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Book Summary: Weekday Warrior

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Miles Halter meets the Colonel (real name Chip Martin), Takumi, and Alaska Young when he moves from his hometown in Florida to Culver Creek boarding school. Miles decides to attend the school in hopes to find friends unlike public school and thinks his life will improve due to it. The three take Miles (nicknamed Pudge because he's so skinny) under their wing and introduce him to the social order of campus, mischief-making, smoking cigarettes, and drinking. They have to avoid the Eagle—the aptly-named dean of the school—when they're creating mischief. After Miles is hazed pretty hard by the Weekday Warriors (students who stay only during the week at the boarding school) and almost killed unlike the normal ritual the friends vow to prank …show more content…
You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you’ll escape it one day. (pg.54) ~ an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit (n.)
9. I knew id smoke maybe five of them, but as long as I subsidized the Colonel’s smoking, he couldn’t really attack me for being another rich kid, a Weekday Warrior who just didn’t happen to live in Birmingham. (pg.55) ~ to purchase the assistance of by the payment (v.)
10. You live for pretentious metaphors. (pg.59) ~ characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: (adj.)
11. And I vaguely remember Lara smiling at me in the doorway, the glittering ambiguities of a girl’s smile, which seems to promise an answer to the question but never gives it. (pg.64) ~ doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention: (n.)
12. You can check if you’d like, and Sara thought I was being too glib. (pg. 65) ~ readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely (adj.)
13. You’ve violated the sacred covenant between women! (pg.65) ~ an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified. …show more content…
The Colonel also get kicked out every game.
15. Who went on the triple and a half date and what happened?
Alaska and Jake, the Colonel and Sara, Lara and Pudge, and Takumi. They went to the basketball game and The Colonel was yelling at the player and said Takumi hooked up with his girlfriend before the game and so Takumi ran out of the gym so he didn’t get hurt and Pudge followed him and then received a basketball to the head and hit the floor and was concussed. When Lara came to help him he threw up on her pants.
16. Who did Takumi find out ratted out Paul and Marya? And why did they do it?
Alaska. She did it because she got caught sneaking out and was found with alcohol and was either going to be expelled or could tell on someone. So Alaska ratted them out so she could stay at Culver Creek.
17. What was the source of revenge on the weekday warriors for flooding Alaska’s room and almost drowning Pudge?
They let of fireworks to distract the eagle. Then they snuck in to the dorms of the warriors and put blue dye in the shampoo and then in their hair gel. They also stuck in and sent out fake report cards to their parents saying that they were failing

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