Premium Essay

Relationships in Green Mile


Submitted By logant1990
Words 1831
Pages 8
Relationships developed from extremely negative impression in Green Mile “The Green Mile” is a movie that was directed by Frank Darabont and was published in 1999. It was adapted from the novel of the same name, which was written by Stephen Kings. Out of millions of movies out there, this movie is possibly the best one to demonstrate how wrong the first impression can be, and how bonds and relationships can be formed from tremendously negative impression. The two main characters are the head prisoner officer called Paul Edgecomb, and a negro death row inmate under his supervision called John Coffey. Basically, the whole movie is the process of Social Penetration Theory as Paul, and other prison officers, gradually unpeel layers after layers to discover the true wonderful person of John Coffey, who is supposed an extremely dangerous criminal whose existence needed to be get rid of. The first main character is Paul Edgecomb, the head prisoner officer, who is responsible for watching over the death row inmates. He is a cynical and world-weary veteran officer guard who has been through a lot of messed up things in his life. He is also quite a sensitive individual. Paul suffers from a urinary tract infection. The second main character is John Coffey, a huge negro death row inmate, who is supposedly sentence for his crime of raping and murdering of two little girls. However, it was not John who commit such crimes but another inmate, who is ironically put in the same prison with John for other crimes. Nobody would believe that he is innocent as he was seen hugging and crying over the corpses of the girls and, sadly, the fact that he is a black man. When they first meet each other, Paul and John engage in a communication climate known as the uncertain climate. Seeing as John is a huge and intimidating criminal, Paul wonders if he would be able to keep such

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