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Same Kind Of Different As Me Analysis

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Getting Back to the Me I Use to Be
Before reading Same Kind of Different as Me, by Ron Hall, Denver Moore, and Lynn Vincent (2006), I thought I fully understood how I have gotten to where I am today, but I was wrong. I had a good childhood and, as a young adult, a bad marriage. Now I am married to the man God had for me. My bad marriage was just something I wanted to put behind me. I have now learned that it is what helped me to grow in knowledge and insight when it comes to abusive relationships. I realize now that my childhood and my current marriage have also played important parts in getting me back to where I needed to be in order to help others through social work.
Unlike Ron Hall, who came from a lower-middle class family and Denver Moore, who was raised a dirt poor sharecropper, I had a very good childhood. I was raised in a middle class Christian home where love and caring were practiced every day. My three brothers, three sisters, and I were taught that every person on this earth is a …show more content…
I was very guarded and did not let anyone get to close, but there was a person named Cindi who chipped away at my wall much in the same way Ron and Debbie Hall did with Denver. Cindi's loving kindness got through to me where others could not and we are still the best of friends (p. 90).
Now as for Bob, we met again in January of 1995 when I went to the market to get some lunch meat. There he was behind the deli counter. He remembered me and asked me if I would go out on a date with him, to which I agreed. As we dated we had many discussions about what each of us believed in. It was through this connection with Bob that I found my way back to God. Bob and I married in 1997 and he has been there for me through the deaths of my brother and my daughter. Bob is my cheerleader as I journey through college to get to where I feel God has called me to be, a social

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