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Sarah Lucas's Kruggle With Depression

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condoms, blood-stained, underwear, empty bottles and slippers on the floor, related to her struggle with depression. The famous piece “Everyone I Have Ever Slept with 1963-1965”, shows in its inside 102 people’s names, including friends, family, lovers, drinking partners, and two numbered foetuses. The artists does not mind to reveal the intimate details of her life, covering themes such as violence, sex, motherhood, abortion, sexuality, alcohol addiction, through sometimes humorous but tragic elements.

Sarah Lucas, who temporarily shared a work place with Tracey Emin, also focused most of her provocative artwork on sexual stereotypes, namely by using furniture as a substitute for the human body, but also attacking the sexual stereotyping in the media by displaying pages of “gossip” newspapers. But, being heterosexual, she also created a series of self-portraits, where she explored her obsession with cigarettes, as a material for art, as an instrument to reflect her gender trouble and sexual …show more content…
In conceptual art, concepts and ideas, are more important than aesthetics or the materials used. Jenny Holzer is mostly known for her large scale public display and the main focus of her work is the use of words and ideas presented in public spaces, through billboard advertisements, projections on buildings, street posters, illuminated (LED), electronic displays, etc… For a period, she wrote herself the texts, but since 1993, she used texts written by others. Some by great authors, and others even, with a strong political context, such as parts of un-classified US Army documents from the war in Iraq (excerpts of the minutes of interrogations of American soldiers who had committed human rights’ violations and war crimes in Abu Ghraib). She speaks about violence, oppression, sexuality, feminism, power, war and

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