...Teen Rebellion- Violence on College Campuses In every generation, there have been many advances in technology, culture, and the ways people perceive social issues. Teenage rebellion seems to have never outgrown itself. Generation after generation teens seem to go through stages of violence, ultimately leading into or starting in college. Teen rebellion is a problem that has been around ever since teenagers have and continues to be a concern to this day. The freedom that college provides is a perk of growing up but should be taken responsibly as a young adult. Parents, students, and university staff are all concerned about violence on college campuses. The mentality of average teens is everything will be handed to me and that no work needs to be put in. Teens are considered lazy, unmotivated, self-involved, messy, smelly, and a plethora of other self-esteem killing adjectives. Usually teens are content with complacency, Teenagers themselves recognize these low expectations, and many live down to them. Realistically with more freedom comes more responsibility. In college there is no time to mess around; necessities like decent grades, a job, a license, and a car seem to be unwanted. Dating, booze, and going out, have replaced these necessities. Most people today have low expectations for teens in college. Recently, at the University of Central Florida there was a sexual assault investigation after a call for help was made by a girl on campus. In the parking B garage, the...
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...Academics & Mental Health The initial research topic was to focus on the mainstream media representation of model minority myth within the Asian American Community, but the broad scope and definition creates a challenge of conveying a personalize message through digital photography. The revised topic illustrates the mental stress and problems created from the model minority myth and cultural tensions. “[The Model Minority Myth] theory offered a promise of equality that could be achieved, not through political organization and community empowerment, but only through individual effort, cultural assimilation, and political accommodation.” (Robert Lee 268) The stereotypes characteristics of a hardworking immigrants, obedient members of society,...
Words: 1344 - Pages: 6
...The purpose of this study is to explore associations between heavy college drinking and common health behaviors such as exercise, dieting, and sleep patterns. Binge drinking on college campuses is a common issue across the country that can unfortunately lead young adults on progressively damaging and expensive trajectories. The main focus surrounding binge drinking and college students has always been heavily focused on the more high-risk short-term consequences (e.g., physical/sexual assault, unintentional injury, motor vehicle collisions, ETC). Although these are severe community health issues, patterns in excessive college drinking may also portray information about lifestyle factors (e.g., exercise, diet, sleep), both present and future....
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...Mid-Term case study Tet on reporting suicide. This advice came from 50 international studies on suicide and contagion. The framework of these tips enables reflection on the propriety of Split Image. The Dart Center prohibits the use of photos that show the suicide’s location, grieving family and friends, and memorials of the deceased. Many of Split Image’s most poignant moments came from its use of photos. Split Image included photos Madison posted of herself celebrating life with family and friends. A photo of the square in front of the parking garage where Madison jumped from was also included. Most of the photos Fagan included are the ones that comprise Madison’s memorial page. Fagan’s premise focused on the pervasiveness of misleading social media, which made using Madison’s photos essential. Fagan is successful in delivering her point, but in the meantime she advances photos that glorify suicide and give credence to morbid curiosity. Language is meaningful when discussing suicide. The Dart Center stresses the detriments of depicting suicide as occurring without warning. Split Image describes Madison’s life up until her last few months as seemingly...
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...The US has more people in prison than any other country in the world. With long prison sentences and high recidivism rates, the US has earned the position of having more people incarcerated than any other country in the world. The 2010 census determined there were 2.3 million people in jail, which equates to 707 people incarcerated for every 100,000 residents. There are currently more Jails in the US than there are degree granting colleges or universities, and in many parts of the country more people living in prison than on campuses. The US also has the highest recidivism rates in the world. In a study done by The Bureau of Justice Statistics that tracked 404,638 prisoners in 30 states after their release from prison in 2005, “researchers...
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...with the help of different organizations (DepEd, CHED, TESDA and DOST) implemented and founded by the government. The government pays attention and gives support in education matters for the reason that they believed it will help the country in the near future, to be more competitive and to level with other countries by producing and molding professionals. But despite of the support given by the government, schools and parents it is still in the hand of the students if they will succeed on their chosen field. Many students failed to graduate because of many disturbances and afraid to ask questions during their class. Or simply they are not interested at all to study. We are all aware that Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) course in the Philippines is very in demand right now, that’s why many Universities and Colleges offering this course and the Baliuag University is one of them. As years go by, the number of enrollees taking up Bachelor of Hospitality Management is continuously increasing. This shows that many students are giving interest in the course and because of that, the course is now being recognized as one of the top courses to be taken not only in Baliuag University but in the Philippines. Many incoming students favor to choose Hotel and Restaurant Management course because many of them think that this course is easy and some are just go with the trend or latest course without thinking if this will really fits with their interest and in general, the whole course...
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...school shootings as state crimes of omission,” Laura Finley claims, the most misunderstood cause regarding mass shootings is that federal gun laws are ill-suited to prevent school shootings (Finley). Meaning many flaws in gun control have been around for years. Yet, Congress has not stepped in to resolve the issue. Researchers argue that the United States is responsible for protecting students in school, but the use of gun control has made this responsibility difficult. The US News and World report argues that “there have been fourteen mass shootings on school grounds since the 1999 attack at Columbine High School. These incidents have left 169 dead, using a definition that excludes the shooter and includes mass shootings on college campuses” (Associated Press 2022). Evidence has shown that more than 85% of school shooters have access to their guns from their home, friends, or relatives. Gun control is a major problem when it comes to mass shootings. Especially because 70% of shooters are under the age of eighteen and do not have legal access to firearms (Cox et al., 2022). This proves that mass shootings happen due to the misuse of gun control in the United...
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...well as Northern America, United States (Conrad). Internet addiction has become a serious problem that is progressively modifying the brain structure and function for persons addicted. Like other forms of addiction, the Internet addiction results from the excessive usage of the computer and other internet enabled technological devices which causes increased dependency. Psychological issues and Mental disorders generally tend to lead individuals towards various forms of addictions and exacerbates their illness; this can happen in the reverse chronological order as well. College students are more likely to be disposed towards Internet Addiction because of their developing minds at that stage and the increasing role the Internet plays in the academic world. Scientists are currently researching for more and more efficient treatments for this Internet Addiction Disorder or IAD, but hey must initially be able to correct the root of the issue before they work on relieving the symptoms. The central victims of this ‘epidemic’ of addiction to the internet are the college students. In colleges, there is easy availability to computers, students have a lot of independence, and they can utilize the time they have as they please. Therefore statistics reveal that Internet addiction is the least levels among...
Words: 1999 - Pages: 8
...Edward Lewis Ms. Hollinger English 115-02 21 April 2015 Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana should be legalized within the United States. Marijuana has become more accepted in today's society. Celebrities are becoming more open about their use of marijuana, and some college campuses have changed their punishment for possession to merely $100 fine. Marijuana should be legalized because it does not cause a threat to society. Marijuana has also been prescribed to help children with epilepsy and seizures. Marijuana also known as cannabis has been used to treat eight medical conditions: cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, muscle spasms, seizures, severe pain, severe nausea, cachexia, or extreme weight loss and muscle atrophy. The most recent impacting story that involved cannabis was seen on CNN. A little girl named Charlotte has been suffering from seizures from the age of three months old. Her seizures would last up to three hours on a bad day, and she was constantly hospitalized. Her father who was in the military took a leave of absence because Charlotte was constantly in the ICU. Charlotte struggled with her seizures despite all of the physicians medications and diet plans. It wasn't until her parents found a doctor that would prescribe cannabis as an alternative for all of her other medications that were not effective. Charlotte had one seizure less than an hour after ingesting the cannabis in a capsule. After the seizure was over she did not have another one which proved to her...
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...Abstract The main purpose of this extended project dissertation is as following: to explore the causes of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, in particular the biological, psychological and societal causes. Eating disorders are becoming increasingly common in today’s society and the causes of theses disorders are not completely known. This essay explores the symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, the risks and consequences of suffering from such disorders. The essay also concentrates upon how eating disorders are gradually affecting more and more men and children – something that was not often seen before. The main focus of this project is to discover whether the causes of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa stem from pre-dispositions which are linked with the body and mind or rather stemmed from society. The main biological reasons which the essay focuses on are; damaged hypothalamuses and genetic hereditariness. The main environmental causes of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa that I have studied are media influences and undesirable conditions for raising children. In writing this project I believe that I have developed valuable skills that I will need in my subjects which include; being able to extract key information from large pieces of text, researching, speedy note taking and the ability to weigh up two sides of an argument fairly and without bias. I am also aware that the skills I am developing while writing this dissertation...
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...limitations of the study, significance of the study, and definition of terms. INTRODUCTION Health has been defined by the World Health Organization (1999) as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. An additional description says that “health is defined by what does not constitute health, namely disease” (Risse, 1999). Disease, on the other hand, has been defined as a “biological abnormality” or distress and disability that are based on abnormal processes and structural alterations of the human organism. These definitions represent what medical anthropologists call as ethic definitions or “behavioral phenomena considered in isolation from a particular system or in relation to predetermined general concepts” (Mish, 1990). Predetermined general concepts may be most applicable to people who are not in the medical field and may have different perceptions about health and how to sustain healthiness and well-being. Less exposure in the “real medical field” and lack of proper health education may result for them to have different ways on how to cope up with health or on the other side is to have no way to handle it due to lack of knowledge, skills, capabilities, and attitude towards the health problem. Others consider on the “healing powers” of some herbal medicines, chemically-prepared medicines, superstitious beliefs, and some with what-they-call “quack doctors”. Studies of health practices...
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...Psychology 380: Abnormal Psychology University of Massachusetts – Spring 2014 Tuesdays/Thursdays 11:15am to 12:30pm (Mahar 108) Professor: Christopher E. Overtree, Ph.D. Office: Psychological Services Center, Tobin Hall Suite 123 (first floor) Office Hours*: By appointment. Email: umass.psych380@gmail.com *The best way to contact me is during class, office hours or by email. *All emails with general questions or concerns about the course should be sent to umass.psych380@gmail.com. These emails will be forwarded to the appropriate teaching assistant or professor depending on the nature of the question. TA’s individual contact information is below. Graduate Teaching Assistants Tessa Lundquist, M.S. Office: 642 Tobin Hall Hours: Thursday 10-11am, and by appointment Email: tlundqiust@psych.umass.edu Undergraduate Teaching Assistants Jacob Dustin Office: TBA Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 1:00-2:00 Email: jdustin@umass.edu Sarah Boari Office: TBA Hours: Tuesday 9:00-11:00 Email: sboari@umass.edu Ashley Cipotelli Office: TBA Hours: Monday 2:00-4:00 Email: acipolle@umass.edu Mariah Levine Office: TBA Hours: Monday 11:30-1:30 Email: mrlevine@umass.edu Emily Benson Office: TBA Hours: Wednesday 1:00-3:00 Email: benson@umass.edu Whitney Carpenter Office: TBA Hours: Wednesday 4:00-6:00 Email: wcarpent@umass.edu Catherine LaPlant Office: TBA Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 2:30-3:30 Email: claplant@umass.edu All Undergraduate TA’s are available by appointment as well - just send us an email! Rebecca...
Words: 2075 - Pages: 9
...does not only affect the adults. According to Sociological theory, alcoholism is a learned response. This often happens at a young age. A child may see things around them or on TV of people drinking and they tend to believe that is the right thing to do. This addiction is primarily believed to be because of society's influences. This often will affect persons who mostly drink in groups. This theory is based more on the peer pressure a person might receive, so they often turn to alcohol drinking problems during college years. Moreover, it has become a public health concern because of its effect on the future of a child. The goal of the current study is to assess the primary psychosocial factors that predict problem drinking among college students. Variables examined included demographic variables, personality, drinking history, alcohol expectancies, drinking motives, stress and coping, activity involvement, and peer and family influence. Evidence from studies of college drinking indicated that the variables associated with...
Words: 8613 - Pages: 35
...Executive Summary: This study examined the types of drugs students in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet abuse. The participants were 10 university students drawn from different departments of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet for case study. Case study method with purposive sampling and qualitative approach has been used to conduct the study.The intent of this study was to investigate the reasons that influence to drug abuse among the university students in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. The analyses yielded the following results: students in the university abuse drugs such as tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, syrup, slipping tablet, Yabba, heroin so on.Students use drugs mostly everyday most of the narcotics.Students use drugs to feel good, to keep awakeand to sleep. This study found that most of the addicted students do not suffer for taking drugs. Taking drugs do not bring negative impact on their study; students have no psychological or physiological illness becauseof drugs. Based on these findings, the study recommends police and customs control, family support, friends’ supports, prohibition of drug use, compulsory treatment of drug addicts as primary solution to reduce the rate of drug addiction.The study also recommends among others the need to organize awareness programmes in our campus to educate students that drugs can alter brain circuitry, which will affect their learning; and the university authorities...
Words: 6803 - Pages: 28
...Learning Objectives | | | After reading this chapter, you should be able to: * Define entrepreneurship and small business. * Investigate the importance of small business in the U.S. economy and why certain fields attract small business. * Specify the advantages of small-business ownership. * Summarize the disadvantages of small-business ownership and analyze why many small businesses fail. * Describe how you go about starting a small business and what resources are needed. * Evaluate the demographic, technological, and economic trends that are impacting the future of small business. * Explain why many large businesses are trying to "think small." * Assess two entrepreneurs' plans for starting a small business. | INTRODUCTION There are more than 17 million small businesses operating in the United States today, each representing the vision of their entrepreneurial owners to succeed by providing new or better products. THE NATURE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS An entrepreneur is a person who risks his or her wealth, time, and effort to develop for profit an innovative product or way of doing something. Entrepreneurship is the process of creating and managing a business to achieve desired objectives. Pushed by technological advances and alliances with other businesses, the entrepreneurship movement is accelerating with many new, smaller businesses emerging. Defining a small business is difficult because smallness is relative. Your...
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