salvation? Salvation is being saved or protected from harm or being saved or delivered from some dire situation. To me, salvation is when you feel safe and free from all things you feel hold you back, this may not have to be a spiritual or religious act, just the thought of...
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...Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Salvation Salvation has been the most common term used in our churches today. But, what is salvation? Since I was a child, my parents always taught me that without salvation I was going to hell. Being so young and innocent, I would look at my parents and ask them, what I need to do to be saved. Their answer was simple. Fear God and stay away from sin; I guess that was my parent’s definition of salvation. Just like my parents, everyone has their own definition of salvation, depending on the religion you were brought up with and your faith. As I grew older, I came to realize that salvation not only involved fearing the maker but also salvation refers to being granted eternal life when the Day of Judgment comes. We all know temptation is real and the devil is not sleeping. I came to understand that salvation was everything to do with being spared from eternal penalty of sin. But that begs a different question; do all human beings deserve being spared the eternal fire? From the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, we learn that only the righteous shall be saved and inherit the kingdom of God. During judgment day, while others will be rejoicing together with Christ in paradise others will be burning in eternal fire. Even the Bible states that salvation is only for those who will repent and turn to God. The prophet Ezekiel said “the soul who sins shall dies” (Ezekiel 18.4 NKJ). We can also see the same in the writing of the apostle Paul who...
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...light of the Holy Spirit. Hughes goes on to say: " So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, I'd rather lie, too, and say that Jesus had come, and get up and be saved." In saying this, Langston has obviously overlooked his personal belief to meet the level of obedience laid out by the congregation. It leads us to fact that people may believe strongly in an idea or thought but will overlook that belief to be obedient. One can make a justified assumption that everyone in society has at one time or another overlooked his or her personal feelings to conform this occurrence whether it is instinctive or judgmental is one that each individual deals with a personal level. He was a young boy who wanted to see Jesus, who wanted to earn salvation, but when he couldn't see Jesus, when everyone else saw, he found himself in the terrible position of disappointing not only himself but everyone in his community. He finally "saved" himself by pretending to see Jesus. He was saved not by love of Jesus as a congregation or preacher intended but by pretending to be other that that he was. One wanders what would have happened if he didn't stepped forward? Would they have seen a frightened boy? It is hard to say. However, it is kind of evident that he was afraid to be rejected; therefore, he falls into the trap of trying to please everyone. In addition, he met the needs of no one since he deceived everybody in church and himself as well. Faith cannot be based upon whether or not we receive...
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...Biblical Perspective, What Is Salvation Salvation simply stated “Is the deliverance from our sinful nature and eternal punishment through Gods gifted grace.” With-in several scriptures and books of the Bible, you can find diverse illustration’s explaining the provisions for salvation. Christ crucifixion on the cross paid the price for our salvation; God’s grace extended to us through the sacrifice of Christ his [Son]. In Mark 10:24-27, the idea of salvation being a gift from God, not anything that we can procure through self-enterprise was introduced. Isaiah speaks of how [He] took upon Himself our transgressions and iniquities; peace was given to us through the penance that was placed on him, and healing came through [His] wounds (Isaiah 53:5). In (John 1:23) he makes reference to Christ being the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” I find it fascinated how prior to Christ, it was in the Law of Moses to offer a sacrifice to God for atonement of sin. Typically this was a [lamb] having no unclean markings and John the Baptist indicated Christ as the [Lamb]. The very definition of “Jesus” derived from the Hebrew name “Yeshua” means salvation. Instructed by an Angel, Joseph and Mary named Christ, Jesus, “for he will save his people from their sins” (Mat 1:21-23). Christ purpose for coming was to seek out, teach and save us from our sins. Perhaps the most critical component to salvation is the resurrection. “We would all still be in sin if Christ had...
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...There are several questions that will be addressed from the reading of John 15:1-8. The first question is what does this passage teach about salvation? Jesus is the true vine and the only source of eternal salvation. In one of our texts Mr. Morris states “When the Father purges the vine of the “unclean” Canes; He is ridding it of people whom God will prune”. (Morris, 2012, p. 137) Man is by his own nature dry and barren, but we draw power from God which is new, which does not proceed from ourselves. We are crafted in His image alone. (Christnotes.org, 2013) The second question is what this passage of John teaches about discipleship? These passages teach us that Jesus is the vine and His disciples are the branches. “The branches derive their life from the vine; the vine produces its fruit through the branches” (Carson, 2012, p. 514). In John 15:1, he states “I am the vine, and my Father is the vine grower” John 15:1 (The Wesley Study Bible). This parable elaborates that Jesus as God’s true vine depicts Him and these attached to Him as branches, which are God’s genuine people. The last question is what does the passage within John 15:1-8 teach us about eternal security? John 15:2 states, “He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit He prunes to make it bear more fruit” (John 15:2). Fruitfulness is the mark of the true Christian. In John it also states eternal security is given by abiding in Jesus Christ and His word abides in...
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...is an academic evangelistic method of sharing the Gospel which uses an orderly method in laying out the plan of salvation through Bible verses in the book of Romans. It establishes who needs salvation, why we need salvation, how God provides that salvation, how can man respond to Gods provision of salvation, and the result of man responding to Gods salvation. The benefit of using the seven verses is that they are all located in the book of Romans. This method the Bible verses are ordered into a straight forward teaching that is easy to outline to a person that you may be trying to share the Gospel with. Initially the case is established who is in need of salvation, (everyone), then . “As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Romans 3:10-12 New International Bible {NIV}). “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23 NIV) In these few verses we establish the fact that everyone is unrighteous before God and in need of Salvation. After establishing the need for salvation “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 NIV). The result of our sin is death. God however provides a way for our salvation “ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8...
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...Road Summary of Method – The Romans Road is a method of evangelism and is considered an intellectual method. It is a plan of salvation that utilizes various verses derived from the book of Romans. These verses are often memorized and used by evangelists to form a cohesive explanation of the need of salvation. Advantages of Using This Method – There are several advantages to the Romans Road method. One is that it is an easy way to explain and share the Gospel. These various verses, when put together, depict a clear and easy presentation. Another advantage is that it very much Biblically based. In explaining salvation, it is literally using Scripture in sharing the faith. Disadvantages of Using This Method – One disadvantage is the fact that all of the sources in this method are Scripture. While this is a great thing in reality, for a non-Christian who does not assume the Bible to be God’s word, it can come across as less credible from his/her perspective. The Romans Road method is a path to salvation and clearly uses Scripture as support and sources. This method has the potential of leading into a discussion on the credibility of the Bible, which can become off topic in leading someone to Christ. In other words, for a non-believer who wants to refute the word of God, it can potentially become a distraction from the discussion of salvation. Lifestyle Evangelism Summary of Method – Lifestyle evangelism is a method of evangelism that is dependent on the way a person...
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...INTRODUCTION Afro centricity is a concept propounded by Molefi Asante which according to him is a paradigm based on the idea that African people should reassert a sense of agency in order to achieve sanity. This concept is concerned more about the African values and cultures. One can say it is a pan African ideology in culture, philosophy, and history. It is a call for social change. This concept had its origins from an African American society or world where the blacks were marginalized in a white hegemony. It was a fight for change. This birth gave birth to the American civil right. This concept can be seen in the texts and writings of Alice Walker and Richard Wright who were American writers of the late 19th century and early 20th century. In A father’s law , we see this aspect also being portrayed. Ruddy becomes the chief of police in a white community. We see him being the only black to live in a white a neighborhood of Brentwood Park. In society where the whites occupy all the big and important jobs and the blacks do the mean and odd jobs like house help and gardener. During that era we realize that majority of those who were educated and went to school were the whites and the blacks uneducated. But in the novel , we discover Tommy to be a very intelligent black university student who studies in a white university. This brings out the African value and potential in a white dominated society. In Alice Walker’s The color purple, we see the aspect of solidarity among the...
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