Premium Essay

Role of the Mentor


Submitted By Micky007
Words 4445
Pages 18

Section 2: Role of the Mentor

Critically analyse the role of a mentor, refer to the different aspects of the role and link analysis to specific requirements and standards for mentorship for your profession.


Several definitions of the role of a mentor have evolved over the years, for a variety of professions (Gopee, 2011) as too have the requirements for mentors within the health profession. The current definition from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2008a) states that

“A mentor is a registrant who has met the outcomes (of a mentor preparation course) and who facilitates learning, supervises and assesses students in a practice setting” (NMC, 2008a).

The role of a clinical nurse mentor is described as someone who supervises, teaches and assesses student nurses in a practice setting (Jokelainen et al, 2011, Ousey, 2009), although the role is more complex in that a clinical nurse mentor needs to process the ability to select and support learning opportunities, they have a responsibility to manage diversity and equality, be accountable and ensure standards are maintained (NMC, 2008a). This is supported by Jokelainen et al (2011) who describes mentoring as being complex due to contextual, collegial, pedagogical and clinical teaching.

Student nurses are supernumerary in the practice placement, meaning they are there as learners even though they must make an active contribution to the work of the practice area (RCN, 2007). Their active contribution is additionally supported by Morgan (2002) who emphasises that students may feel surplus to requirements through their supernumerary status.

Standards relating to mentoring nursing students are set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008a). They include; establishing effective working relationship through placement orientation, facilitating and evaluating learning,

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