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Same Sex Marriage


Submitted By vivfel
Words 1423
Pages 6
Same Sex Marriage
Vivian Kelly
Remington College

Dr. Lynn
June 20, 2012

Same Sex Marriage
In the 1950s, when Wally and Beaver came home from school, (Leave It to Beaver 1957- 1963) (TV Series) they would smell fresh baked cookies and dinner cooking on the stove. June Cleaver had the house clean and would be waiting for her husband to come home from work so the family could sit down to dinner as a family. Fast forward to 2012 when Mitchell Pritchett has picked up Lilly Tucker Pritchett from daycare and is waiting for his husband Cameron Tucker (Modern Family 2009- present) (TV Series) to bring home dinner so they could sit down as a family. Ted Olson (Olson, 2010, p. 2) wrote that
“Marriage is one of the basic building blocks of our neighborhood and our nation. It transforms two individuals into a union based on shared aspirations, and in doing so establishes a formal investment in the well-being of society. The fact that individuals who happen to be gay want to share in this vital social institution is evidence that conservative ideal enjoy widespread acceptance”

It could be argued that there is no subject more divided in the United States today than same gender marriage. Same sex marriage is talked about in some form almost daily, whether it is politics, religion or on the job. Some states, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington and even Washington D.C. have made it legal for same sex marriages. Both sides of the issue of same sex marriages face the United States today.
There are many views on the essential features of marriage. Marriage has always thought to be universally understood as a biological, social and economic arrangement to bring into the world and raise the young. For example, (Wedgwood, 1999) believes that the basic core, for marriage has three elements: (1) sexual intimacy; (2) domestic and

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