...lessons. Although he detested the lessons, and later on decide not to continue with them, he would later on find an appreciation and great comfort in Mozart’s violin sonatas. At the early age of five, Albert was fascinated by complex scientific and mathematical concepts at a very early age. Hermann Einstein shows his son a pocket compass, and Einstein with his sense of wonder, and curiosity realizes that something in “empty” space controlled the needle; he later on describes the experience as a revelation of his life. Albert Einsteins hobbies was to build models and mechanical devices for his amusement although he showed mathematical intelligence early on, Albert’s parents thought he suffered from a slow learning disability, perhaps from dyslexia, or possibly shyness, or Asperser’s syndrome. Six weeks later the Einsteins moved to Munich, and later on moved to Milan, Italy, they made the decision of leaving Albert behind to attend his high school in Munich (Belanger, 2006). Albert Einstein was not smart in...
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...School of Health and Education Secondary PGCE Programme Handbook 2015-16 Student Name: Programme Leader: Eddie Ellis PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Information in alternative formats This handbook can be found online at: https://myunihub.mdx.ac.uk/web/homecommunity/mystudy If you have a disability which makes navigating the website difficult and you would like to receive information in an alternative format, please contact http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/support/disability/i ndex.aspx Sections from this publication can be supplied as: • a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stick • printed copy with enlarged type • printed copy on non-white paper • as Braille Other formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability. PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Purpose and status of your student programme handbook The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information about your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University, the majority of which is available on UniHub. The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production however you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner. Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing...
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...TEEN PREGNANCY By: Taylon Lamkin Introduction What is teen pregnancy? Teen pregnancy is defined as a teenaged or underage girl becoming pregnant. When does teen pregnancy occur? The average age of teens becoming pregnant is 13-19. Where does teen pregnancy happen? Teen pregnancy is more likely to occur among populations of non-white females, low income families, single parent households, and households struggling with substance abuse or financial resources. How does teen pregnancy happen? Well there are many reasons how teen pregnancy happen, for one unprotected sex is the big occurrence in this topic. Another one is rape, rape takes a big portion of pregnant teens, lastly some just want to have kids, which is low and unlikely but there are a few. Who causes teen pregnancy? Irresponsible teenagers are the cause of teen pregnancy, and also parents that don’t teach their children at a younger age about sex. Teen pregnancy is a serious problem in our country. It actually has gone down since 2011, so I would say it is getting a lot better than it was. There appears to be a lack of support. Teen mothers don't know their options. I feel that many teens today are unaware of the dangers of unprotected sex. To bring another life into this world without proper care and attention is to no one's advantage. The intention of this website is to inform people that are pregnant of the options available and to help them make the right decision when it comes to teen pregnancy. ...
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...made in an organisationWe have to see two main factors that can affect between the employees’ relationEthical issue in the firm- employee relation ‘‘interpersonal deviance’’ is a behavior displayed between individuals in the workplace and involves behaviors such as: belittling others, playing pranks on others, acting rudely, arguing, and physical aggression (Henle et al., 2005).Employees are, in principles, managed by the human resources department- a term which already indicates a first problem from an ethical perspective. As it is, the term human resource management and its implications have been a subject of some debate in business ethics ( Hart 1993; Torrington 1993; Barrett 1999; GreenWood 2002 ). If we recall Kantian theory, the second maxim requires us to treat humanity ‘always as an end and never as a means only’. Human begins within the firm are, of course, a means to an end as they are employed to perform certain function. However from an ethical perspective, they should not be treated as ‘mean only’ and it is this restriction that makes all the difference in terms of business ethics. When looking at the gap between the rhetoric of HRM policies and the reality the distinctions becomes fairly visible.Human beings deserve respect, and on the other side of the coin, are entitled to certain basic rights. It is therefore no surprise that...
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...In this chapter you will explore Confessions of a COLLEGE STUDENT... ‘‘ ’’ ever thought about how you learn? People learn differently. This is hardly a novel idea, but if you are to do well in college, it is important that you become aware of your preferred way, or style, of learning. Experts agree that there is no one best way to learn. Maybe you have trouble paying attention to a long lecture, or maybe listening is the way you learn best. You might love classroom discussion, or you might consider hearing what other students have to say in class a big waste of time. Perhaps you have not thought about how college instructors, and even particular courses, have their own inherent styles, which can be different from your preferred style of learning. Many instructors rely almost solely on lecturing; others use lots of visual aids, such as PowerPoint outlines, charts, graphs, and pictures. In science courses, you will conduct experiments or go on field trips where you can observe or touch what you are studying. In dance, theater, or physical education courses, learning takes place in both your body and your mind. And in almost all courses, you’ll learn by reading both textbooks and other materials. Some instructors are friendly and warm; others seem to want little interaction with students. It’s safe to say that in at least some of your college courses, you won’t find a close match between the way you learn most effectively and the way you’re being taught. This...
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...MENTORSHIP IN HEALTH CARE SETTINGS Section 2: Role of the Mentor Critically analyse the role of a mentor, refer to the different aspects of the role and link analysis to specific requirements and standards for mentorship for your profession. Forefront Several definitions of the role of a mentor have evolved over the years, for a variety of professions (Gopee, 2011) as too have the requirements for mentors within the health profession. The current definition from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2008a) states that “A mentor is a registrant who has met the outcomes (of a mentor preparation course) and who facilitates learning, supervises and assesses students in a practice setting” (NMC, 2008a). The role of a clinical nurse mentor is described as someone who supervises, teaches and assesses student nurses in a practice setting (Jokelainen et al, 2011, Ousey, 2009), although the role is more complex in that a clinical nurse mentor needs to process the ability to select and support learning opportunities, they have a responsibility to manage diversity and equality, be accountable and ensure standards are maintained (NMC, 2008a). This is supported by Jokelainen et al (2011) who describes mentoring as being complex due to contextual, collegial, pedagogical and clinical teaching. Student nurses are supernumerary in the practice placement, meaning they are there as learners even though they must make an active contribution to the work of the practice area (RCN, 2007). Their...
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...bilingualism in their cognitive development and help to progress their mental health. This paper will examine Jean Paget’s and Lev Vygotsky’s Theories of Cognitive Development, and B.F. Skinner’s and Noam Chomsky’s Language Development Theories, describing relevant terminology, and addressing how the theory assists in the understanding of issues involved in the selected topic. Identify and describe at least two domains of human development (physical, biological emotional, cognitive, and/or social) and how they are impacted by the topic does bilingualism improve brain functioning. Identify and describe the stages of development that are affected by the topic does bilingualism improve brain functioning. Describe the cultural and historical perspectives of the chosen topic, demonstrating an understanding of how the topic has been perceived over time and by other cultures. Cognitive development is a comprehensive theory about the nature and development of human intelligence (wikipedia.com, 2014). When bilingualism is defined in the first way, as the characteristic of an individual who possesses two linguistic systems - we call it cognitive bilingualism (Hukuta and others, 1978). Bilingualism defined in the second way, as a characteristic of the social condition and affect of the individual - we call it social psychological bilingualism - tends toward social psychological accounts of the packaging of value systems within an individual (Hukuta and others, 1987). Jean Piaget is credited...
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...or other barriers. Five steps will be proposed to reach one final goal: creating a higher education community that is based on fairness and quality. Definitions Widening access: An umbrella term for the efforts of higher education institutions, governments and others to increase the participation in higher education, especially for underrepresented groups. This includes internal and curricular reform, affirmative action, promoting, the use of qualifications frameworks, etc. Equity of access: The ultimate goal of attempts to widen access or to utilize affirmative action tools. Equity of access represents the idea that all have a right to higher education, and that all barriers (whether formal or informal, visible or invisible, theoretical or practical, legal or local) must be progressively eliminated. Affirmative action: Official policies that attempt to achieve a more equitable representation of underrepresented groups; in the case of higher education, typically through amendments to admissions practices, scholarships, and in relation to employment decisions to counter discrimination against those groups. Step 1: Filling the...
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...GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY (SOC SCI 101) 5 JOURNALS OF PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY | > the science seeking to describe, understand, and predict the behavior and mental processes of organisms. > the goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior. ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY * Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought, which may or may not be understood as precipitating a mental disorder. * Although many behaviors could be considered as abnormal, this branch of psychology generally deals with behavior in a clinical context. * There is a long history of attempts to understand and control behavior deemed to be aberrant or deviant (statistically, morally or in some other sense), and there is often cultural variation in the approach taken. * The field of abnormal psychology identifies multiple causes for different conditions, employing diverse theories from the general field of psychology and elsewhere, and much still hinges on what exactly is meant by "abnormal". * There has traditionally been a divide between psychological and biological explanations, reflecting a philosophical dualism in regards to the mind body problem. * There have also been different approaches in trying to classify mental disorders. * Abnormal includes three different categories, they are: * subnormal * supernormal * paranormal * The science...
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...Harvard Referencing © Learning Services, Edge Hill University, 2010 Inclusive Provision It is Edge Hill’s aim to make our services and provision accessible to all users. If you need us to present our training/resources/information in a different format (e.g. electronic copy, large print), or need any other modifications, please contact Inclusive Services: University Library, 1st floor, or Student Information Centre (SIC) ground floor, Ormskirk Tel: 01695 584372 / 584190 E-mail: inclusiveservices@edgehill.ac.uk We will do our best to accommodate your requirements. 2 Contents Section 1: General Questions Harvard Referencing Citing Bibliography Reference list Bibliographic details More than one book by the same author in the bibliography More than one report from the same author, written in one year Appendix Plagiarism Avoiding plagiarism Quoting Referencing a long quote Quoting parts from a long paragraph Paraphrasing Ibid Op.cit. Et al. Edition Author who cites another author (secondary citation) Summarising several authors Bibliographic management tools Page 5 5 5-6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7-8 8 9 9-10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13-14 14 14 14-15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 3 Section 2: Hard copy texts: books, journals, reports, etc. Conventions for titles Book with one author Book with two authors Book with three or more authors Chapter in an edited book Fictitious author Book review Translated book Foreign language book Diary or book...
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...“Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” Gabin ,Pauline Palma, Keirsha Jhoanne J. Perona, Jerril A. Ramirez, Ma. Bernadette Riverside College Inc. Computer 2: Internet Research January 9, 2015 RESEARCH PAPER APPROVAL In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Computer 2 - Internet Research, this research paper entitled “Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” with the following subtitles: 1. What are the elements that provoke the child to take interest in violent media and games? 2. Does playing and watching anything remotely violent really affect a child’s behavior? 3. What is the behavioral result if the child is exposed to violent entertainment? 4. In what aspects can a child be able to stop his aggressive behavior? 5. What measures does the media industry have to do in order to put a stop to this? Has been prepared and submitted by Perona, Jerril A. Palma, Keirsha J. Gabin, Pauline C. Ramirez, Bernadette G. APPROVED BY: Mrs. Maritess Pomada January 9, 2015Coordinator, Psychology Department | Introduction “Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” It’s not a new issue – in the 1950s, psychiatrist Fredric Wertham wrote a book called “Seduction of the Innocent”, which claimed that comic books were unnecessarily exposing children to violence and causing them to become delinquent. Although Wertham’s methods...
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...EAS6211: Investing in East Asia (as 28 September 2015) Dr Harald CONRAD (Japan, Module Organizer) Dr ZHANG Zhong (China) MODULE OBJECTIVES: This module will introduce students to key theoretical issues relating to globalization, foreign direct investment and the activities of multinational corporations. The module will then consider in detail foreign direct investment, business culture, employment and human resource management, seen from the perspective of multinationals investing in Japan and China. The module will provide students with a well-rounded knowledge of the issues facing firms seeking to establish global networks and the managers within those firms charged with the task of running the overseas operations and managing workers in a different cultural context. The module will encourage students to think more deeply about the process of overseas investment and the challenges of managing and working in the global economy, thus equipping them with some of the key skills and knowledge required of managers in global firms. Dr Harald Conrad – Contact Details: 6/8 Shearwood Road, Room B-07 Ext: 28431 Email: h.conrad@sheffield.ac.uk Dr Zhang Zhong – Contact Details: 6/8 Shearwood Road, Room A-02 Ext: 28339 Email: zhong.zhang@sheffield.ac.uk The lecturers’ office hours will be posted on their office doors during Week 1 of Semester 1. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Regular attendance is required at all lectures and seminars; students should read the...
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...WORKING WITH AND LEADING People ASSIGNMENT BRIEF The aim of this unit is to develop the skills and knowledge needed for working with and leading others, through understanding the importance of recruiting the right people for the job. So what is this thing of working with others to create something new? To create something which none of us could create on our own? To create something which is often more than the sum of the parts? Surely that’s what organizations do. But somehow I do not see many advertisements for leader of function, general leader, senior leader, corporate leader, leading director, chief executive leader, shop floor leader, finance leader. I do see advertisements for head of function, general manager, senior manager, corporate executive, managing director, chief executive officer, shop floor supervisor, and finance manager. Is it purely semantics? Just words, or is there a meaning behind the words? I think that there is meaning. And I think that there is a different meaning to leader and manager. And that there is a need for different types of leadership in different types of change. This means that there are actually fewer common threads in this chapter. So unlike other chapters, this assignment will separately address the different ways of leading the four main types of change. The aim of this unit is to develop the skills and knowledge needed for working with and leading others, through understanding the importance of recruiting the right people...
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...Typically Associated with Increased Dissatisfaction and Senility Myth #10 When Dying, People Pass through a Universal Series of Psychological Stages 3 A REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST Myth #11 Human Memory Works like a Tape Recorder or Video Camera, and Accurate Events We’ve Experienced Myth #12 Hypnosis Is Useful for Retrieving Memories of Forgotten Events Myth #13 Individuals Commonly Repress the Memories of Traumatic Experiences Myth #14 Most People with Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives 4 TEACHING OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS Myth #15 Intelligence (IQ) Tests Are Biased against Certain Groups of People My th #16 If You’re Unsure of Your Answer When Taking a Test, It’s Best to Stick with Your Initial Hunch Myth #17 The Defining Feature of Dyslexia Is Reversing Letters Myth #18 Students Learn Best When Teaching Styles Are Matched to Their Learning Styles 5 ALTERED STATES Myth #19 Hypnosis Is a Unique “Trance” State that Differs in Kind from Wakefulness Myth #20 Researchers Have Demonstrated that Dreams Possess Symbolic Meaning Myth #21 People Can Learn Information, like New Languages, while Asleep Myth #22 During “Out-of-Body” Experiences, People’s Consciousness Leaves Their Bodies 6 I’VE GOT A FEELING Myth #23 The...
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...Development of the social brain during adolescence Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK Adolescence is usually defined as the period of psychological and social transition between childhood and adulthood. The beginning of adolescence, around the onset of puberty, is characterized by large hormonal and physical changes. The transition from childhood to adulthood is also characterized by psychological changes in terms of identity, self-consciousness, and cognitive flexibility. In the past decade, it has been demonstrated that various regions of the human brain undergo development during adolescence and beyond. Some of the brain regions that undergo particularly protracted development are involved in social cognitive function in adults. In the first section of this paper, I briefly describe evidence for a circumscribed network of brain regions involved in understanding other people. Next, I describe evidence that some of these brain regions undergo structural development during adolescence. Finally, I discuss recent studies that have investigated social cognitive development during adolescence. The first time Uta Frith made an impression on me was when I was 15. That year I was given a copy of her book Autism: Explaining the Enigma (U. Frith, 1989), which had recently been published. I knew nothing about autism and found Uta’s book captivating. It inspired me to write to its author and ask if I could...
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