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Theoretical Perspective

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The theories of psychology can be observed throughout every aspect of daily life, in everything that we do. Whether in the classroom or a social gather, different concepts and ideas can be applied to human behavior. As a student of psychology, it would be difficult to complete a degree without considering which of these theories align with your personal worldview. Thus, this paper will reflect my journey through the program, as well as my personal philosophy towards the field of psychology, specifically to the theory of humanism. The application of this theory to my future career and goals, professional and personal, will also be discussed.
Theoretical Perspective

Humanists believe that humans are inherently good by nature and have the free will to make choices that shape the person you become. According to humanists, genetics and unconscious forces do not shape a person. Rather, a person’s choices and actions …show more content…
Humanistic ideals place a focus on the students’ view of self and how that affects their ability to accomplish tasks. This will be imperative knowledge when working in higher education, especially in the realm of academics. Pajares and Schunk (2002) stated that special attention should be placed on a student’s self-belief in education programs and educators should be encouraged to assess confidence in evaluations. Teachers should compare students’ self-beliefs to their actual level of competence. Furthermore, they postulate that there is research that shows that student achievement is influenced by the beliefs they hold about themselves. According to their research, a student’s self-efficacy can influence their choices. Therefore, students will only engage in task they feel they can accomplish. It will be my responsibility to help professors foster an environment that encourages student self-efficacy and confidence to

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