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Sam Freeling Research Paper

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Sam Freeling, a former senior at the University of Rochester took his life less than two years ago on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Sam Freeling was pursing a business major and was on the University of Rochester track and field team. Sam Freeling was involved on and off campus and had a smile that was contagious. Sam Freeling’s fellow track and field teammate described Sam to be, “a gifted runner and student, but at the same time humble in both these areas and always eager to improve. On and off the track, he was one of the most supportive individuals I’ve met.” Throughout college, Sam’s mom noticed that he didn’t have the same feelings of joy and happiness than he did in his previous years at the University of Rochester. Sam was in treatment dealing with mental illnesses and Sue Cimbricz, mother of Sam Freeling, explains that the social stigma around his mental illness made the emerging disease even harder for Sam to deal with. …show more content…
Dealing with a mental illness and having that fear of not being involved with others due to the fact that they are posting pictures and videos on social media is very hard on students. You may never know how somebody is feeling deep down on the inside because of how well they show it on the outside, but people can hurt and some are willing to take their own life because of it. A recent study from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that “nationally the suicide rate among 15- to 24-year-olds has increased modestly but steadily since 2007: from 9.6 deaths per 100,000 to 11.1, in 2013”. The death of Sam Freeling will be remembered by others and leave an impact on Freeling’s family and friends for the rest of their

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