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Living Wage In Canada

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As for the employers in the private, public, and non-profit sectors where the living wage has been implemented, it was stated by A. Johnstone & T. Cooper (2013) “that is has improved productivity and that there has been a significant reduction in training costs and absenteeism.” The living wage policy benefits majority of people throughout the globe. In Canada, some of the benefits of the living wage is that it’ “enables working families to have sufficient income to cover reasonable costs, it promotes social inclusions, supports healthy child development principles and ensures that families are not under severe financial stress.” (Living Wage Canada, 2013) Yes, the living wage policy is overall very beneficial for the employees that do receive …show more content…
The living wage assists people in many varieties of life to achieve their economic stand point and to keep both families and individuals above the poverty line. Along with helping individuals and families stay above the poverty line it enables more money for the government to spend on programs that would help those who need finical support. In the long run the living wage policy should enforced into all public, private and non-profit sectors and should be received by all ages of people who are employed. This paper has discussed what the living wage policy is, how it works, where it is used and how it could benefit the youth working in …show more content…
The main issues that will be faced during this policy development is to decide who will exactly qualify for this and whether not all the loans and grants will cover student’s entire tuition bills. It was stated by the Ontario Ministry of Finance (2016) that “seven out of 10 jobs in Canada will be in high-skilled or management occupations, which require higher education or specialized skills,” meaning that in the long run these youths are going to have to attend postsecondary education to receive a high level of education and skills that will be needed within most force places. In the long run with a free post-secondary education policy being introduced the Ontario Ministry of Finance will need to determine a way in which they can make tuition accessible and affordable for

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