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Student Suicide In College

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As awareness for suicide among college aged students rose, this research paper aimed to find the truth behind the matter. Collecting from many sources, he found varying views. Some proved that suicide is more likely when comparing the population as a whole to a single campus. Other times, the researchers believe that campuses skew their numbers by not reporting suicides of students off campus. However, one point seems to be more supported than the rest and this is that young adults who drop out of college are much more likely to commit suicide than those in college. Even though there is no clear evidence whether more suicides are being attempted or completed at colleges, it is know that the number of students enrolling in college with some form of psychiatric problems like depression and anxiety is on the rise, which can lead to higher suicide rates.
Silverman, M. M., MD, Meyer, P. M., Sloane, F., Madeleine, M., & Pratt, D. M. (1997). The big ten student suicide study: A 10-year study of suicides on …show more content…
S., Button, C., Haley, J. T., Kettmann, J. J., Macconnell, J., Sandil, R., & Tallman, B. (2006). College student suicide: A call to action. Taylor & Francis Group.
This research article addresses the current issues associated with suicide among college students as well as giving solutions to resolve them. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of these issues and explains the signs to look for among peers. Then it continues on to provide prevention techniques that should be implemented in schools and the legal issues dealing with this topic. The article, filled with collected statistics, ends with a call to action to all colleges across the nation.

Garlow, S. J., Jill Rosenberg, J., Moore, D., Haas, A. P., Koestner, B., Herbert Hendin, H., & Nemeroff, C. B. (2008). Depression, desperation, and suicidal ideation in college students: Results from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention college screening project at Emory University. Wiley-Liss,

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