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4th ABCT Analysis

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As a former battalion commander of the 4th ABCT, I look forward to the challenges that lay ahead as the Brigade Commander. The 4th ABCT is currently not living up to its potential due to countless problems that plague the organization. The critical problem with the 4th ABCT is a lack of organizational leadership that`s resulting in Soldier loosing motivation and dedication to the mission. I plan to utilize Kotter eight step model to address the above concerns with the 4th ABCT. The end state for the 4th ABCT is to develop well trained, adaptable, organized, and dedicated Soldiers capable of answering our Nations call for worldwide operation in a complex and versatile environment. The 4th ABCT is plagued with countless problems that is the …show more content…
The brigade currently lack focus, dedication to the mission, and moral among the Soldiers is steadily decreasing. There is no stand out leader within the 4th ABCT that provided support to Col Cutler and the brigade as he prepared to transition out of the army. A majority of the staff seems to preoccupied with counterproductive activities adding to the dysfunctional nature of the 4th ABCT. An example of this is the competitive nature within the brigade that resulted in leaders improving the organization is now resulting in battalions with more concerns with setting themselves apart than improving the organization as a whole. A recent ABCT HQ command climate survey reveals some troubling problems within the ABCT that require immediate attention. The paradigms within the 4th ABCT is there is never enough time for Soldiers to complete assigned tasks resulting in a lack of time to spend with family and friends. Additionally, Major Crossan (brigade S4) is developing a reputation within the battalion of making female Soldiers feel uncomfortable by providing them unnecessary attention. The lack of action on the above issues …show more content…
I will utilize my position as the brigade commander to implement these changes within the brigade. The model consists of eight steps: sense of urgency, guiding coalition, vision and strategy, communicating, empowering, short-terms wins, consolidating gains, and anchoring. I will establish a sense of urgency by counseling the brigade CSM and all the battalion commander identifying my expectations, vision, and goals within the 4th ABCT. I will ensure that all subordinate receive initial counseling in compliance with the vision, goals, and expectations I have set for the battalion. During the initial counseling I will have an open and candidate conversation with commander regarding any upcoming tasking or mission requirements that will affect the brigade. I will encourage leader to empower their staff and relay any input that helps the brigade accomplish its mission more effectively. Additionally conducting a 15-6 investigation into the allegations against Major Crossan and CPT Cooper to set the tone with the brigade that allegation are addressed and routed through the appropriate channels. In creating the guiding coalition I will work with CPT Donelson (BDE S1), CSM Schon to determine capability gaps with the brigade due to permanent change of station and expiration time of service. I will personally talked to each of the officers within the brigade that submitted

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