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Submitted By kkcoms
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Digital Business Management

Setting the Internet revenue contribution at Sandvik Steel
Case Instructions

D.R. © Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Digital Business Management
Case Instructions
Read and analyze the case “Setting the Internet revenue contribution at Sandvik Steel” on pages 213 and 214 from the textbook Digital Business and E-commerce Management. 6th edition. If necessary read it two or three times until you understand and become familiar with the case.

Step 1

Answer the following questions individually:

1. Summarize Sandvik Steel’s digital business strategy as described in the article. The extension for this answer should be half a page. (45 points)
2. Explain in detail why the proportion of online purchases varies in the different countries in which Sandvik trades. (45 points)
References: At least two references and citations using the APA style. (10 points)
Required: cover page, good writing and clear presentation.
Total = 100 points

Step 2

Answer the following questions as a team:

1. What Cultural/Legal/Ethical issues do you think Sandvik faced in different countries? List and explain 3 issues of each aspect, and recommend a solution for each one. The professor is expecting a clear explanation with a deep analysis and a well-documented answer.
(90 points)
References: At least two references and citations using the APA style. (10 points)
Required Annex: Agreement log format. (You can find the format at the end of this document). The report will be penalized if the Log format is not included.
Required: cover page, good writing and clear presentation.
Total = 100 points

D.R. © Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Digital Business Management

Step 3
Go to My Groups/Tutor’s forum [Name of your assigned tutor]/Group Discussion Board/Case
2, and read the team’s contribution that has the consecutive number to yours. For example if your team is number 4, each member of your team must replicate to team 5’s contribution. If that team still hasn’t submitted its contribution you might replicate to the team with the closest number to yours.
Elaborate a reply with two paragraphs:
In the first paragraph explain 3 similarities and 3 differences found in your team’s report compared to the one done by the other team. (50 points)
 In the second paragraph develop a reflection of what you have learned in this case.
The extension for this answer should be half a page. (50 points)
The content of both paragraphs of the reply should be of quality and well justified with references, otherwise will not be considered as contributions.

Required: good writing and clear presentation.
References: At least two references and cited using APA style.
Total = 100 points

Final evaluation of the Case:
“Sandvik Steel”


Step 1. Individual Analysis


Individual analysis of the case's questions. Delivered on Homework System.

Step 2. Team Discussion and Report
The agreement log format is respected.
There is evidence of the interaction between the team members.
There is evidence of each student participation.
Group analysis of the case's questions. Delivered on My Groups/Tutor’s forum: [Name of you assigned tutor]/Group
Discussion Board/Case 2.

Step 3. Plenary Session
Each participant replies individually the contribution of another team, including an individual reflection of the case.

Step 4. Peer – Evaluation




The grade assigned in this evaluation will be multiplied by the grade obtained on Step 2 of the case.



D.R. © Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Digital Business Management

Team´s Log Template
1. General meeting information:

Media through which you met: Name all the ways in which the team interacted (face to face, through the Blackboard forum, Skype, Google, Facebook, e-mail, etc.)
Date of the meeting: When we met or interacted? (If you met more than once, indicate the different dates).

2. Attendance and participation:

List of participants: Who participated in the meetings and interaction?
Absences: Who did not participate in the meetings and interaction?

3. Interaction:

Provide a brief summary of the on-going interaction amongst you and your teammates (how it began, the time it began at and the time it ended). If you interacted various times and through several media, explain how you interacted through each of them.
Briefly describe the main ideas that were discussed regarding the required points of the project. 4. Terms:

Define the terms reached during the meeting, such as:
Work Strategy: o How will you prepare the report? Who will start it? Who will deliver it? o How will you make sure that everyone sees the final draft of the report before delivering it? o How will you make sure that all the team members comply with the requirements of the stage (according to the evaluation criteria)? o How will you assign the tasks and when is each team member required to send his/her information? Interaction evidence: Add any Skype, Whatsapp, etc conversations or e-mails as evidence. If

you use the forum for interaction, there is no need for copy-pasting any conversations or e-mails. Interaction will be evaluated on the forum.

The Team´s Log Template is an overview of your meetings and team interaction; each student is responsible for keeping their own evidence (conversations, print screens, e-mails, etc.) for further clarifications of your interaction with your team.
DO NOT copy the same Team’s log over different cases.

D.R. © Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey


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